Join Us
Experimental research on fungal genomics, and bioinformatic and theoretical studies ongoing range from examining the evolution of cancer, the impact of horizontal gene transfer and antibiotic resistance of prokaryotes to the evolution of quantitative traits in multicellular organisms to profiling the phylogenetic power of genes, and there is plenty of flexibility about subject, topic, and approach, as long as the question is sound.
Click on the appropriate interest group below to see opportunities appropriate for your interests.
Opportunities for Undergraduates
The Townsend Lab works at the interface of probabilistic mathematical modeling and high-throughput experiment to explain evolutionary processes. Opportunities in the lab range from learning experiences in laboratory methods to independent research in theoretical and computational biology.
- Theoretical work includes the use of computer simulation and analysis to better understand phylogenetics, evolutionary history, molecular evolutionary and population genetic processes. Computationally, experience programming in C/C++, Perl/CGI, SQL, Linux/Irix, HTML and Java is highly desirable.
- Experimental work in the Townsend Lab includes organismal culturing, microscopy, and molecular techniques including genome-wide DNA microarray analysis, often using the highly tractable baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae or the fireburn fungus Neurospora crassa.
Take Independent Laboratory Research Courses
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (E&EB) 475: Research
- E&EB 495: Intensive Senior Research
Apply for these student scholarships
- Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation
- UNCF•Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarships
Apply for these sources of funding for undergraduate research
- Yale Science, Technology, and Research Scholarship
- Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research
- Edward A. Bouchet Undergraduate Fellowship
Apply for these fellowships for summer research
- Yale Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- Yale-HHMI Future Scientist Fellowship
- Yale Richter Fellowship
- Yale College Dean's Research Fellowship
- Yale Environmental Internship
- ASM's Microbiology Undergraduate Research Fellowship
- Jackson Labs Summer Student Program
Present your research
- Eastern Colleges Science Conference
Apply for graduate school
Opportunities for Graduate Students
Apply for admission to Yale as a graduate student through
Apply for these fellowships for graduate study
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- NIH NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship
- DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- Food & Agriculture Graduate Fellowship
- Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation
- National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
- Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship for Minorities
- UNCF•Merck Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellowship
Apply for these sources of funding for graduate student research
- Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research
- Switzer Foundation Environmental Fellowship
- DeLill Nasser Award for Courses or Conferences in Genetics
Postdoctoral Positions
Opportunities for Postdoctoral Scholars
Careering through your postdoc
To apply, please send a CV, a brief statement of research interests and contact information for three academic references.
Apply for these postdoctoral fellowships
- NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Food & Agriculture Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Yale Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Gaylord Donnelley Environmental Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
- American Association of University Women International Fellowships
- Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar Programs Visiting Scholar Research Fellowship