Relating neural processing of reward and loss prospect to risky decision-making in individuals with and without gambling disorder
Balodis I, Linnet J, Arshad F, Worhunsky P, Stevens M, Pearlson G, Potenza M. Relating neural processing of reward and loss prospect to risky decision-making in individuals with and without gambling disorder. 2021, 97-113. DOI: 10.4324/9781003140450-7.ChaptersMonetary incentive delay taskIowa Gambling TaskIncentive delay taskGambling disorderAnticipatory processingIGT scoresIGT performanceDelay taskIowa Gambling Task performanceProspect of rewardDecision-making impairmentsGambling Task performanceVentromedial prefrontal cortexDecision-making taskWhole-brain correlationFronto-striatal activityHC groupVentral striatum/Healthy control participantsTotal IGT scoreAnterior cingulate regionsGambling TaskNeural processesNeural processingTask performance
Hoarding disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorder show different patterns of neural activity during response inhibition
Tolin DF, Witt ST, Stevens MC. Hoarding disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorder show different patterns of neural activity during response inhibition. Psychiatry Research 2013, 221: 142-148. PMID: 24389161, PMCID: PMC3946244, DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2013.11.009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsObsessive-compulsive disorderGo/NoGo taskFunctional magnetic resonance imagingOCD patientsHD patientsResponse inhibitionNoGo taskHealthy controlsGo/NoGo task performanceDistinct neural underpinningsRight orbitofrontal gyrusErrors of commissionNeural underpinningsOrbitofrontal activationTask performanceCorrect rejectsMagnetic resonance imagingHemodynamic activityFrontal hypoactivityNeural activityOrbitofrontal gyrusBehavioral dataHemodynamic responsePatientsPreliminary evidenceProlonged hemodynamic response during incidental facial emotion processing in inter-episode bipolar I disorder
Rosenfeld ES, Pearlson GD, Sweeney JA, Tamminga CA, Keshavan MS, Nonterah C, Stevens MC. Prolonged hemodynamic response during incidental facial emotion processing in inter-episode bipolar I disorder. Brain Imaging And Behavior 2013, 8: 73-86. PMID: 23975275, PMCID: PMC3944373, DOI: 10.1007/s11682-013-9246-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFMRI studyDorsolateral prefrontal cortex responsesAutomatic emotion regulationAffectively salient stimuliFacial emotion processingGender discrimination taskBrain regionsRemitted bipolar disorderPrefrontal cortex responsesResidual mood symptomsPrefrontal cortex regionsDiagnostic group differencesVentromedial prefrontal cortex regionsCortex brain regionsAngry expressionsEmotion regulationEmotion processingEmotional processingBrain activationTask performanceHemodynamic responseEmotional reactionsBipolar disorderBipolar IPrefrontal cortex
Pharmacotherapy impacts functional connectivity among affective circuits during response inhibition in pediatric mania
Pavuluri MN, Ellis JA, Wegbreit E, Passarotti AM, Stevens MC. Pharmacotherapy impacts functional connectivity among affective circuits during response inhibition in pediatric mania. Behavioural Brain Research 2011, 226: 493-503. PMID: 22004983, PMCID: PMC3253527, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.10.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPediatric bipolar disorderAffective circuitsFunctional connectivityResponse inhibitionFMRI taskEmotional influencesAmygdala activityBehavioral inhibitionTask performanceTrait deficitAmygdala connectivityNeural operationsPediatric maniaNormative comparisonsSubgenual ACCFMRI trialAnti-epileptic medicationsMotor responseGreater engagementDifferential influenceStop signalBehavioral differencesCurrent studyDivalproex groupRisperidone groupAn Initial Study of Neural Responses to Monetary Incentives as Related to Treatment Outcome in Cocaine Dependence
Jia Z, Worhunsky PD, Carroll KM, Rounsaville BJ, Stevens MC, Pearlson GD, Potenza MN. An Initial Study of Neural Responses to Monetary Incentives as Related to Treatment Outcome in Cocaine Dependence. Biological Psychiatry 2011, 70: 553-560. PMID: 21704307, PMCID: PMC3162064, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2011.05.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRight ventral striatumVentral striatumCocaine dependenceRight insulaMonetary incentive delay taskRight caudateReward-based decisionIncentive delay taskTreatment retentionFunctional magnetic resonanceCD participantsMedial frontal gyrusRight thalamusUrine toxicologyTreatment outcomesReward anticipationReward processingDelay taskTask performanceFrontal gyrusGreater activationNeural responsesRewarding outcomesRight subcallosal gyrusMonetary rewards
Decreased prefrontal cortex activity in mild traumatic brain injury during performance of an auditory oddball task
Witt ST, Lovejoy DW, Pearlson GD, Stevens MC. Decreased prefrontal cortex activity in mild traumatic brain injury during performance of an auditory oddball task. Brain Imaging And Behavior 2010, 4: 232-247. PMID: 20703959, DOI: 10.1007/s11682-010-9102-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMild TBI patientsMild traumatic brain injuryTraumatic brain injuryBrain activityRight dorsolateral prefrontal cortexActive information maintenanceCompensatory brain activityDefault mode network dysfunctionPrefrontal cortex activityAuditory oddball taskDorsolateral prefrontal cortexTBI patientsPersistent cognitive deficitsBrain injurySimilar topographical patternEffortful formsExecutive tasksExecutive abilitiesOddball taskTask performanceMental effortNovel stimuliStimulus detectionCortex activityPrefrontal cortex
Hippocampus Function Predicts Severity of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Astur RS, St. Germain SA, Tolin D, Ford J, Russell D, Stevens M. Hippocampus Function Predicts Severity of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Cyberpsychology Behavior And Social Networking 2006, 9: 234-240. PMID: 16640486, DOI: 10.1089/cpb.2006.9.234.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-traumatic stress disorderVirtual Morris water taskFunctional magnetic resonance imagingMorris water taskPTSD severityStress disorderHippocampal activityWater taskSevere PTSD symptomsHippocampal-dependent tasksPTSD symptomsTask performanceMemory problemsHippocampal functionBrain structuresTaskAbnormal brain structureHippocampus functionAge-matched controlsMagnetic resonance imagingIQDisordersHippocampusTraumaResonance imaging
The hemodynamics of oddball processing during single-tone and two-tone target detection tasks
Stevens MC, Laurens KR, Liddle PF, Kiehl KA. The hemodynamics of oddball processing during single-tone and two-tone target detection tasks. International Journal Of Psychophysiology 2005, 60: 292-303. PMID: 16213043, PMCID: PMC2766532, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2005.07.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsContextual manipulationsStimulus processingOddball taskTwo-tone auditory oddball taskEvent-related potential studySalient stimuli processingTarget stimulus processingBilateral temporal cortexTarget detection taskAuditory oddball taskLateral frontal cortexERP componentsReflexive processingSalient stimuliStimulus typeERP dataTask performanceFMRI studyStimulus classesDetection taskNeurocognitive functionSubcortical networksNeural systemsPotential studiesTemporal cortexAn adaptive reflexive processing model of neurocognitive function: supporting evidence from a large scale (n = 100) fMRI study of an auditory oddball task
Kiehl KA, Stevens MC, Laurens KR, Pearlson G, Calhoun VD, Liddle PF. An adaptive reflexive processing model of neurocognitive function: supporting evidence from a large scale (n = 100) fMRI study of an auditory oddball task. NeuroImage 2005, 25: 899-915. PMID: 15808990, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.12.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAge FactorsArousalAttentionBrainBrain MappingDominance, CerebralEvent-Related Potentials, P300FemaleHemodynamicsHumansImage Processing, Computer-AssistedMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleMiddle AgedNerve NetOxygenPitch DiscriminationReaction TimeReflexSex FactorsStatistics as TopicConceptsTask performanceNovel stimuliTask-relevant target stimuliProcessing of salientBrain regionsSuccessful task performanceAuditory oddball taskFunctional MRI studyNovelty processingReflexive processingSalient stimuliTarget stimuliOddball taskFMRI studyRandom effects statistical modelSubcortical systemsProcessing modelEffect of genderNeurocognitive functionInter-subject reliabilityEffects statistical modelStimuliSignificant activationFixed-effects analysisTarget detection