Angela ConsorteProgram Manager 2DownloadHi-Res PhotoCardsContact Infoangela.consorte@va.govLearn moreabout Contact InfoAboutNewsGet In TouchAngela ConsorteAboutCopy LinkTitlesProgram Manager 2Departments & OrganizationsInternal MedicineNewsCopy LinkNewsJune 04, 2021Internal Medicine Staffers Celebrate Milestone AnniversariesRead moreabout Internal Medicine Staffers Celebrate Milestone AnniversariesApril 28, 202159 Staff in Department Celebrate Service MilestonesRead moreabout 59 Staff in Department Celebrate Service MilestonesGet In TouchCopy LinkContactsEmailangela.consorte@va.govSupported FacultyAmy Justice, MD, PhDC.N.H. Long Professor of Medicine (General Medicine) and Professor of Public Health (Health Policy)
June 04, 2021Internal Medicine Staffers Celebrate Milestone AnniversariesRead moreabout Internal Medicine Staffers Celebrate Milestone Anniversaries
April 28, 202159 Staff in Department Celebrate Service MilestonesRead moreabout 59 Staff in Department Celebrate Service Milestones