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Pregnancy Losses

Our goal is to help families and doctors understand why a pregnancy loss occurred. We examine the placenta from the affected pregnancy to determine the most likely cause. Please pick the appropriate tab below to obtain more information on how we can help you.

Pregnancy Loss Patient Information

First, my sincerest condolences on your pregnancy loss. I of course will do whatever I can to try to help you figure out what happened.

Please see the instruction below to start the process of our being able to help you.

On this page you will find links to forms that we will need you to fill out and instructions on how to request the slides be sent to me at Yale. Once I receive the material and look at it I will generate a report for your primary doctor. Since my findings can be challenging to explain to patients, I also have a clinic on Tuesday afternoons where I can meet you to discuss the significance of the findings, as well as options for pursuing future pregnancies, should that be something you wish to pursue.

Please note that it is very helpful if, along with the slides and pathology reports, either you or your doctor, fill out the clinical history form. Any additional clinical records that are easy to obtain would also be appreciated (for example, a clinical summary of your case, any karyotyping, ultrasound reports, etc.).

Some patients find it difficult and upsetting to contact the pathology department where their loss(es) have occurred. Kristin will take care of all aspects of this process. All we need from you to start this are the forms from the links below, signed and dated by you. You can scan them and email them to us or fax them, as you wish. Once received, Kristin will take care of the rest of the process.

If you have any specific questions related to the process of getting the slides to us, please call my clinical office number at:


or email my assistant Kristin Milano at:

She will get back to you as soon as she is able to.

Review of Placenta

Request a Review of the Placenta from your Pregnancy Loss or Complication by Dr. Kliman. To do this you will need to fill out the following documents:

  1. Checklist for Dr. Kliman Pathology Consultations
  2. Request for Review of Pregnancy Loss or Complication Slides
  3. Payment Options for Review of Pregnancy Specimens
  4. Authorization for Release of Materials and Information
  5. Notice of Privacy Practices

Once the review of your pregnancy complication material is done you may, if you wish, request an appointment with Dr. Kliman (see below). It is recommended that you check to make sure your insurance covers some or all of the procedures prior to our examination of the placenta(s). Please see detailed instructions on each form.

Request an Appointment

  1. After your placental material is examined and a report is generated, you may wish to speak with Dr. Kliman to discuss the results. Because of COVID precautions Dr. Kliman now only meets with patients via Zoom video conference on Tuesday afternoons.
  2. When you are emailed the report(s) related to our examination you will be asked if you wish to meet with Dr. Kliman, including instructions on how to start the process.
  3. Since insurance does not normally cover video conference calls, you will be required to pay for this yourself.
  4. You will be supplied with a receipt.
  5. Charges for video consultations are between $117 for up to 29 minutes to $699 for over two hours of time. Each appointment usually lasts between one to two hours, as needed by each family.
  6. A consultative report will be sent to the patient and the patient’s referring physician, as appropriate.

Have you had more than one pregnancy loss?

Yale University, along with several other academic centers, has recently embarked on a comprehensive study to analyze the entire genome (all 6 billion DNA codes) of couples who have had more than one pregnancy loss. We will also sequence the entire genome of any of the losses from these families. We can look at past losses if the tissues were sent to your local pathology department. If you are experiencing a loss as you read this we can arrange to have the loss tissues sent to us at Yale for analysis. There is no charge for the genetic analysis of the parents or the loss tissues. If you are interested in participating, please go to this site:

Genomic Predictors of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (GPRPL)

We thank you in advance for your help in improving our understanding of the genetic basis of recurrent pregnancy loss.

Pregnancy Loss Provider Information

First, I am sorry that your patient had a pregnancy loss. I of course will do whatever I can to try to help you figure out what happened.

Please see the instructions below to start the process of our being able to help your patient.

On this page you will find links to forms that we will need you and your patient to fill out and instructions on how to request the slides be sent to me at Yale. Once I receive the material and look at it I will generate a report for you, her primary doctor, and will set up a time for us to discuss my findings, if you wish.

Please note that it is very helpful if, along with the slides and pathology reports, either you or your patient, fill out the clinical history form. Any additional clinical records that are easy to obtain would also be appreciated (for example, a clinical summary of your case, any karyotyping, ultrasound reports, etc.).

Some patients find it difficult and upsetting to contact the pathology department where their loss(es) have occurred. Kristin will take care of all aspects of this process. All we need from you to start this are the forms from the links below, signed and dated by you and the patient. You or your patient can scan them and email them to us or fax them, as you wish. Once received, Kristin will take care of the rest of the process.

If you have any specific questions related to the process of getting the slides to us, please call my clinical office number at:


or email my assistant Kristin Milano at:

She will get back to you as soon as she is able to.

Once I have completed my review, I will also invite the patient to join me on a zoom call to discuss my findings.

Review of Placenta

Request a Review of the Placenta from a Pregnancy Loss or Complication by Dr. Kliman. To do this you and/or the patient will need to fill out the following documents:

  1. Checklist for Dr. Kliman Pathology Consultations
  2. Request for Review of Pregnancy Loss or Complication Slides
  3. Payment Options for Review of Pregnancy Specimens
  4. Authorization for Release of Materials and Information
  5. Notice of Privacy Practices

Once the review of the pregnancy loss material is done your patient may, if they wish, request an appointment with me (see below). It is recommended that the patient check to make sure their insurance covers some or all of these procedures prior to this review. Please see detailed instructions on each form.

Request an Appointment

  1. After the placental material is examined and a report is generated, your patient may wish to speak with me to discuss the results. Because of COVID precautions I now only meet with patients via Zoom video conference on Tuesday afternoons.
  2. When the patient is emailed the report(s) related to our examination they will be asked if they wish to meet with me, including instructions on how to start the process.
  3. Since insurance does not normally cover video conference calls, your patient will be required to pay for this themselves.
  4. They will be supplied with a receipt.
  5. Charges for video consultations are between $117 for up to 29 minutes to $699 for over two hours of time. Each appointment usually lasts between one to two hours, as needed by each family.
  6. A consultative report will be sent to the patient and you, the patient’s referring physician, as appropriate.

Complications and Loss Articles

  1. Kliman HJ, Segel L. (2003) The placenta may predict the baby. J Ther Biol, 225: 143-145.
  2. Rejniak KA, Kliman HJ, Fauci LJ. (2004) A computational model of the mechanics of growth of the villous trophoblast bilayer. Bull Math Biol, 66:199-23.
  3. Anderson GM, Jacobs-Stannard A, Chawarska K, Volkmar FR, Kliman HJ. (2007) Placental Trophoblast Inclusions in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Biological Psychiatry, 61:487-91.
  4. Azpurua HJ, Funai EF, Coraluzzi L, Sasson I, Doherty L, Kliman M, Kliman HJ. Determination of placental weight using two-dimensional sonography and volumetric mathematic modeling, Am J Perinatology, 27: 151-155, 2010.
  5. Arleo EK, Troiano RN, da Silva R, Greenbaum D, Kliman HJ. Utilizing 2-Dimensional Ultrasound to Develop Normative Curves for Estimated Placental Volume (EPV). Am J Perinatology. 2013 Oct 9. [Epub ahead of print]
  6. Kliman HJ. Placenta. (2013) In: Encyclopedia of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Volkmar FR (ed). Springer, New York.
  7. Walker CK, Anderson KW, Milano KM, Ye S, Tancredi DJ, Pessah IN, Hertz-Picciotto I, Kliman HJ, (2013) Trophoblast Inclusions are Significantly Increased in the Placentas of Children in Families at Risk for Autism, Biological Psychiatry, 74:204-11.
  8. Sonek J, Krantz D, Carmichael J, Downing C, Jessup K, Haidar Z, Ho S, Hallahan T, Kliman HJ, McKenna D. (2018) First trimester screening for early and late preeclampsia using maternal characteristics, biomarkers, and estimated placental volume. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 218:126.e1-126.e13; doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2017.10.024
  9. Isakov KMM, Emerson JW, Campbell KH, Galerneau F, Anders AM, Lee YK, Roberts AE, Kliman HJ. (2018) Estimated placental volume and gestational age. American Journal of Perinatology, 35:748-57, 2018; doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1615285
  10. Kliman HJ, Quaratella SB, Setaro AC, Siegman EC, Subha ZT, Tal R, Milano KM, Steck TL. (2018) Pathway of Maternal Serotonin to the Human Embryo and Fetus. Endocrinology, 159:1609-1629
  11. Yockey LJ, Jurado KA, Arora N, Millet A, Rakib T, Milano KM, Hastings AK, Fikrig E, Kong Y, Horvath TL, Weatherbee S, Kliman HJ, Coyne CB, Iwasaki A. Type I interferons instigate fetal demise after Zika virus infection. Sci Immunol. 2018 Jan 5;3(19)
  12. Mackie DI, Al Mutairi F, Davis RB, Kechele DO, Nielsen NR, Snyder JC, Caron MG, Kliman HJ, Berg JS, Simms J, Poyner DR, Caron KM. hCALCRLmutation causes autosomal recessive nonimmune hydrops fetalis with lymphatic dysplasia. J Exp Med. 2018 Sep 3;215(9):2339-2353
  13. Kliman HJ, Firestein MR, Hofmann KM, Milano KM, Holzer PH, Brink LT, Odendaal HJ, Fifer WP. (2021) Trophoblast inclusions in the human placenta: Identification, characterization, quantification, and interrelations of subtypes. Placenta 103: 172-176,
  14. Katz J, Holzer PH, Kliman HJ, Genetics, not the uterine environment, drive the formation of trophoblast inclusions: Insights from a twin study, Placenta (2021)
  15. A. Lu-Culligan, A.R. Chavan, P. Vijayakumar, L. Irshaid, E.M. Courchaine, K.M. Milano, Z. Tang, S.D. Pope, E. Song, C.B.F. Vogels, W.J. Lu-Culligan, K.H. Campbell, A. Casanovas-Massana, S. Bermejo, J.M. Toothaker, H.J. Lee, F. Liu, W. Schulz, J. Fournier, M.C. Muenker, A.J. Moore, L. Konnikova, K.M. Neugebauer, A. Ring, N.D. Grubaugh, A.I. Ko, R. Morotti, S. Guller, Kliman HJ, A. Iwasaki, S.F. Farhadian, Maternal respiratory SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy is associated with a robust inflammatory response at the maternal-fetal interface, Med 2(5) (2021) 591-610.e10
  16. Thompson, B.B., Holzer, P.H. & Kliman, H.J. Placental Pathology Findings in Unexplained Pregnancy Losses. Reprod. Sci. 31, 488–504 (2024).


Causes of Pregnancy Loss 24May21

A 30 minute video presentation that reviews the different causes of pregnancy loss and, when possible, ways to prevent future losses.

Credit: Harvey J. Kliman

Stillbirth Matters Podcast: The Placenta and What It Tells Us

Our podcast guest is Dr. Harvey Kliman, MD, PhD. Listen as Chris Duffy visits with him about his research of the placenta and pregnancy outcomes. Harvey Kliman, MD, PhD, is a Research Scientist in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences and the Director of the Reproductive and Placental Research Unit at Yale. His clinical interests include infertility, implantation, recurrent pregnancy loss, endometrial receptivity testing, and placental pathology. He both does testing for impaired implantation and pregnancy loss, and sees patients.

Source: Star Legacy Foundation
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Our mission is to share information about placenta size as a measurable risk factor in order to potentially prevent stillbirths

Stillbirth Diagnosis and Prevention Symposium

Learn about the causes of stillbirth, specialized clinics that care for loss moms, and ways to prevent stillbirth.

Stillbirth (a pregnancy loss at 20 weeks or greater gestation) is a devastating event for a mother, her family, and her healthcare providers. This Symposium brought together experts who determine the cause of stillbirths, care for families after a loss, research methods to potentially prevent stillbirth, and combat the systemic racism that puts women of color at especially high risk for stillbirth. This free Zoom webinar took place on May 22, 2021, from 10 am to 1 pm EDT. The Symposium concluded with a panel discussion, at which time we welcomed questions from the audience. The target audience for this video is healthcare providers, families who have experienced a loss, and anyone else who is interested in ending preventable stillbirth.

Video by Harvey J. Kliman

Shattered Conception Podcast: Episode 39. The Placenta and What It Tells Us with Harvey Kliman, M.D., Ph.D.

My guest on Episode 39 of Shattered Conception is Dr. Harvey Kliman who has, in addition to an M.D., holds a Ph.D. in cellular biochemistry from the University of Chicago. He is currently a Research Scientist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine and the Director of the Reproductive and Placental Research Unit with a special interest in infertility, pregnancy complications, pregnancy loss(es) and stillbirth.

Source: Shattered Conception
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Our goal is to cut the US stillbirth rate by 20% by the end of 2030, in half by 2050, and in time, eradicate all preventable stillbirths.