Clinical Impact of Residual Leaks Following Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Insights From the NCDR LAAO Registry
Alkhouli M, Du C, Killu A, Simard T, Noseworthy PA, Friedman PA, Curtis JP, Freeman JV, Holmes DR. Clinical Impact of Residual Leaks Following Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Insights From the NCDR LAAO Registry. JACC Clinical Electrophysiology 2022, 8: 766-778. PMID: 35387751, PMCID: PMC9233062, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacep.2022.03.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeri-device leakAdverse eventsResidual leakMajor adverse eventsProportion of patientsAdverse clinical eventsAtrial appendage occlusionAnticoagulant utilizationMajor bleedingSystemic embolizationAppendage occlusionClinical eventsClinical impactHigher oddsHigh incidencePatientsThromboembolicSignificant differencesRegistryLarge leaksLAAOLeakHigher proportionDaysAnticoagulation
Effect of Temporary Interruption of Warfarin Due to an Intervention on Downstream Time in Therapeutic Range in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation (from ORBIT AF)
Madhavan M, Holmes DN, Piccini JP, Freeman JV, Fonarow GC, Hylek EM, Kowey PR, Mahaffey KW, Pieper K, Peterson ED, Chan PS, Allen LA, Singer DE, Naccarelli GV, Reiffel JA, Steinberg BA, Gersh BJ, Investigators O. Effect of Temporary Interruption of Warfarin Due to an Intervention on Downstream Time in Therapeutic Range in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation (from ORBIT AF). The American Journal Of Cardiology 2020, 132: 66-71. PMID: 32826041, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2020.07.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInternational normalized ratioFirst therapeutic international normalized ratioTherapeutic international normalized ratioTherapeutic rangeAtrial fibrillationMajor bleedingTemporary interruptionAF patientsSubtherapeutic international normalized ratioBetter Informed TreatmentLow therapeutic rangeProportional hazards modelOutcomes RegistryNormalized ratioHigh incidenceLower riskHazards modelPatientsInformed TreatmentWarfarinSubsequent outcomesMonthsAnticoagulationRank testWeeksSwitching warfarin to direct oral anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation: Insights from the NCDR PINNACLE registry
Sciria CT, Maddox TM, Marzec L, Rodwin B, Virani SS, Annapureddy A, Freeman JV, O'Hare A, Liu Y, Song Y, Doros G, Zheng Y, Lee JJ, Daggubati R, Vadlamani L, Cannon C, Desai NR. Switching warfarin to direct oral anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation: Insights from the NCDR PINNACLE registry. Clinical Cardiology 2020, 43: 743-751. PMID: 32378265, PMCID: PMC7368350, DOI: 10.1002/clc.23376.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDirect oral anticoagulantsAF patientsAtrial fibrillationOral anticoagulantsAvailability of DOACsChronic warfarin therapyMultivariable hierarchical regressionNCDR PINNACLE RegistryPattern of anticoagulationProspective cohort studyPractice-level factorsPractice-level variationPINNACLE RegistryPrescribed warfarinSwitched patientsClinical characteristicsCohort studyStroke riskWarfarin therapyCurrent guidelinesPatientsWarfarinAnticoagulationPrivate insuranceSignificant predictorsDecline in renal function and oral anticoagulation dose reduction among patients with atrial fibrillation
Inohara T, Holmes DN, Pieper K, Blanco RG, Allen LA, Fonarow GC, Gersh BJ, Hylek EM, Ezekowitz MD, Kowey PR, Reiffel JA, Naccarelli GV, Chan PS, Mahaffey KW, Singer DE, Freeman JV, Steinberg BA, Peterson ED, Piccini JP. Decline in renal function and oral anticoagulation dose reduction among patients with atrial fibrillation. Heart 2020, 106: 358-364. PMID: 31911503, DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2019-315792.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAtrial fibrillationRenal functionOral anticoagulationDose reductionAtrial Fibrillation II registryBetter Informed TreatmentML/minCrCl declineOral anticoagulantsCreatinine clearanceOutcomes RegistryGuideline criteriaPatientsPackage insertsUS FoodDrug AdministrationMean declineInformed TreatmentNOACsAnticoagulationFibrillationRegistryDosingCrClOne-fourth