Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response Gene Clpp Is Required for Oocyte Function and Female Fertility
Ergun Y, Imamoglu A, Cozzolino M, Demirkiran C, Basar M, Garg A, Yildirim R, Seli E. Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response Gene Clpp Is Required for Oocyte Function and Female Fertility. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2024, 25: 1866. PMID: 38339144, PMCID: PMC10855406, DOI: 10.3390/ijms25031866.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCaseinolytic peptidase PMouse modelProtein homeostasisStress responseUnfolded protein stress responseProtein stress responseCumulus/granulosa cellsOocyte competenceOocyte functionGlobal deletionFunctional abnormalitiesGenes clpPMetabolic stress responseFemale subfertilityFemale infertilityOocyte-specificOocytesReproductive functionMtUPRMiceProtein degradationReproductive competenceFemale fertilityDeletionHomeostasis
B-cell lymphoma 6 expression is not associated with live birth in a normal responder in vitro fertilization population
Klimczak AM, Herlihy NS, Scott CS, Hanson BM, Kim JG, Titus S, Seli E, Scott RT. B-cell lymphoma 6 expression is not associated with live birth in a normal responder in vitro fertilization population. Fertility And Sterility 2021, 117: 351-358. PMID: 34809978, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.09.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsB-cell lymphoma 6 (Bcl6) expressionLive birth groupLive birthsFertilization populationNormal respondersBirth groupProportion of patientsLive birth ratePopulation of patientsEuploid embryo transferCase-control studyEndometrial tissue samplesPreimplantation genetic testingGroup of womenIVF stimulationMean HSCOREIVF outcomesInfertility centerIVF successMAIN OUTCOMEGroup 2Group 1Embryo transferPatientsClinical decisionAnalysis of female demographics in the United States: life expectancy, education, employment, family building decisions, and fertility service utilization
Esencan E, Simsek B, Seli E. Analysis of female demographics in the United States: life expectancy, education, employment, family building decisions, and fertility service utilization. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2021, 33: 170-177. PMID: 33797423, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000704.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReproductive technology treatmentMedian agePregnancy attemptsART cyclesMean ageService utilizationPregnancy rateFemale fertility ratesFamily-building decisionsFertility servicesFraction of womenTechnology treatmentDonor eggsFertility rateFirst birthWomenLife expectancyAgeFemale demographicDiagnosisMarried womenNoninvasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy exhibits high rates of deoxyribonucleic acid amplification failure and poor correlation with results obtained using trophectoderm biopsy
Hanson BM, Tao X, Hong KH, Comito CE, Pangasnan R, Seli E, Jalas C, Scott RT. Noninvasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy exhibits high rates of deoxyribonucleic acid amplification failure and poor correlation with results obtained using trophectoderm biopsy. Fertility And Sterility 2021, 115: 1461-1470. PMID: 33745720, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.01.028.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAneuploidyBlastocystCulture MediaEmbryo Culture TechniquesEmbryo ImplantationEmbryo TransferFemaleFertilityHigh-Throughput Nucleotide SequencingHumansInfertilityLive BirthMaleNoninvasive Prenatal TestingNucleic Acid Amplification TechniquesPredictive Value of TestsPregnancyPregnancy RatePreimplantation DiagnosisReproducibility of ResultsSperm Injections, IntracytoplasmicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeWhole Genome SequencingConceptsPreimplantation genetic testingGenetic testingBiopsy resultsProspective cohort study SETTINGTrophectoderm biopsyTE biopsyNoninvasive preimplantation genetic testingCohort study SETTINGNext-generation sequencingHigh ratePrimary outcomeClinical outcomesMAIN OUTCOMEBiopsyStudy settingAmplification failureDiscordant resultsClinical applicabilityPrivate practiceNiPGTAvailable kitsCulture mediumShort durationOutcomesCulture medium samples
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs for Gonadal Protection During Gonadotoxic Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Sofiyeva N, Siepmann T, Barlinn K, Seli E, Ata B. Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs for Gonadal Protection During Gonadotoxic Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Reproductive Sciences 2019, 26: 939-953. PMID: 30270741, DOI: 10.1177/1933719118799203.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGonadotropin-releasing hormone analogueSystematic reviewGonadotoxic chemotherapyHormone analogueRisk ratioGnRH agonist-treated patientsGonadotropin-Releasing Hormone AnalogLow-quality evidenceReproductive-aged womenConfidence intervalsSignificant protective effectGonadoprotective effectPresent systematic reviewGnRHa cotreatmentGonadal protectionSupradiaphragmatic radiotherapyCohort studyTrials RegistryGnRHa administrationMenstrual resumptionAutoimmune diseasesSubgroup analysisBreast cancerProtective effectHematological malignanciesMitochondrial unfolded protein response: a stress response with implications for fertility and reproductive aging
Seli E, Wang T, Horvath TL. Mitochondrial unfolded protein response: a stress response with implications for fertility and reproductive aging. Fertility And Sterility 2019, 111: 197-204. PMID: 30691623, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.11.048.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMitochondrial unfolded protein responseTwo-cell embryo developmentUnfolded protein responseImpaired oocyte maturationMorphology of mitochondriaMitochondrial dysfunction resultsPremature reproductive agingNovel mechanistic insightsMitochondrial DNA contentReactive oxygen species productionPrevention of agingCLPP resultsProtein responseOxygen species productionReproductive agingPreimplantation embryosAge-related accumulationOxidative phosphorylationStress responseEmbryo developmentForm blastocystsMitochondrial functionMitochondriaMitochondrial dysfunctionEnergy metabolismMetabolic imaging via fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy for egg and embryo assessment
Sanchez T, Zhang M, Needleman D, Seli E. Metabolic imaging via fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy for egg and embryo assessment. Fertility And Sterility 2019, 111: 212-218. PMID: 30691624, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.12.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMetabolic imagingInvasive diagnostic interventionsEmbryo assessmentPreimplantation genetic testingUseful diagnostic methodAssisted reproductive technology (ART) laboratoryClinical benefitSingle ETDiagnostic interventionsOxidative phosphorylationGenetic testingReproductive technology laboratoriesExperimental modelCopy number assessmentMetabolic functionsMorphologic parametersFluorescence lifetimeEmbryosClinical applicationMetabolic stateDiagnostic methodsEmbryo viabilityElectron transporterCentral roleCurrent strategies
The role of mitochondrial activity in female fertility and assisted reproductive technologies: overview and current insights
Cecchino GN, Seli E, Alves da Motta E, GarcÃa-Velasco J. The role of mitochondrial activity in female fertility and assisted reproductive technologies: overview and current insights. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2018, 36: 686-697. PMID: 29598846, DOI: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2018.02.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsDNA, MitochondrialFemaleFertilityHumansMitochondriaOocytesReproductive Techniques, AssistedConceptsMetabolic stress modelsMitochondrial functionFemale fertilityFemale reproductive processesPoor outcomeReplacement therapyOvarian agingMitochondrial DNA contentInfertility treatmentTherapeutic attemptsOocyte qualityClinical implicationsEmbryo potentialOocyte maturationReproductive processesPrecursor cellsEarly embryo developmentReproductive technologiesDisease-causing mutationsMitochondrial capacityRole of mitochondriaMitochondrial impactCurrent insightsTrophectoderm cellsWomen
Ovarian Aging
Seli E. Ovarian Aging. Seminars In Reproductive Medicine 2015, 33: 375-376. PMID: 26565386, DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1567817.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOocyte Cryopreservation as a Preventive Measure for Age-Related Fertility Loss
Cil AP, Turkgeldi L, Seli E. Oocyte Cryopreservation as a Preventive Measure for Age-Related Fertility Loss. Seminars In Reproductive Medicine 2015, 33: 429-435. PMID: 26562287, DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1567819.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAge-related declineOocyte cryopreservationAge-related fertility lossGood ovarian reserveFertility preservation strategiesPublic health campaignsPreconceptional counselingOvarian reserveAdvanced ageHealth campaignsPreventive measuresHealth informationMedical professionalsLater stagesWomenYoung adolescentsPreservation strategiesPatientsFertility lossIncidencePublic awareness
Epab is dispensable for mouse spermatogenesis and male fertility
Ozturk S, Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Lowther KM, Lalioti MD, Sakkas D, Seli E. Epab is dispensable for mouse spermatogenesis and male fertility. Molecular Reproduction And Development 2014, 81: 390-390. PMID: 24599567, PMCID: PMC4079073, DOI: 10.1002/mrd.22319.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Embryonic poly(A)-binding protein (EPAB) is required for oocyte maturation and female fertility in mice
Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Lalioti MD, Aydiner F, Sasson I, Ilbay O, Sakkas D, Lowther KM, Mehlmann LM, Seli E. Embryonic poly(A)-binding protein (EPAB) is required for oocyte maturation and female fertility in mice. Biochemical Journal 2012, 446: 47-58. PMID: 22621333, PMCID: PMC3955213, DOI: 10.1042/bj20120467.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTranslational activationOocyte maturationZygotic genome activationFemale fertilityGenome activationGerminal vesicle stage oocytesDazl mRNAEarly embryogenesisMaternal mRNAsDownstream regulatorsMammalian reproductionGene expressionEPABStage oocytesXenopus oocytesEpidermal growthLate antral folliclesOogenesisMRNAOocytesMaturationProteinFemale miceCumulus expansionAntral folliclesThe association between fertility clinic performance and cycle volume: implications for public reporting of provider performance data
Gong D, Seli E. The association between fertility clinic performance and cycle volume: implications for public reporting of provider performance data. Fertility And Sterility 2012, 98: 55-62.e1. PMID: 22521157, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.03.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLive birth rateProvider performance dataClinic performanceSuccess rateCycle volumeReproductive technology clinicsRetrospective longitudinal analysisHealth care providersBirth ratePublic reportingART cyclesPregnancy rateART treatmentStudy populationMAIN OUTCOMECare providersStratification analysisTechnology clinicsPatient behaviorClinicDisease controlPublic quality reportingPatientsProvider performanceLongitudinal analysis
Fertility preservation as a public health issue: an epidemiological perspective
Murk W, Seli E. Fertility preservation as a public health issue: an epidemiological perspective. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2011, 23: 143-150. PMID: 21415745, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0b013e3283455270.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFertility preservation servicesSystemic lupus erythematosusFertility preservationCurrent epidemiological trendsAppropriate patient referralCancer survival ratesPublic health burdenSignificant psychosocial stressPublic health issuePreservation servicesLupus erythematosusPatient referralHealth burdenPatient educationEpidemiological trendsImpaired fertilityAverage ageReduced qualityPsychosocial stressSurvival rateHealthcare providersEpidemiological perspectivePatient accessHealth issuesLogistical barriers
Stem cells and fertility: what does the future hold?
Kayisli UA, Seli E. Stem cells and fertility: what does the future hold? Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2006, 18: 338-343. PMID: 16735836, DOI: 10.1097/01.gco.0000193008.88652.23.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdult miceStem cellsFetal ovarian developmentFertility preservationOocyte formationBone marrowClinical implicationsMammalian ovariesReproductive lifeInitial reportGenerations of oocytesScientific evidenceMiceRecent findingsOocytesNew oocytesCellsOvarian developmentProminent investigatorsTotal numberFindingsInvestigators