Keck DNA Sequencing Core
We are closed on Friday, April 18, 2025 due to the University holiday.
The Keck DNA Sequencing Facility provides competitive and timely DNA sequencing in an efficient and cost effective manner. Sequencing is carried out on our Applied Biosystems 3730xL DNA Analyzers, along with Applied Biosystems Big Dye chemistries. Our Sanger Sequencing services include:
Sanger sequencing template prep instructions
2uL 4uM Primer + DNA(see table) + (sterile H2O, if necessary) = 18uL
Product type | Product size | DNA (ng) | Ordering notes |
PCR | 100-300 bp | 40-50 | *Can be ordered with Difficult Template or shRNA protocol |
300-500 bp | 40-160 | ||
500-1000 bp | 500 | ||
Plasmid | 1000-1500 | ||
Single-stranded M13 or phagemic DNA | 200-300 | Order as single-stranded | |
BAC and phage lambda DNA | 4000 | Order as BAC |
Each reaction should include 2uL of a 4uM Primer. One primer per reaction.
The total volume should be 18uL. If extra volume needed, use sterile H2O.
The protocols above are sufficient for multiple sequencing reactions. This allows us to repeat a sample in case of technical failure without having to contact you for more sample.
Contact Us!
DNA Sequencing Drop-off Hours and Locations
Keck DNA Sequencing service and courier service adhere to Yale’s Official Holiday Schedule. Please be aware on the day before a holiday, we may require samples to be submitted earlier for guaranteed processing.
Feel free to drop your samples directly to our lab at 300 George, St Room 2127. The dropoff area is available 24/7, but the lab is only open during office hours (9:00 AM-5:00 PM). If visiting after office hours, please leave your samples in the rack or bucket that is on the counter inside the doorway of 2127. DNA samples will be stable at at room temperature.
For your convenience, we have several sample drop-off locations on campus. Our courier service picks up from every location twice daily, 9:30am & 1:30pm, Monday through Friday *unless otherwise noted.
Medical School Area:
- BCMM 108 (loading dock area)
- outside of TAC-S340 (across from TAC-S330) in the glassware cabinet, second shelf
- AMISB 420
Science Hill Area:
- YSB 1st floor mailroom, MCDB Office (room 194B)
- Bass 207
- *OML114 Wednesdays @ 9:30 AM
West Campus:
- YCGA foyer, 830 West Campus Drive, 9 AM & 1 PM
- Building 34, Room 107 *Tues & Thurs @ 1:30 PM
YCGA Courier
You may drop off samples for YCGA at our facility – 300 George St, Room 2127. The YCGA courier picks up at 10:30 AM each Tuesday and Thursday. Please place your samples in the proper container & location for each temperature storage: -80?, -20?, or 4?. If you are a first time user, please ask a staff member for help. If you come and there is no staff member here, please leave your samples on our counter in the entryway and clearly label the container FOR YCGA. For any sample related questions, please contact YCGA at 203-737-3031.
Keck HIPAA Policies
The Keck Facility will not accept samples containing protected health information (PHI) or electronic protected health information (ePHI) that is covered under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Any individually identifiable health information associated with a sample must be removed by the user before the sample will be accepted. Learn more about Keck HIPAA Policies for Sample Submission.
Publication Acknowledgment
If research supported by this Research Core results in publication, please acknowledge this support by including the following in your publication(s):
"We thank the Keck DNA Sequencing Facility at Yale for their assistance with _________ service.”