activity LCME Education Subcommittee, Yale School of Medicine
2022 - Presentactivity American Society of Hematology
2008 - Presentactivity VA CT Healthcare System Cancer Committee
2008 - Presentactivity VA CT Healthcare System Blood Utilization Committee
2014 - Presentactivity VA CT Healthcare System COVID-19 Treatment Committee
2020 - Presentactivity VA CT Healthcare System Scarce Resource Allocation Committee
2022 - Presentactivity Yale Cancer Center Data and Safety Monitoring Committee
2015 - Presentactivity Rivendell Institute at Yale University, Rivendell Alumni Network
Co-chair of the Mentorship Committee for the Rivendell Alumni Network2021 - Presentactivity International Society of Thrombosis & Hemostasis (ISTH)
2022 - Presenthonor Safety Champion Award
activity Revisiting Venous Thromboembolism
activity COVID-19 Associated Coagulopathy and the VA CT Algorithm
activity Who Knows Best? When Patient and Provider Goals Diverge
activity Advances in Anticoagulation and Reversal Agents
honor Kindness Award
honor Kindness Award
activity Anemia for Primary Care Physicians
honor Department of Veterans Affairs Network Director's I CARE Award
activity An Alternatively Spliced Intron is Required for High Level, Erythroid-Specific Expression of the Human alpha-spectriln Gene In Vivo
honor Medical Student Award