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Cedarhurst School Staff

  • Michael Hoge, PhD

    Chief Administrator

    B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Kent State University; M.A., Yale University ; Professor of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine; At Yale since 1984; At Cedarhurst since 2000; Hobbies: Sailing, kayaking, photography, and road trips; Quote: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt

  • Kitty Clemens, LCSW


    BA in Psychology, Barnard College, Columbia University; MSW, Smith College School for Social Work; Sixth year Certificate in Educational Leadership, Southern Connecticut State University; At Cedarhurst since 2003; Leads Transitions Group; Hobbies: Cold water swimming, hiking, reading, cooking

  • Luke Borowski

    Associate Director

    B.S. in Elementary Education and Mathematics, Central Connecticut State University; M.S. Special Education, Southern Connecticut State University; Sixth year certificate in Educational Leadership, Southern Connecticut State University; At Cedarhurst since 2008; Leads Project Team Group; Hobbies: Sports, Poker, Darts, Stand Up Comedy, Family Time; Quote: “You must take the first step. The first steps will take some effort, maybe pain. But after that, everything that has to be done is real-life movement.” – Ben Stein

  • Alexandra McKnight, LCSW

    Clinical Services Supervisor

    BA in Psychology and Spanish, Duke University; Masters of Social Work, University of North Carolina; At Cedarhurst since: 2015-2017, 2021; Leads DBT and Yoga Groups

  • Stella Sacks, MSW, LCSW

    Coordinator, Passage Transition Program

    B.A. in psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara; Master of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin; At Cedarhurst since 2021; Teaches DBT, coping skills, interpersonal skills, certified PEERS for Young Adults facilitator (social skills); Hobbies: Hiking, reading, traveling, cooking; Quote: “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are” – C.G. Jung

  • Taylor Arnold

    Teacher Assistant

    Currently pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education; At Cedarhurst since 2023; Teaches Middle School English, Math, Social Studies, Science; Hobbies: Reading, baking, crafting; Quote: “Do the best you can. No one can do more than that” – John Wooden

  • Timothy Bernegger

    Special Education Teacher/Advisor

    B.S. in History and Teacher Certification, Master of Arts-History; At Cedarhurst since 2021; Teaches Physics, Digital Literacy, STEM: Matter and Motion, English 9th and 10th, Topics in Math; Hobbies: Hiking, Fishing, camping, music; “Though the course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea” – Robert Plant

  • Brigitte Biechele-Dunkley

    Special Education Teacher/Advisor

    B.S. in Physical Education, Southern Connecticut State University; M.S. in Special Education, Southern Connecticut State University; Sixth year Certificate in Educational Leadership, Sacred Heart University; At Cedarhurst since 1998; Teaches Physical Education (Middle and High School), Health, French levels 1-3, Veterinary Case Studies, English; Hobbies: Traveling, Fitness, Animals, Sports, Native French Speaker; Favorite Quote: “Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

  • Michael Boccardi

    Special Education Teacher/Advisor

    B.S. in Elementary Education, Eastern Connecticut State University; Certificate in Special Education, Southern Connecticut State University; At Cedarhurst since 1991; Teaches Algebra I and II, Geometry, Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Personal Finance; Hobbies: Golf, travel, cooking; Favorite Quote: “Here’s to life!” -Roger Clyn

  • Emma Butterworth, MSW

    Social Work Fellow

    BSW from University of North Carolina at Greensboro; MSW from University of Georgia; At Cedarhurst since 2024; Knitting Club Advisor, Leads Creative Expressions and Transitions groups; Hobbies: Reading, Arts and Crafts, Yoga

  • Diane Casella

    Special Education Teacher/Advisor

    B.S. History and Social Studies, Secondary Education, Southern Connecticut State University; M.S. Special Education, Southern Connecticut State University; Teaches U.S. History, Civics, Black and Latino/a Studies, History through Film, Topics in History; Hobbies: Reading, cooking, travel, gardening, yoga; Quote: I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think” – Socrates

  • Devante Chandler
  • AC Christakis

    Transition Specialist, Passage Transition Program

    BS in Psychology, Yale University 2024; Certificate in Education Studies, Yale University 2024; At Cedarhurst since 2024; Teach Executive Functioning and College Seminar; Hobbies: cooking, outdoors, photography

  • Katherine DeLeo

    Teacher Assistant

    Southern Connecticut State University – Major: Recreation and Leisure concentration in Community and Youth Development and Minor in Psychology; At Cedarhurst since 2020; Runs school store, Sunshine Club, Facilitates Musical Intervention Club; Hobbies: Spending time with my family, soccer, hiking and watching football - Go Birds!; Quote: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” -Clare Pooley

  • Sharon Eligio

    Office Assistant

    At Cedarhurst since 2024; Hobbies: Gardening, Reading, Puzzles, Swimming

  • Stacey Groshart

    Special Education Teacher/Advisor

    B.S., Virginia Tech; M.A. in Education, University of Connecticut; At Cedarhurst since 2022; Teaches Spanish 1, 2; Art, Art History, STEAM, Middle School Social Studies, Computer Design, ASL Club; Hobbies: Interior Design, sewing, visiting museums and galleries

  • Beth Law

    Special Education Teacher/Advisor

    BA Psychology | Special Education | Elementary Education, Marist College; M.S. in Social Emotional Disabilities and Learning Disabilities, Southern Connecticut State University; At Cedarhurst since 2002; Teaches Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Executive Function; Hobbies: Traveling, running, reading, golf, tennis

  • Grace Leslie, MSW

    Social Work Fellow

    MSW from Hunter College; BS and BA from Syracuse University; At Cedarhurst since 2024; Leads DBT, TAG, and Coping Skills groups, Literary and Art Magazine Advisor; Hobbies: Cooking, Reading, Travelling, and hiking; Quote: “Vulnerability is the foundation of all human strength.” – Steve Burghardt

  • Kimberly Martin, LCSW

    Social Worker

    BS – Counseling and Human Services, University of Scranton; MSW – Master of Social Work, Widener University; At Cedarhurst as an MSW Fellow July 2020 – June 2022. August 2024; Leads Healthy Relationships and Coping Skills; Facilitated GSA; Hobbies: Reading, watching sports; Quote: “Do all things with love.”

  • James Munson

    Special Education Teacher, Behavioral Interventionist

    B.S. Mental Health and Human Services, University of Maine at AugustaumHum; M.S. Special Education/EBD, Southern Connecticut State University; At Cedarhurst since 2012; Teaches World History, Middle School Science, STEM: The Science of Fabrication, Effective Communications, Games Club Advisor; Hobbies: My family rocks! Fishing is my passion; and I do so from shore, kayak, and on boats; Quote: “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us” – G. Mithrander