Leukocytospermia does not negatively impact outcomes in in vitro fertilization cycles with intracytoplasmic sperm injection and preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy: findings from 5435 cycles
Gill P, Puchalt N, Molinaro T, Werner M, Seli E, Hotaling J, Cheng P. Leukocytospermia does not negatively impact outcomes in in vitro fertilization cycles with intracytoplasmic sperm injection and preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy: findings from 5435 cycles. Journal Of Assisted Reproduction And Genetics 2024, 41: 1213-1219. PMID: 38642270, PMCID: PMC11143111, DOI: 10.1007/s10815-024-03085-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLive birth rateIntracytoplasmic sperm injectionClinical pregnancy rateSustained implantation ratesIn vitro fertilizationIn vitro fertilization cyclesPreimplantation genetic testingBlastulation ratePGT-AAneuploidy rateEmbryological outcomesSperm injectionGenetic testingEuploid embryo transferPrevalence of leukocytospermiaRetrospective cohort studyMale partner ageImplantation rateBaseline characteristicsEmbryo transferLeukocytospermiaFertilization cyclesCohort studyPregnancy ratePrimary outcomePoor ovarian response classification systems in the clinical setting – time for an update?
Reig A, Seli E. Poor ovarian response classification systems in the clinical setting – time for an update? Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2024, 36: 192-199. PMID: 38597510, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000950.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responseOvarian responsePoor ovarian response definitionDefinition of poor ovarian responseSuccess of assisted reproductive technologiesEra of personalized medicineOvarian reserve markersAssisted reproductive technologyBologna criteriaEuploid embryosReserve markersReproductive technologyClassification systemDiagnostic criteriaPersonalized medicineCounseling toolEffective predictorDisruption of mitochondrial unfolded protein response results in telomere shortening in mouse oocytes and somatic cells
Cozzolino M, Ergun Y, Ristori E, Garg A, Imamoglu G, Seli E. Disruption of mitochondrial unfolded protein response results in telomere shortening in mouse oocytes and somatic cells. Aging 2024, 16: 2047-2060. PMID: 38349865, PMCID: PMC10911389, DOI: 10.18632/aging.205543.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCaseinolytic peptidase PMitochondrial unfolded protein responseUnfolded protein responseTelomere integrityProtein responseGermline deletionSomatic cellsSomatic agingSomatic cell divisionDouble-stranded DNA breaksAged miceTelomere shorteningAssociated with cellular senescenceTelomeric regionsProtein homeostasisAccelerated follicular depletionChromosome stabilityCell divisionMtUPRDNA breaksTelomereAging phenotypesCellular senescenceFollicular depletionMouse oocytesMitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response Gene Clpp Is Required for Oocyte Function and Female Fertility
Ergun Y, Imamoglu A, Cozzolino M, Demirkiran C, Basar M, Garg A, Yildirim R, Seli E. Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response Gene Clpp Is Required for Oocyte Function and Female Fertility. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2024, 25: 1866. PMID: 38339144, PMCID: PMC10855406, DOI: 10.3390/ijms25031866.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCaseinolytic peptidase PMouse modelProtein homeostasisStress responseUnfolded protein stress responseProtein stress responseCumulus/granulosa cellsOocyte competenceOocyte functionGlobal deletionFunctional abnormalitiesGenes clpPMetabolic stress responseFemale subfertilityFemale infertilityOocyte-specificOocytesReproductive functionMtUPRMiceProtein degradationReproductive competenceFemale fertilityDeletionHomeostasis
Leukocyte telomere length and DNA methylome as biomarkers of ovarian reserve and embryo aneuploidy: the intricate relationship between somatic and reproductive aging
Garg A, Seli E. Leukocyte telomere length and DNA methylome as biomarkers of ovarian reserve and embryo aneuploidy: the intricate relationship between somatic and reproductive aging. Fertility And Sterility 2023, 121: 26-33. PMID: 37979607, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2023.11.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responseLeukocyte telomere lengthOvarian reserveTelomere lengthAssisted Reproductive TechnologyOvarian responseFollicular somatic cellsMethylome changesDNA methylomePrevalence of infertilityDiminished ovarian reserveSomatic cellsCellular agingEpigenetic clocksDNA methylation ageReproductive potentialReproductive declineOvarian agingSurrogate biomarkerCommon causeMethylomeART outcomesChronologic ageEmbryo aneuploidyReproductive function
Distress response in granulosa cells of women affected by PCOS with or without insulin resistance
Cozzolino M, Herraiz S, Cakiroglu Y, Garcia-Velasco JA, Tiras B, Pacheco A, Rabadan S, Kohls G, Barrio AI, Pellicer A, Seli E. Distress response in granulosa cells of women affected by PCOS with or without insulin resistance. Endocrine 2022, 79: 200-207. PMID: 36149529, DOI: 10.1007/s12020-022-03192-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPolycystic ovarian syndromeHomeostasis model assessmentPCOS-IRInsulin resistanceHealthy oocyte donorsCumulus GCsOvarian syndromePCOS groupPlasma glucoseCONT groupMetabolic dysfunctionPathological changesFollicular microenvironmentConclusionOur findingsOocyte donorsGranulosa cellsModel assessmentQRT-PCRWomenER stressCONTMolecular mechanismsCell stressDistress responsesGroupTargeted Deletion of Mitofusin 1 and Mitofusin 2 Causes Female Infertility and Loss of Follicular Reserve
Cozzolino M, Ergun Y, Seli E. Targeted Deletion of Mitofusin 1 and Mitofusin 2 Causes Female Infertility and Loss of Follicular Reserve. Reproductive Sciences 2022, 30: 560-568. PMID: 35739352, DOI: 10.1007/s43032-022-01014-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMitofusin 1Mitofusin 2Double deletionFemale reproductive competencePotential functional redundancyDynamic organellesCellular homeostasisFunctional redundancyMitochondrial dynamicsEnvironmental stressMitochondrial functionMitochondrial dysfunctionMfn1Reproductive competenceTargeted deletionMfn2Oocyte maturationDeletionCritical roleReproductive agingFemale infertilityOocytesOocyte qualityFusion mechanismMitofusinsThe chances of obtaining a euploid embryo and subsequent live birth remain consistent with national age-based rates after an in vitro fertilization cycle that produced only aneuploid embryos
Herlihy NS, Klimczak AM, Cheung JKW, Seli E, Scott RT. The chances of obtaining a euploid embryo and subsequent live birth remain consistent with national age-based rates after an in vitro fertilization cycle that produced only aneuploid embryos. Fertility And Sterility 2022, 118: 484-491. PMID: 35691719, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2022.05.026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLive birth rateAge groupsEuploid embryosAneuploid embryosFertilization cyclesCumulative live birth rateBirth rateYoung womenAge-appropriate counselingInitial IVF cycleSecond IVF attemptRetrospective cohort studyPercentage of patientsPrognosis of patientsFirst embryo transferSubsequent live birthAge-based standardsSame age groupPreimplantation genetic testingHigher chanceAssisted Reproductive TechnologyIVF cyclesCohort studyFavorable prognosisIVF attemptsThe use of intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) in patients with poor ovarian response and premature ovarian insufficiency
Herlihy NS, Seli E. The use of intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) in patients with poor ovarian response and premature ovarian insufficiency. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2022, 34: 133-137. PMID: 35645011, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000784.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responsePlatelet-rich plasmaPrimary ovarian insufficiencyPoor prognosis patientsPrognosis patientsOvarian reserveIntraovarian injectionOvarian responseOvarian insufficiencyLive birthsRich plasmaEffect of PRPAutologous platelet-rich plasmaIntra-ovarian injectionPremature ovarian insufficiencyMultiple live birthsProspective trialCase seriesClinical trialsPatient's abilityNovel treatmentsPatientsEmbryo yieldInsufficiencyTreatmentTranscriptomic landscape of granulosa cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells in women with PCOS compared to young poor responders and women with normal response
Cozzolino M, Herraiz S, Titus S, Roberts L, Romeu M, Peinado I, Scott RT, Pellicer A, Seli E. Transcriptomic landscape of granulosa cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells in women with PCOS compared to young poor responders and women with normal response. Human Reproduction 2022, 37: 1274-1286. PMID: 35451009, PMCID: PMC9156844, DOI: 10.1093/humrep/deac069.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeripheral blood mononuclear cellsYoung poor respondersPolycystic ovary syndromePoor ovarian responseGCs of PCOSOvarian granulosa cellsBlood mononuclear cellsGranulosa cellsMature folliclesPoor respondersMononuclear cellsRNA expression profilesNormal responseAge groupsSTUDY FUNDING/COMPETINGHigher menopausal ageRotterdam diagnostic criteriaOvarian hyperstimulation syndromeInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIPARTICIPANTS/MATERIALSAntral follicular countROLE OF CHANCEOvarian follicular dynamicsSame study groupIngenuity Pathway AnalysisFollicular activation in women previously diagnosed with poor ovarian response: a randomized, controlled trial
DÃaz-GarcÃa C, Herraiz S, Pamplona L, Subirá J, Soriano MJ, Simon C, Seli E, Pellicer A. Follicular activation in women previously diagnosed with poor ovarian response: a randomized, controlled trial. Fertility And Sterility 2022, 117: 747-755. PMID: 35367015, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.12.034.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responseAntral follicle countOvarian reserve markersLive birth rateOvarian fragmentationFollicular activationFollicle countOvarian responseReserve markersHormone levelsPregnancy rateReproductive outcomesEmbryo transferTotal antral follicle countMII oocytesSerum antimüllerian hormoneAntimüllerian hormone levelsBirth rateMetaphase II oocytesEmbryology (ESHRE) criteriaHippo pathway inhibitionAntimüllerian hormoneSecondary outcomesFertilization cyclesIVF outcomesOvarian reserve parameters and IVF outcomes in 510 women with poor ovarian response (POR) treated with intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP)
Cakiroglu Y, Yuceturk A, Karaosmanoglu O, Kopuk SY, Korun ZEU, Herlihy N, Scott RT, Tiras B, Seli E. Ovarian reserve parameters and IVF outcomes in 510 women with poor ovarian response (POR) treated with intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP). Aging 2022, 14: 2513-2523. PMID: 35320118, PMCID: PMC9004561, DOI: 10.18632/aging.203972.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responseOvarian reserve parametersPlatelet-rich plasmaAutologous platelet-rich plasmaReserve parametersIntraovarian injectionIVF outcomesOvarian responsePRP treatmentProspective randomized clinical trialsRich plasmaHigher serum AMHLower serum FSHUnderwent embryo transferReproductive-age womenRandomized clinical trialsWide clinical applicationPOSEIDON criteriaSerum AMHSerum FSHPRP injectionClinical efficacyAge womenClinical trialsPregnancy rate
B-cell lymphoma 6 expression is not associated with live birth in a normal responder in vitro fertilization population
Klimczak AM, Herlihy NS, Scott CS, Hanson BM, Kim JG, Titus S, Seli E, Scott RT. B-cell lymphoma 6 expression is not associated with live birth in a normal responder in vitro fertilization population. Fertility And Sterility 2021, 117: 351-358. PMID: 34809978, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.09.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsB-cell lymphoma 6 (Bcl6) expressionLive birth groupLive birthsFertilization populationNormal respondersBirth groupProportion of patientsLive birth ratePopulation of patientsEuploid embryo transferCase-control studyEndometrial tissue samplesPreimplantation genetic testingGroup of womenIVF stimulationMean HSCOREIVF outcomesInfertility centerIVF successMAIN OUTCOMEGroup 2Group 1Embryo transferPatientsClinical decisionA review of the pathophysiology of recurrent implantation failure
Franasiak JM, Alecsandru D, Forman EJ, Gemmell LC, Goldberg JM, Llarena N, Margolis C, Laven J, Schoenmakers S, Seli E. A review of the pathophysiology of recurrent implantation failure. Fertility And Sterility 2021, 116: 1436-1448. PMID: 34674825, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.09.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRecurrent implantation failureImplantation failureMaternal immune systemReproductive tract microbiomeLack of implantationEndometrial synchronyHematologic factorsAnatomic factorsEndocrine milieuReceptive endometriumMaternal interfaceEmbryo transferImmune systemApparent treatmentCompetent blastocystClinical phenomenaHuman reproductionPotential causesImplantationFailureReviewCross talkEndometriumPatientsFactorsEmbryology outcomes after oocyte vitrification with super-cooled slush nitrogen are similar to outcomes with conventional liquid nitrogen: a randomized controlled trial
Hanson BM, Kim JG, Suarez SI, Ackerman BK, Comito CE, Pangasnan R, Seli E, Hong KH, Scott RT. Embryology outcomes after oocyte vitrification with super-cooled slush nitrogen are similar to outcomes with conventional liquid nitrogen: a randomized controlled trial. Fertility And Sterility 2021, 117: 106-114. PMID: 34654569, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.08.043.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMetaphase II oocytesEmbryology outcomesOocyte survivalII oocytesOocyte donor cyclesOocyte survival ratePreimplantation genetic testingBlastocyst formationWhole chromosome aneuploidyChromosome aneuploidySecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeDonor cyclesDonor oocytesRate of fertilizationMAIN OUTCOMESurvival rateOocyte vitrificationTrophectoderm biopsyGenetic testingDonor spermPrivate practiceNext-generation sequencingOutcomesDemonstrable improvementHuman embryo polarization requires PLC signaling to mediate trophectoderm specification
Zhu M, Shahbazi M, Martin A, Zhang C, Sozen B, Borsos M, Mandelbaum RS, Paulson RJ, Mole MA, Esbert M, Titus S, Scott RT, Campbell A, Fishel S, Gradinaru V, Zhao H, Wu K, Chen ZJ, Seli E, de los Santos MJ, Goetz M. Human embryo polarization requires PLC signaling to mediate trophectoderm specification. ELife 2021, 10: e65068. PMID: 34569938, PMCID: PMC8514238, DOI: 10.7554/elife.65068.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsActinsAdultBody PatterningCell DifferentiationCell LineageCell PolarityEmbryo Culture TechniquesEmbryo, MammalianFemaleGATA3 Transcription FactorGene Expression Regulation, DevelopmentalGene Expression Regulation, EnzymologicHumansPhosphoinositide Phospholipase CPhospholipase C betaPregnancySignal TransductionTime FactorsYoung AdultConceptsApical domain formationInner cell massEmbryo polarizationPhospholipase CFirst lineage segregationApico-basal polarizationEight-cell stageLineage segregationMammalian developmentTrophectoderm specificationTE fateApical enrichmentApical accumulationDistinct lineagesApical domainApolar cellsPar complexPolarized cellsRNA interferenceMolecular mechanismsF-actinHuman embryosCell stageEmbryosDomain formationCumulus cells of euploid versus whole chromosome 21 aneuploid embryos reveal differentially expressed genes
Tiegs AW, Titus S, Mehta S, Garcia-Milian R, Seli E, Scott RT. Cumulus cells of euploid versus whole chromosome 21 aneuploid embryos reveal differentially expressed genes. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2021, 43: 614-626. PMID: 34417138, DOI: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2021.06.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSerum response factorCumulus cellsDifferential gene expressionRNA sequencing analysisGene expression analysisIngenuity Pathway AnalysisCellular communication network factor 1Embryo developmental competenceExpression analysisPreimplantation embryo qualityGene expressionPathway analysisSegment polarity protein 2Sequencing analysisGenesProtein 2Response factorTrisomy 21Factor 1Developmental competenceAneuploid embryosReal-time polymerase chain reaction assaysDevelopment of biomarkersEmbryosCellsIndividual culture leads to decreased blastocyst formation but does not affect pregnancy outcomes in the setting of a single, vitrified-warmed euploid blastocyst transfer
Glatthorn HN, Hanson BM, Kim JG, Herlihy NS, Klimczak AM, Hong KH, Seli E, Scott RT. Individual culture leads to decreased blastocyst formation but does not affect pregnancy outcomes in the setting of a single, vitrified-warmed euploid blastocyst transfer. Journal Of Assisted Reproduction And Genetics 2021, 38: 2157-2164. PMID: 34086147, PMCID: PMC8417170, DOI: 10.1007/s10815-021-02252-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEuploid blastocyst transferIntracytoplasmic sperm injectionPregnancy outcomesBlastocyst transferSignificant differencesBlastocyst formationSingle embryo transferMann-Whitney U testPreimplantation genetic testingLogistic regression modelsOvarian stimulationClinical miscarriageEuploid blastocystsSperm injectionEuploid embryosEmbryo transferTrophectoderm biopsyGenetic testingGroup embryo cultureU testSame time frameDecreased rateOutcomesMiscarriageFertilization rateEmerging follicular activation strategies to treat women with poor ovarian response and primary ovarian insufficiency
Reig A, Herraiz S, Pellicer A, Seli E. Emerging follicular activation strategies to treat women with poor ovarian response and primary ovarian insufficiency. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2021, 33: 241-248. PMID: 33896920, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000703.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responsePrimary ovarian insufficiencyLive birthsOngoing pregnancyOvarian responseOvarian insufficiencyAutologous platelet-rich plasmaBone marrow transplantFemale reproductive agingPlatelet-rich plasmaIntraovarian injectionOvarian transplantationMarrow transplantReproductive agingFertility treatmentReproductive medicineWomenPregnancyBirthInsufficiencyPrevious reportsPreliminary studyMechanical disruptionAkt stimulationCutting-edge strategiesEvaluation of genome-wide DNA methylation profile of human embryos with different developmental competences
Yang M, Tao X, Scott K, Zhan Y, Scott RT, Seli E. Evaluation of genome-wide DNA methylation profile of human embryos with different developmental competences. Human Reproduction 2021, 36: 1682-1690. PMID: 33846747, DOI: 10.1093/humrep/deab074.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWhole-genome bisulfite sequencingDNA methylation profilesGenome-wide DNA methylation levelsGenome-wide DNA methylation profilesGenome-wide methylation levelsDNA methylation levelsMethylation profilesMethylation levelsDNA methylationGenome-wide DNA methylome analysisWhole-genome sequencing librariesDifferent DNA methylation profilesEpigenetic regulatory mechanismsDifferent developmental potentialEmbryonic competenceDNA methylome analysisPre-implantation embryo developmentInvolved chromosomeTrophectoderm biopsy samplesDifferentiation of cellsHuman preimplantation embryosCopy number varianceChromosomal scaleLower methylation levelsEmbryo identity