Yale OnlyDepartment of Medicine Monthly Faculty MeetingFitkin Memorial Pavilion Auditoriumhttps://yale.zoom.us/j/99232787847Add event to CalendarAdd event series to CalendarSpeakersSpeakers are to be announced.ContactNancy Kravitz203.785.4119nancy.kravitz@yale.eduHostGary Désir, MDgary.desir@yale.eduHost OrganizationInternal MedicineAdmissionFreeTagsConferences and Symposia, Lectures and Seminars, Group MeetingNext upcoming occurrences of this eventMay 202512MondayEventDepartment of Medicine Monthly Faculty MeetingSpeakers: Speakers to be announced.12:00 PM1:00 PMJun 20259MondayEventDepartment of Medicine Monthly Faculty MeetingSpeakers: Speakers to be announced.12:00 PM1:00 PMApr 202514Monday12:00 PM1:00 PM Use Ctrl + scroll to zoom the map Use two fingers to move the map Fitkin Memorial Pavilion Auditorium789 Howard AvenueNew Haven, CTEdit This Event