The Advancement of Clinician-Educator Scholarship (ACES) Program is sponsoring medical education scholarship sessions on Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Available to all Department of Internal Medicine faculty, the following five sessions will be available on Zoom:
- September 30, 2021: Qualitative Research Methods (Katie Gielissen, MD, MHS)
- November 4, 2021: Developing and Entrustable Professional Activity (Katie Gielissen, MD, MHS)
- November 11, 2021: Multimedia and Technology in Education (Bryan Brown, MD, MHS)
- December 9, 2021: Managing your Survey Data in Education (Donna Windish, MD, MPH)
- January 13, 2022: Basic Statistical Tests for Medical Education Research (Donna Windish, MD, MPH)
If interested in participating in one or numerous sessions, contact Donna Windish via email for the Zoom information.
ACES is a year-long faculty development program aimed to provide clinician-educators with the knowledge and skills to complete scholarly work through a dedicated curriculum and personalized mentoring.