activity Society of Biological Psychiatry - Early Career Hour
04/12/2022 - Presentactivity International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
05/04/2021 - Presentactivity International Academy of Suicide Research
Junior Member09/10/2021 - Presentactivity International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Action (IDEA) Committee
2022 - Presentactivity American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology Inclusivity Committee
06/01/2023 - Presentactivity Suicide Working Group - Latin American Genomics Consortium
09/29/2023 - Presenthonor Tony Massini Postdoctoral Fellowship in Data Science
honor DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development
honor Travel Award
honor Early Career Researcher Travel Award
honor Junior Scientist Travel Grant
honor Rising Star Award
honor Young Investigator Award
honor STAT Wunderkind
honor Postdoctoral Fellowship for The Franke Program in Science and the Humanities
honor Conference Fellowship for Non-European Countries
honor New Investigator Award
honor Seed Grant
honor Postdoctoral Fellowship
honor James Hudson Brown-Alexander B. Coxe Research Fellowship in Medical Sciences