Babina Gosangi, MD MPH
Assistant Professor of Radiology and Biomedical ImagingCards
Featured Publications
Exacerbation of Physical Intimate Partner Violence during COVID-19 Lockdown
Gosangi B, Park H, Thomas R, Gujrathi R, Bay CP, Raja AS, Seltzer SE, Balcom MC, McDonald ML, Orgill DP, Harris MB, Boland GW, Rexrode K, Khurana B. Exacerbation of Physical Intimate Partner Violence during COVID-19 Lockdown. Radiology 2020, 298: 202866. PMID: 32787700, PMCID: PMC7427119, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2020202866.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemicPhysical intimate partner violenceDisease 2019 pandemicIntimate partner violenceDeep injuryCOVID-19 pandemicPublic health problemBackground Intimate partner violenceFisher's exact testSeverity of injuryHealth care servicesRadiologic findingsClinical presentationPartner violenceHigh incidencePearson χExact testCare servicesHealth problemsInjuryPatientsIncidenceVictims of IPVPrior yearPhysical abuseBone Marrow Edema at Dual-Energy CT: A Game Changer in the Emergency Department.
Gosangi B, Mandell JC, Weaver MJ, Uyeda JW, Smith SE, Sodickson AD, Khurana B. Bone Marrow Edema at Dual-Energy CT: A Game Changer in the Emergency Department. RadioGraphics 2020, 40: 859-874. PMID: 32364883, DOI: 10.1148/rg.2020190173.Peer-Reviewed Educational MaterialsImaging Spectrum of Duodenal Emergencies
Gosangi B, Rocha TC, Duran-Mendicuti A. Imaging Spectrum of Duodenal Emergencies. RadioGraphics 2020, 40: 1441-1457. PMID: 32870765, DOI: 10.1148/rg.2020200045.Peer-Reviewed Educational MaterialsConceptsPathologic conditionsTraumatic injuryDuodenal peptic diseaseVascular pathologic conditionsIndex of suspicionRelevant patient historyOnline slide presentationAortoduodenal fistulaAcute settingPeptic diseaseIatrogenic complicationsRadiologic findingsClinical presentationHigh morbiditySmall bowelDuodenal segmentDifferential diagnosisPatient historyEndoscopic proceduresRSNA Annual MeetingIntraperitoneal spaceFrequent mechanismDuodenumInjuryDiagnosisImaging features of toxicities associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors
Gosangi B, McIntosh L, Keraliya A, Irugu DVK, Baheti A, Khandelwal A, Thomas R, Braschi-Amirfarzan M. Imaging features of toxicities associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. European Journal Of Radiology Open 2022, 9: 100434. PMID: 35967881, PMCID: PMC9372737, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejro.2022.100434.Peer-Reviewed Educational MaterialsCOVID-19 ARDS: a review of imaging features and overview of mechanical ventilation and its complications
Gosangi B, Rubinowitz AN, Irugu D, Gange C, Bader A, Cortopassi I. COVID-19 ARDS: a review of imaging features and overview of mechanical ventilation and its complications. Emergency Radiology 2021, 29: 23-34. PMID: 34698956, PMCID: PMC8545770, DOI: 10.1007/s10140-021-01976-5.Peer-Reviewed Educational MaterialsConceptsAcute respiratory distress syndromeCOVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndromePulmonary interstitial emphysemaMechanical ventilationPathophysiology of ARDSVentilator-associated lung injuryCOVID-19Invasive mechanical ventilationRespiratory distress syndromeCOVID-19 pneumoniaHyaline membrane formationIntra-alveolar pressureMost COVID-19 casesImaging of patientsFeatures of complicationsAlveolar epithelial barrierBlood oxygen levelTension cystsLung injuryAlveolar ruptureDistress syndromeInterstitial emphysemaAlveolar edemaCOVID-19 casesInterstitial edemaImaging patterns of thoracic injuries in survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV)
Gosangi B, Wong A, Gujrathi R, Park H, Thomas R, Lewis-O’Connor A, Stoklosa H, Khurana B. Imaging patterns of thoracic injuries in survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV). Emergency Radiology 2022, 30: 71-84. PMID: 36418488, PMCID: PMC9684831, DOI: 10.1007/s10140-022-02097-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsThird of patientsThoracic injuriesConcomitant injuriesRib fracturesIntimate partner violenceTissue injuryAnterior rib fracturesCommon injury typeRetrospective radiological reviewSoft tissue injuriesDeep tissue injurySuperficial soft-tissue injuryLung contusionRadiological reviewMedian ageVertebral fracturesAcromioclavicular dislocationCommon injuriesInjury typePartner violenceSelf-reported intimate partner violencePatientsDemographic dataInjuryPrevention programsImaging patterns of lower extremity injuries in victims of intimate partner violence (IPV)
Gosangi B, Lebovic J, Park H, Thomas R, Gujrathi R, Harris M, Tornetta P, Khurana B. Imaging patterns of lower extremity injuries in victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). Emergency Radiology 2021, 28: 751-759. PMID: 33629191, DOI: 10.1007/s10140-021-01914-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLower extremity injuriesSoft tissue injuriesRecurrent injuryExtremity injuriesCommon siteTissue injuryIntimate partner violenceTotal injuriesUpper extremity injuriesRetrospective radiological reviewRadiological reviewRadiological studiesLower extremitiesPartner violenceCraniofacial injuriesDemographic dataInjuryPrevention programsYoung womenAnkleViolence interventionPatientsFootFracturesPurposeTo
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: Imaging Features and Guidelines.
Gosangi B, Dixe de Oliveira Santo I, Keraliya A, Wang Y, Irugu D, Thomas R, Khandelwal A, Rubinowitz A, Bader A. Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: Imaging Features and Guidelines. RadioGraphics 2024, 44: e230202. PMID: 39024172, DOI: 10.1148/rg.230202.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLi-Fraumeni syndromeLifetime risk of cancerRare autosomal dominant familial cancer syndromeIncreased riskRisk of cancerTreated with total mastectomyAutosomal dominant familial cancer syndromeImaging features of tumorsFamilial cancer syndromeWhole-body MRIAnnual screeningFeatures of tumorsCancer syndromesLifetime riskP53 transcription factorLi-FraumeniAdrenocortical cancerTotal mastectomyPrimary cancerBreast malignancyImaging guidelinesBreast cancerGermline mutationsColon cancerManagement guidelinesDisorders with Ophthalmic and Thoracic Involvement.
Gosangi B, Lang P, Johnson M, Zukerman R, Tu L, Traube L, Bader A, Rubinowitz A. Disorders with Ophthalmic and Thoracic Involvement. RadioGraphics 2024, 44: e230132. PMID: 38870047, DOI: 10.1148/rg.230132.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsClinical manifestationsExamination of family membersEhlers-Danlos syndromeAffecting patient outcomesAcute sarcoidosisOphthalmologic examinationThoracic symptomsDry eyeThoracic involvementOphthalmological symptomsOphthalmologic manifestationsEye symptomsMarfan syndromeSjogren's syndromeImaging findingsRadiological studiesLung diseasePatient outcomesEhlers-DanlosFamily membersMultimodal imagingSystem conditionsSyndromeThoracicSarcoidosisNext-generation digital chest tomosynthesis
Gange C, Ku J, Gosangi B, Liu J, Maolinbay M. Next-generation digital chest tomosynthesis. Journal Of Clinical Imaging Science 2024, 14: 22. PMID: 38975057, PMCID: PMC11225395, DOI: 10.25259/jcis_4_2024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRadiation doseLow dose chest CTLung phantomLung nodulesEffective radiation dosePlane resolutionLow radiation doseLow dose CTPhantomSimulated pulmonary nodulesChest CTChest radiologistsHealthy volunteersPulmonary nodulesDose CTAnatomical locationNodule detectionImaging characteristicsTomosynthesisNodulesLungDoseDetect lung nodulesDevicesPotential utility
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