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Profiles in Survivorship: Sheri Steinmetz

June 19, 2023
My cancer diagnosis felt like an impassable boulder on my path in life. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to keep an eye towards the happy minutes and moments still ahead. My family and friends, and my amazing care team – especially Dr. DiGiovanna and Michelle Corso, APRN, – were the ultimate sherpas who guided my way through the medical detours and the crippling worries. How do I say thank you for getting back my life?

Since being diagnosed with cancer, thirteen years later, my journey like everyone’s has some pitfalls but I strive to find the sunshine and roses along my path. Attending my children’s graduations and walking them down their wedding aisles, crossing celebratory half-marathon finish lines, and falling in love with beautiful new grandbabies – these are my beautiful roses.