Red blood cell alloimmunization and sickle cell disease: a narrative review on antibody induction
Hendrickson JE. Red blood cell alloimmunization and sickle cell disease: a narrative review on antibody induction. Annals Of Blood 2020, 5: 33-33. PMID: 33554044, PMCID: PMC7861514, DOI: 10.21037/aob-2020-scd-01.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseaseRBC alloantibody formationRace-matched controlsAlloantibody formationCell diseaseImmune systemRed blood cell alloimmunizationRed blood cell alloantibodiesWhite blood cell subsetsAntigen variantsFcγ receptor polymorphismsT cell subsetsBlood cell subsetsType 1 interferonFree hemeRBC alloimmunizationRBC alloantibodiesAntibody inductionPlatelet countCell subsetsReceptor polymorphismsHigh prevalenceMurine studiesMurine modelHuman studiesPoly(I:C) causes failure of immunoprophylaxis to red blood cells expressing the KEL glycoprotein in mice
Escamilla-Rivera V, Liu J, Gibb DR, Santhanakrishnan M, Liu D, Forsmo JE, Eisenbarth S, Foxman EF, Stowell SR, Luckey CJ, Zimring JC, Hudson KE, Hendrickson J. Poly(I:C) causes failure of immunoprophylaxis to red blood cells expressing the KEL glycoprotein in mice. Blood 2020, 135: 1983-1993. PMID: 32266378, PMCID: PMC7256361, DOI: 10.1182/blood.2020005018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRed blood cellsSerum monocyte chemoattractant protein-1Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1Blood cellsHuman KEL glycoproteinPolyinosinic-polycytidilic acidTransfused red blood cellsType 1 IFNType I IFN receptorChemoattractant protein-1Type 1 interferonI IFN receptorMurine red blood cellsRecipient CD4Recipient inflammationIFN administrationSerum cytokinesInflammatory monocytesRecipient treatmentInterleukin-6Hemolytic diseaseT cellsMurine modelAlloimmunizationKnockout mice
Recipient factors influencing red blood cell alloimmunization
Hendrickson J. Recipient factors influencing red blood cell alloimmunization. ISBT Science Series 2019, 15: 194-200. DOI: 10.1111/voxs.12485.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseaseRBC alloantibodiesMyelodysplastic syndromeRed blood cell alloimmunizationRed blood cell alloantibodiesRBC alloantibody formationReductionist murine modelHaemolytic transfusion reactionsType of inflammationHigh prevalence ratesForms of autoimmunityDetectable alloantibodiesRBC alloimmunizationTransfusion avoidanceTransfusion burdenAlloantibody formationAntigen matchingRecipient factorsAntibody screenPatient populationHaemolytic diseaseRBC exposureRisk factorsTransfusion reactionsMurine model
Anti-RhD Mediates Loss of RhD Antigen Following Anti-RhD Infusion
Sullivan H, Arthur C, Patel S, Hendrickson J, Lazarus A, Stowell S. Anti-RhD Mediates Loss of RhD Antigen Following Anti-RhD Infusion. Blood 2015, 126: 3570. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v126.23.3570.3570.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDirect antiglobulin testAutoimmune hemolytic anemiaRed blood cellsAntigen lossAntigen levelsRhD antigenHemolytic anemiaPost-infusion samplesTarget antigenAntigen detectionRhD-positive red blood cellsK antigenIncompatible RBC transfusionIdiopathic thrombocytopenic purpuraAnti-RhD antibodiesHospital blood bankSignificant complement activationImmune globulinRBC transfusionThrombocytopenic purpuraAntiglobulin testMurine modelAntibody injectionRBC clearanceDetectable antigenInnate and adaptive immune responses to transfused alloantigens
Zimring J, Hudson K, Hendrickson J. Innate and adaptive immune responses to transfused alloantigens. Pathology 2015, 47: s41. DOI: 10.1097/01.pat.0000461433.20240.46.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInnate immune activationRed blood cellsImmune activationMurine modelToll-like receptor agonistsAdaptive immune responsesExposure of recipientsRBC alloantigensSubsequent transfusionsMultiple transfusionsRBC alloantibodiesRBC transfusionTLR agonistsReceptor agonistImmune responseMouse modelTransfusionHuman studiesInnate immunityAlloimmunisationAlloantigensBlood cellsSuch exposureRecipientsAgonistsInnate and adaptive immune responses to transfused alloantigens
Zimring J, Hudson K, Hendrickson J. Innate and adaptive immune responses to transfused alloantigens. Pathology 2015, 47: s34. DOI: 10.1097/01.pat.0000461421.80336.37.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInnate immune activationRed blood cellsImmune activationMurine modelToll-like receptor agonistsAdaptive immune responsesExposure of recipientsRBC alloantigensSubsequent transfusionsMultiple transfusionsRBC alloantibodiesRBC transfusionTLR agonistsReceptor agonistImmune responseMouse modelTransfusionHuman studiesInnate immunityAlloimmunisationAlloantigensBlood cellsSuch exposureRecipientsAgonists
A Novel Murine Model of Pregnancy and Transfusion Induced Anti-Kell RBC Alloimmunization
Smith N, Henry K, Zimring J, Hendrickson J. A Novel Murine Model of Pregnancy and Transfusion Induced Anti-Kell RBC Alloimmunization. Blood 2011, 118: 715. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v118.21.715.715.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-immunized mothersRBC alloimmunizationNovel murine modelGlycoprotein antibodiesC57BL/6 recipientsImmunized mothersNegative fetusMurine modelAnimal modelsC57BL/6 femalesMechanisms of immunizationRBC-specific expressionSubset of pregnanciesFlow cytometric crossmatchSubtype-specific antibodiesDays of lifeFirst animal modelAnti-Kell antibodiesPrior pregnancySubsequent transfusionsCytometric crossmatchRBC transfusionAntibody titersRepeat pregnancyRBC antibodies
Fresh Murine Red Blood Cells Abrogate the Enhanced Alloimmunogenicity of Stored Murine Red Blood Cells
Hendrickson J, Hod E, Spitalnik S, Zimring J. Fresh Murine Red Blood Cells Abrogate the Enhanced Alloimmunogenicity of Stored Murine Red Blood Cells. Blood 2010, 116: 663. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v116.21.663.663.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFresh red blood cellsStored red blood cellsMurine red blood cellsRed blood cellsOld red blood cellsBlood cellsMurine modelFlow cytometric crossmatchRandomized clinical studyRates of immunizationYoung red blood cellsAdditional control animalsCPDA-1Alloimmunization rateFVB controlsAlloantibody responsesAlloimmune responseC57BL/6 recipientsCytometric crossmatchPotential deleterious effectsImmunoregulatory propertiesWorse outcomesClinical dataClinical studiesAntigen expression
An Intact Spleen Is Required for Alloimmunization to Transfused Red Blood Cells Due to Intrasplenic Activation of CD4+ T Cells.
Hendrickson J, Roback J, Hillyer C, Zimring J. An Intact Spleen Is Required for Alloimmunization to Transfused Red Blood Cells Due to Intrasplenic Activation of CD4+ T Cells. Blood 2007, 110: 453. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v110.11.453.453.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-splenectomized miceRBC alloimmunizationT cellsSplenectomized miceDivision of CD4Adoptive transferRed blood cellsPrecursor frequencyHelper T-cell precursor frequencyT cell precursor frequencyHelper T cell functionHelper T cell responsesBlood cellsHuman dose equivalentRate of alloimmunizationAntigen-specific CD4T cell responsesIgG-specific ELISACell precursor frequencyT cell functionDetectable alloantibodiesPatient populationIntact spleenLymphatic preparationsMurine model
Lack of Alloantibody Response to Red Blood Cell Antigens in Juvenile Mice Following Transfusion: Non-Immunogenic or Tolerogenic Response?.
Hendrickson J, Josephson C, Chadwick T, Zimring J. Lack of Alloantibody Response to Red Blood Cell Antigens in Juvenile Mice Following Transfusion: Non-Immunogenic or Tolerogenic Response?. Blood 2006, 108: 955. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v108.11.955.955.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRed blood cellsAlloantibody responsesJuvenile miceAdult miceRBC antigensPotential clinical implicationsRBC alloimmunizationClinical implicationsWeight-adjusted volumeRed blood cell antigensEffects of inflammationBlood cell antigensMonths of ageOngoing studiesViral inflammationTolerogenic responsesIgG levelsPediatric populationTransfusion recipientsImmunogenic stimulusPatient populationNeonatal humansTolerogenic stimulusMurine modelAlloimmunization