Frequently Asked Questions
Reporting News/Staying in Touch
- How do I update my address/email/phone?
You can update our contact information quickly and easily through the Yale University Online Alumni Directory.
- How do I find the contact info a classmate?
You can use the Yale University Online Alumni Directory to search for classmates. If you have not done so already, you will need to register as a member.
- How can I submit my personal news for the Alumni News page?
Email stories and weblinks to, or submit your stories via our webform. All alumni news will be shared on the alumni news page.
- I want to report the death of a classmate/family member?
Send an email to the Alumni Records office []. If possible, it is helpful to include a link to an online obituary.
- How do I sign up for an alumni life-long email address?
Yale University offers a lifelong YaleMail account to all alumni. You can link your YaleMail account to other Gmail accounts, or forward to another email address, if desired. Please visit the Help Center for more information.
- How can I get Yale Medical School Memorabilia?
- YSM Memorabilia
- It took me more than 4 years to graduate – but I want to attend reunions with the class I entered with –how do I do that?
Send an email to the Alumni Office, with your name at graduation, the year you graduated, and the class you’re prefer to attend reunions with.
- When is my class reunion?
Every spring the Medical School welcomes MD graduates back for Alumni Weekend. All alumni are welcome to attend, but there are special events for classes celebrating their 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, and 60th reunions.
- When are future reunion dates?
- As the University calendar and future reunion dates are set, Yale Medicine reunion dates will be posted on our Events page.
- When can I register for my reunion?
- Registration for reunion weekend typically opens in the late spring on the Events page of our website.
- Are there hotel blocks reserved for reunion weekend?
- Yale School of Medicine reserves blocks of rooms at several New Haven and area hotels each year, with negotiated rates for returning alumni and their families. The blocks open in the fall, and some hotels do fill quickly so we encourage early reservations. For the list of hotel blocks, please visit the Events page for complete reunion information.
Being Involved
- Are there any YSM events going on in my area?
- How do I connect with medicine alumni who live in my home town?
You can use the Yale University Online Alumni Directory to search for alumni in your area. If you have not done so already, you will need to register as a member. Your local Yale Club is also a great way to connect with other Yalies in your area.
- How do I make a gift to the School of Medicine?
You can contribute funds to Yale School of Medicine through online giving.
Click here to explore other ways to contribute to YSM.
- Are House Staff considered alumni of Yale?
As valued members of the Yale medical community, we welcome a continued relationship with former House Staff and Fellows, and many former House Staff maintain close ties with the department where they trained. Former House Staff are encouraged to keep contact information current with the Yale School of Medicine Alumni Office and / or individual departments in order to receive publications, updates and invitations from the School and specific departments.
Former House Staff are not considered Yale University “alumni” because they did not matriculate in degree-granting programs of Yale University. For this reason, former House Staff are not eligible for the benefits offered by the Association of Yale Alumni.
To receive news from YSM, former House Staff should contact the alumni affairs office. Many YSM departments also have informal and formal alumni programming, and House Staff are encouraged to be in touch with them also.
- How do I get my transcript to verify my degree?
Alumni needing copies of their transcript should contact the Registrar’s Office.
- How do I get a copy of my diploma?
- Please visit the website of the Office of the Secretary for information about replacement diplomas.
- As an YSM graduate, do I have access to the YSM library?
Yes, any member of the Yale community, including alumni, may use the facilities of the YSM Library or other University libraries. Alumni and others may use the Library’s electronic resources in the Library’s on-campus locations, but due to contractual limitations, do not have remote access. One exception is JSTOR, a digital archive of more than 1,000 academic journals. Yale alumni can register for access to JSTOR by going to Of course, alumni and others have access to the stacks and may borrow materials from the Library; in some cases, fees are charged for these services. Full details are available at For more information about Library policies, collections, or other resources, please contact the Library at its on-line “help desk” at
- Does YSM offer CME credit to alumni?
The Center for Continuing Medical Education at the Yale School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. Sessions during Alumni Weekend often qualify for CME credit. Alumni are invited to participate in the programs offered by the CME program. The office also offers online programming for physicians with busy schedules.
Still have questions?
- If I have a question not listed here, how can I find an answer?
- Please contact the Office of Alumni Affairs.