Marc David Normandin, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiology and Biomedical ImagingCards
Integration of a continuously varying image-space PSF for a dual-panel ultra-high TOF-PET scanner
Chemli Y, Marin T, Orehar M, Dolenec R, Normandin M, Gascón D, Gola A, Grogg K, Pavón G, Razdevsek G, Pestotnik R, Fakhri G. Integration of a continuously varying image-space PSF for a dual-panel ultra-high TOF-PET scanner. 2024, 00: 1-1. DOI: 10.1109/nss/mic/rtsd57108.2024.10656225.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGaussian mixture modelGaussian process regressionPoint spread functionAccurate image reconstructionMaximum likelihood estimation maximizationShift-variant convolutionsImage reconstructionMixture modelProcess regressionEstimation maximizationTime-of-flight (TOFPanel architectureSpread functionArchitectureParameter interpolationHigh resolution time-of-flight (TOFTOF-PET scannerBrain phantomFitting processPositron emission tomography scannerSimulated point sourcesConvolutionAlgorithmEffective diagnosisSize benefitsDeciphering the effects of radiopharmaceutical therapy in the tumor microenvironment of prostate cancer: an in-silico exploration with spatial transcriptomics
Hong J, Bae S, Cavinato L, Seifert R, Ryhiner M, Rominger A, Erlandsson K, Wilks M, Normandin M, El-Fakhri G, Choi H, Shi K. Deciphering the effects of radiopharmaceutical therapy in the tumor microenvironment of prostate cancer: an in-silico exploration with spatial transcriptomics. Theranostics 2024, 14: 7122-7139. PMID: 39629134, PMCID: PMC11610134, DOI: 10.7150/thno.99516.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPET mapping of receptor occupancy using joint direct parametric reconstruction
Marin T, Belov V, Chemli Y, Ouyang J, Najmaoui Y, Fakhri G, Duvvuri S, Iredale P, Guehl N, Normandin M, Petibon Y. PET mapping of receptor occupancy using joint direct parametric reconstruction. IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 2024, PP: 1-15. PMID: 39446540, DOI: 10.1109/tbme.2024.3486191.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCentral nervous systemReceptor occupancyLow-binding regionsPET scansSimulation resultsPreclinical in vivo experimentsDynamic PET scansPairs of baselineEstimation of receptor occupancyEstimation frameworkPET neuroimagingReconstruction frameworkModulating drugsTime activity curvesParametric reconstructionDevelopment of drugsFree‐breathing 3D cardiac extracellular volume (ECV) mapping using a linear tangent space alignment (LTSA) model
Lee W, Han P, Marin T, Mounime I, Eslahi S, Djebra Y, Chi D, Bijari F, Normandin M, Fakhri G, Ma C. Free‐breathing 3D cardiac extracellular volume (ECV) mapping using a linear tangent space alignment (LTSA) model. Magnetic Resonance In Medicine 2024, 93: 536-549. PMID: 39402014, PMCID: PMC11606777, DOI: 10.1002/mrm.30284.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExtracellular volume mappingContrast agent injectionExtracellular volumeGradient echo readoutECV mapsAgent injectionWhole heartEcho readoutExtracellular volume valuesVoxel-by-voxelInversion recovery sequenceSpatial resolutionScan timeImaging timeIn vivo studiesHealthy volunteersModel-based methodsRecovery sequenceInjectionReadoutNovel multi-modal methodology to investigate placebo response in major depressive disorder
Cusin C, Dillon D, Belleau E, Normandin M, Petibon Y, El-Fakri G, Dhaynaut M, Hooker J, Kaptchuk T, McKee M, Hayden E, Meyer A, Jahan A, Origlio J, Ang Y, Brunner D, Kang M, Long Y, Fava M, Pizzagalli D. Novel multi-modal methodology to investigate placebo response in major depressive disorder. Journal Of Affective Disorders 2024, 368: 1-7. PMID: 39233242, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.226.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPlacebo responseDepressive disorderRates of placebo responseMesocorticolimbic dopaminergic pathwayExpectation of rewardAntidepressant responseMesolimbic systemReward circuitryNeurobiological underpinningsNeurobiological mechanismsDopaminergic activityDopaminergic systemPlacebo respondersSymptom reductionDopaminergic pathwaysMulti-modal methodologyPlacebo phenomenonPsychological constructsTreatment developmentMDDPlacebo-controlledClinical trialsDouble-blindRewardDesigning clinical trialsRadiosynthesis automation, non-human primate biodistribution and dosimetry of K+ channel tracer [11C]3MeO4AP
Zhou Y, Wilks M, Dhaynaut M, Guehl N, Vesper D, Moon S, Rice P, El Fakhri G, Normandin M, Brugarolas P. Radiosynthesis automation, non-human primate biodistribution and dosimetry of K+ channel tracer [11C]3MeO4AP. EJNMMI Research 2024, 14: 43. PMID: 38683467, PMCID: PMC11058135, DOI: 10.1186/s13550-024-01092-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRadiation dosimetryAverage effective doseWhole-body biodistributionTotal scan timeNon-decayEffective doseNon-human primatesSymptomatic treatment of multiple sclerosisIn vivo binding affinityBed positionTreatment of multiple sclerosisHigh-resolution CTDynamic acquisition protocolDosimetryPET dataAdult rhesus macaquesScan timeImaging demyelinationOLINDA softwareRadiationAcquisition protocolsPreclinical studiesNo significant changesHigh dosesPET imagingPET imaging of M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in rhesus macaques using [11C]MK-6884: Quantification with kinetic modeling and receptor occupancy by CVL-231 (emraclidine), a novel positive allosteric modulator
Belov V, Guehl N, Duvvuri S, Iredale P, Moon S, Dhaynaut M, Chakilam S, MacDonagh A, Rice P, Yokell D, Renger J, Fakhri G, Normandin M. PET imaging of M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in rhesus macaques using [11C]MK-6884: Quantification with kinetic modeling and receptor occupancy by CVL-231 (emraclidine), a novel positive allosteric modulator. Cerebrovascular And Brain Metabolism Reviews 2024, 44: 1329-1342. PMID: 38477292, PMCID: PMC11342722, DOI: 10.1177/0271678x241238820.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPositive allosteric modulatorsReceptor occupancyNon-human primatesBinding potentialPositron emission tomographyMuscarinic acetylcholine receptorsAllosteric modulatorsNon-human primate brainM4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptorStriatal hyperdopaminergiaAcetylcholine receptorsBrain regionsCaudate nucleusTotal volume of distributionDose-dependent blockReference regionVolume of distributionPositron emission tomography imagingEmission tomographyReceptor levelsFunction of dosePET scansClinical trialsBlood-basedRhesus macaquesAcute Stress Increases Striatal Connectivity With Cortical Regions Enriched for μ and κ Opioid Receptors
Zhukovsky P, Ironside M, Duda J, Moser A, Null K, Dhaynaut M, Normandin M, Guehl N, El Fakhri G, Alexander M, Holsen L, Misra M, Narendran R, Hoye J, Morris E, Esfand S, Goldstein J, Pizzagalli D. Acute Stress Increases Striatal Connectivity With Cortical Regions Enriched for μ and κ Opioid Receptors. Biological Psychiatry 2024, 96: 717-726. PMID: 38395372, PMCID: PMC11339240, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.02.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMajor depressive disorderFunctional connectivityEffects of stressAcute stressK-opioid receptorsStriatal connectivityEtiology of major depressive disorderCortical regionsMontreal Imaging Stress TaskEffects of acute stressGlobal FCIncreased striatal connectivityVentral attention/salience networkAllen Human Brain AtlasDefault mode networkCortical connectivityHuman Brain AtlasMDD studiesDepressive disorderFrontoparietal networkNeurobiological effectsMode networkStress taskDimensional approachMDD riskHead-to-head comparison of [18F]-Flortaucipir, [18F]-MK-6240 and [18F]-PI-2620 postmortem binding across the spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases
Aguero C, Dhaynaut M, Amaral A, Moon S, Neelamegam R, Scapellato M, Carazo-Casas C, Kumar S, El Fakhri G, Johnson K, Frosch M, Normandin M, Gómez-Isla T. Head-to-head comparison of [18F]-Flortaucipir, [18F]-MK-6240 and [18F]-PI-2620 postmortem binding across the spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases. Acta Neuropathologica 2024, 147: 25. PMID: 38280071, PMCID: PMC10822013, DOI: 10.1007/s00401-023-02672-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-AD tauopathiesTau aggregationTau PET tracersDNA-binding proteinsBinds to neurofibrillary tanglesSecond-generation tau tracersTransactive response DNA-binding proteinSpectrum of neurodegenerative diseasesNeurofibrillary tanglesTau lesionsMelanin-containing cellsTDP-43Binding signalTauopathiesBinding targetsCerebral amyloid angiopathyOff-target bindingB-amyloidBinding patternsNeurodegenerative diseasesTau tracersTauBinding to areasBinding profilesBinding
Simulation results for limited-angle ultra-high time-of-flight resolution PET system
Marin T, Zhuo Y, Orehar M, Razdevšekc G, Dolenec R, Mounime I, Alamo J, Benlloch J, Chemli Y, Fernández-Tenllado J, Gascon D, Gola A, Gomez S, Grogg K, Guberman D, Korpar S, Krizan P, Majewski S, Manera R, Mariscal-Castilla A, Mauricio J, Merzi S, Morera C, Normandin M, Pavon G, Penna M, Seljak A, Studen A, Pestotnik R, Fakhri G. Simulation results for limited-angle ultra-high time-of-flight resolution PET system. 2023, 00: 1-1. DOI: 10.1109/nssmicrtsd49126.2023.10337821.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchResolution PET systemsPET systemAxial fieldPositron emission tomography systemPositron emission tomography scannerTotal-body PET systemsLong axial fieldTOF resolutionNovel detectorNumerical phantomHigh-sensitivity systemMonte-Carlo simulationsSpatial resolutionPositron emission tomographyMonte-CarloSystem sensitivityImage resolutionImage qualityScintillationReconstruction engineFWHMResolutionTOFPhantomScanner
- March 05, 2025
PET mapping of receptor occupancy using joint direct parametric reconstruction
- October 23, 2024Source: Office for Postdoctoral Affairs
Postdoctoral Associate to Join the Yale PET Center - Yale University School of Medicine
- October 15, 2024
CMITT presentations at upcoming IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD conference
- June 01, 2012
Preventing diabetes: Yale researchers measure loss of human pancreas cells
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