Research Associate 3, HSS
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Yale Co-Authors
Frequent collaborators of Radu Radulescu's published research.
Publications Timeline
A big-picture view of Radu Radulescu's research output by year.
Jacqueline Geer, MD, MHS, FCCP
Jason Jonathon Sico, MD, MHS, FAHA, FAAN (Neurology), FANA, FACP
Kevin Sheth, MD
Henry Yaggi, MD, MPH
Nancy Schmieder Redeker, RN, MSN, PhD, FAHA, FAAN
Christine Won, MD, MSc, BA
0488 Exploring Study Recruitment Trends in the Acute Post-Stroke Setting
Schwarz J, Masroor K, Radulescu R, Tsang S, Sheth K, Redeker N, Yaggi H, Geer J. 0488 Exploring Study Recruitment Trends in the Acute Post-Stroke Setting. Sleep 2024, 47: a210-a210. DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsae067.0488.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsContinuous positive airway pressureObstructive sleep apneaPositive airway pressureAcute ischemic strokeAirway pressureUpper airway closureSleep-disordered breathingYale-New Haven HospitalCerebral blood flowOSA screeningOSA treatmentSleep apneaImpact cerebral blood flowAcademic medical centerSympathetic activityClinical trialsPatient populationHemodynamic changesRisk factorsPatientsFunctional recoveryExclusion criteriaAirway closureCardiovascular diseaseBlood flow0486 Performing Polysomnography in the Acute Post-stroke Setting
Masroor K, Schwarz J, Radulescu R, Tsang S, Sheth K, Redeker N, Yaggi H, Geer J. 0486 Performing Polysomnography in the Acute Post-stroke Setting. Sleep 2024, 47: a209-a209. DOI: 10.1093/sleep/zsae067.0486.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsObstructive sleep apneaSleep apneaRates of obstructive sleep apneaSymptoms of obstructive sleep apneaSevere obstructive sleep apneaObstructive sleep apnea diagnosisAcute settingSleep-disordered breathingPercentage of patientsProportion of patientsYale-New Haven HospitalAHI cutoffOSA prevalenceOSA diagnosisPreventing recurrent strokeImprove stroke recoveryPolysomnography testNew Haven HospitalPolysomnographyScreening patientsTherapeutic windowApneaPatientsRisk factorsMedical records
Diagnosing and Treating Sleep Apnea in Patients With Acute Cerebrovascular Disease
Bravata DM, Sico J, Fragoso C, Miech EJ, Matthias MS, Lampert R, Williams LS, Concato J, Ivan CS, Fleck JD, Tobias L, Austin C, Ferguson J, Radulescu R, Iannone L, Ofner S, Taylor S, Qin L, Won C, Yaggi HK. Diagnosing and Treating Sleep Apnea in Patients With Acute Cerebrovascular Disease. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2018, 7: e008841. PMID: 30369321, PMCID: PMC6201384, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.118.008841.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsContinuous positive airway pressure usePositive airway pressure useTransient ischemic attackRankin Scale scoreIschemic stroke/transient ischemic attackStroke/transient ischemic attackBackground Obstructive sleep apneaHealth Stroke ScaleIschemic attackScale scoreStroke ScaleIschemic strokeTreat analysisSleep apneaAcute ischemic stroke/transient ischemic attackHealth Stroke Scale scoreNational InstituteContinuous positive airway pressureModified Rankin Scale scoreNeurological functioningNeurological symptom severityRecent ischemic strokeStroke Scale scoreAcute cerebrovascular diseaseAcute ischemic stroke
Infarct location and sleep apnea: evaluating the potential association in acute ischemic stroke
Stahl SM, Yaggi HK, Taylor S, Qin L, Ivan CS, Austin C, Ferguson J, Radulescu R, Tobias L, Sico J, Fragoso C, Williams LS, Lampert R, Miech EJ, Matthias MS, Kapoor J, Bravata DM. Infarct location and sleep apnea: evaluating the potential association in acute ischemic stroke. Sleep Medicine 2015, 16: 1198-1203. PMID: 26429745, PMCID: PMC4592521, DOI: 10.1016/j.sleep.2015.07.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsObstructive sleep apneaApnea-hypopnea indexAcute ischemic strokeIschemic stroke patientsStroke patientsStroke locationOSA presenceIschemic strokeSleep apneaPrevalence of OSASeverity of OSAAcute ischemic stroke patientsTransient ischemic attackObstructive respiratory eventsMeasures of hypoxiaHigh overall prevalenceBrain imaging reportsIschemic attackPolysomnographic findingsOSA severityComplete polysomnographyRespiratory eventsInfarct locationOverall prevalenceVascular territories
Combining Rapid HIV Testing and a Brief Alcohol Intervention in Young Unhealthy Drinkers in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Study
Edelman EJ, Dinh A, Radulescu R, Lurie B, D'Onofrio G, Tetrault JM, Fiellin DA, Fiellin LE. Combining Rapid HIV Testing and a Brief Alcohol Intervention in Young Unhealthy Drinkers in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Study. The American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse 2012, 38: 539-543. PMID: 22794939, PMCID: PMC3522092, DOI: 10.3109/00952990.2012.701359.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsSexual risk reduction counselingSexual risk behaviorsRisk reduction counselingRapid HIV testingEmergency departmentRisk behaviorsReduction counselingHIV testingAlcohol useUnhealthy drinkersAlcohol consumptionMean age 26 yearsAverage weekly drinksImportant preventive servicesAlcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scoresUnknown HIV statusRapid HIV testsUnhealthy alcohol useAge 26 yearsBrief alcohol interventionHIV testHIV statusRegular doctorPreventive servicesRisk populations
Clinical Trials
Current Trials
Effects of circadian regulation and sleep on immune responses
HIC ID2000027037RoleSub InvestigatorPrimary Completion Date02/28/2025Recruiting ParticipantsGenderBothAge21+ years