Elucidating Heterogeneity of Intimate Partner Violence Among Women: Latent Class Analysis of Daily IPV, PTSD, and Substance Use Collected via Experience Sampling Methodologies.
Chiaramonte D, Schick M, Woerner J, Hernandez A, Sullivan T. Elucidating Heterogeneity of Intimate Partner Violence Among Women: Latent Class Analysis of Daily IPV, PTSD, and Substance Use Collected via Experience Sampling Methodologies. Journal Of Interpersonal Violence 2024, 8862605241286026. PMID: 39445476, DOI: 10.1177/08862605241286026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntimate partner violenceIntimate partner violence typesExperience intimate partner violenceLatent class analysisPartner violenceSubstance useSexual intimate partner violenceIntimate partner violence experiencesWomen’s lived experiencesCross-sectional survey dataWomen's daily livesHeterogeneity of experiencesPhysical health outcomesMicro-longitudinal dataPTSD-related distressPolicy implicationsSurvey dataMultilevel analysisAssociated with heightened riskClass analysisLived experienceViolenceDevelopment of interventionsHealth outcomesHeightened riskExamining Daily Self-Efficacy, Minority Stressors, and Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among Trauma-Exposed Sexual Minority Women and Transgender and Gender-Diverse People
Scheer J, Mereish E, Gilmore A, Cascalheira C, Helminen E, Dobani F, Behari K, Pirog S, Jackson S, Sullivan T, Batchelder A. Examining Daily Self-Efficacy, Minority Stressors, and Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among Trauma-Exposed Sexual Minority Women and Transgender and Gender-Diverse People. Annals Of Behavioral Medicine 2024, 58: 832-844. PMID: 39402938, PMCID: PMC11568352, DOI: 10.1093/abm/kaae065.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSexual minority womenSexual minority stressorsMinority stressorsAOD useDaily self-efficacyDrinking riskSelf-efficacyGender diverse peopleMultilevel binary logistic modelCross-level interactionsBetween-person levelTGD peopleMinority WomenBinary logistic modelPolicy effortsGender diversityTransgenderDrug usePerpetuation of stigmaSocial learningMinorityStressorsOrdinal logistic modelUnhealthy drinkingLogistic modelAcceptability and feasibility of trauma- and violence-informed care for intimate partner violence
Tiyyagura G, Leventhal J, Schaeffer P, Gawel M, Crawley D, Frechette A, Reames S, Carlson C, Sullivan T, Asnes A. Acceptability and feasibility of trauma- and violence-informed care for intimate partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect 2024, 157: 107068. PMID: 39332141, PMCID: PMC11512670, DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.107068.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntimate partner violence advocatesIntimate partner violenceIPV-exposed childrenChild protective servicesIntimate partner violence servicesPartner violenceImpact of intimate partner violenceExposure to intimate partner violenceIntimate partner violence survivorsChild physical abuseViolence-informed careAdvocacy servicesProtective servicesPhysical abuseQualitative interviewsPromote well-beingCaregiver engagementSeeking careAdvocatesPediatric visitsAssess acceptabilityImmediate linkageChild visitsViolenceWell-beingMechanisms Underlying the Use of Abusive and Neglectful Behaviors in Dementia Caregiving: The Role of Caregiver Mental Health.
Browning W, Yildiz M, Hernandez Chilatra J, Yefimova M, Maxwell C, Sullivan T, Winstead V, Pickering C. Mechanisms Underlying the Use of Abusive and Neglectful Behaviors in Dementia Caregiving: The Role of Caregiver Mental Health. Research In Gerontological Nursing 2024, 17: 227-236. PMID: 39347758, DOI: 10.3928/19404921-20240808-01.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCaregiver mental healthFamily caregiversAssociated with increased oddsAnxiety disordersCare recipientsMental healthNeglectful behaviorsAnxiety symptomsFamily caregiver populationDementia family caregiversImpact of caregivingAnxiety symptom severityClinically significant depressionGeneralized anxiety disorderMental health symptomologyWorsening anxiety symptomsWorsening depressive symptomsIntensive longitudinal designPhysically aggressive behaviorDementia caregiversCaregiver populationCaregiver psychopathologyLinear mixed modelsSignificant interaction effectCaregiversPatterns of Family Conflict and Accusations of Abuse in Dementia Family Caregivers: A Latent Class Analysis
Browning W, Yildiz M, Maxwell C, Sullivan T, Yefimova M, Chilatra J, Pickering C. Patterns of Family Conflict and Accusations of Abuse in Dementia Family Caregivers: A Latent Class Analysis. The Gerontologist 2024, 64: gnae108. PMID: 39166288, PMCID: PMC11446213, DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnae108.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLatent class analysisFamily conflictNeglectful behaviorsNon-traditional family structuresGroup membershipClass analysisNon-traditional caregiversRelationship typesFamily caregiversAdult childrenFour-class solutionFamily structureMultinomial logistic regressionProbability of abuseAccusations of abuseConflictUnique risk factorsAccusationsAbuseMembershipDementia family caregiversNeglectCaregiversElevated probabilityFamilyThe nexus of drought, extreme heat, and intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income countries
Wang P, Chu L, Ban J, Sullivan T, Chen K. The nexus of drought, extreme heat, and intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income countries. ISEE Conference Abstracts 2024, 2024 DOI: 10.1289/isee.2024.0104.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSelf-Compassion and Emotion Dysregulation Mediate the Effect of Stress Appraisals on Elder Abuse and Neglect Behaviors in Dementia Family Caregiving
Pickering C, Weiss N, Yildiz M, Sullivan T. Self-Compassion and Emotion Dysregulation Mediate the Effect of Stress Appraisals on Elder Abuse and Neglect Behaviors in Dementia Family Caregiving. The Journals Of Gerontology Series B 2024, 79: gbae138. PMID: 39136354, PMCID: PMC11439994, DOI: 10.1093/geronb/gbae138.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEmotion dysregulationSelf-compassionStress appraisalDementia family caregiversEffect of self-compassionEffects of stress appraisalsMediation of emotional dysregulationBetween-person levelMultilevel structural equation modelingNeglectful behaviorsModifiable intervention targetsEmotion (dys)regulationStructural equation modelingBehavioral symptomsMediation pathsBehavioral interventionsEfficacious interventionsIntervention targetsEmotionsFamily caregiversEquation modelingAbuseDysregulationDiary surveyCaregiversA psychometric evaluation of the PTSD Checklist for DSM‐5 among women experiencing intimate partner violence
Schick M, Sullivan T, Alfano A, Weiss N. A psychometric evaluation of the PTSD Checklist for DSM‐5 among women experiencing intimate partner violence. Journal Of Traumatic Stress 2024, 37: 998-1008. PMID: 39031171, PMCID: PMC11631682, DOI: 10.1002/jts.23087.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrevalence of posttraumatic stress disorderPTSD ChecklistPCL-5Intimate partner violenceDSM-5Self-report measures of PTSD symptomsPsychometric propertiesMeasures of PTSD symptomsPTSD diagnosisPosttraumatic stress disorderTrauma-exposed populationsPTSD prevalenceSample of community womenSelf-report measuresAdequate psychometric propertiesPartner violencePTSD symptomsStress disorderCutoff scorePsychometric evaluationInternal consistencyCommunity womenCronbach's aChecklistViolenceMeasuring emotion dysregulation in daily life: an experience sampling study
Weiss N, Dixon-Gordon K, Brick L, Goldstein S, Schick M, Laws H, Kiefer R, Contractor A, Sullivan T. Measuring emotion dysregulation in daily life: an experience sampling study. Anxiety Stress & Coping 2024, ahead-of-print: 1-19. PMID: 38932637, DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2024.2366031.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPositive emotion dysregulationEmotion dysregulationMeasures of emotion dysregulationEmotion Regulation ScaleMeasuring emotion dysregulationIntensive longitudinal approachAssess emotion dysregulationPsychometrically valid measureRegulation ScaleFactor structurePsychometric propertiesPositive emotionsIndividual's daily lifeBetween-levelCommunity womenEmotionsIntimate partner violenceBaseline traitsValidity measuresDaily lifeScale positionBaseline interviewMDersPartner violenceLongitudinal approachImpact of COVID-19 on women living with HIV who are survivors of intimate partner violence
Zhang X, Price C, Pope A, Sullivan T, Meyer J. Impact of COVID-19 on women living with HIV who are survivors of intimate partner violence. BMC Public Health 2024, 24: 1352. PMID: 38769576, PMCID: PMC11103830, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-18862-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntimate partner violenceIntimate partner violence exposureLifetime intimate partner violencePartner violenceRates of intimate partner violenceSurvivors of intimate partner violenceIntimate partner violence survivorsSubstance usePhysical healthMental healthImpact of COVID-19Experiences of WLWHImpact domainsHIV care engagementSubstance use problemsConcurrent mental healthIPV survivorsSample of WLWHCOVID-19-related impactsHealth emergency periodMultivariate linear regression modelPrimary explanatory variablePearson chi-square testCare engagementGroup of womenEmotion Regulation, Coping Strategies, and Hazardous Drinking Among Family Caregivers of People With Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias.
Hernandez Chilatra J, Browning W, Yildiz M, Sullivan T, Pickering C. Emotion Regulation, Coping Strategies, and Hazardous Drinking Among Family Caregivers of People With Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias. Research In Gerontological Nursing 2024, 17: 81-90. PMID: 38507290, DOI: 10.3928/19404921-20240229-02.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHazardous drinkingADRD caregiversFamily caregiversCoping strategiesFamily caregivers of peopleFamily caregivers of individualsAlcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-ConsumptionCaregivers of peopleCaregivers of individualsPrevalence of hazardous drinkingEmotion regulationBinary logistic regression modelLogistic regression modelsReducing avoidant copingCaregiving experiencePotential risk factorsTest-ConsumptionTargeted interventionsADRDAlcohol use disorderCaregiversImprove emotion regulationAvoidant copingAlzheimer's diseaseCopingPredicting Completion of Ecological Momentary Assessments Among Substance-Using Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence
Yang M, Schick M, Sullivan T, Weiss N. Predicting Completion of Ecological Momentary Assessments Among Substance-Using Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence. Assessment 2024, 31: 1398-1413. PMID: 38174693, DOI: 10.1177/10731911231216948.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Concordance of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Assessed via Retrospective Report Versus Experience Sampling Methods in Community Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence
Kiefer R, Schick M, Newberger N, Ferguson J, Raudales A, Sullivan T, Weiss N. Concordance of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Assessed via Retrospective Report Versus Experience Sampling Methods in Community Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence. Journal Of Interpersonal Violence 2023, 39: 605-630. PMID: 37706478, PMCID: PMC11262423, DOI: 10.1177/08862605231197737.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExperience sampling methodPosttraumatic stress disorderPTSD symptomsPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomsRetrospective reportsIntimate partner violenceSurvey three timesCommunity womenLarge effect sizesESM reportsPTSD researchDisorder symptomsStress disorderIPV contextNegative health consequencesPartner violenceEffect sizeSymptom patternsHealth consequencesDiscordance scoreMeaningful differencesSampling methodInterviewsSymptomsExperienceExpressive writing treatments to reduce PTSD symptom severity and negative alcohol-related outcomes among trauma-exposed sexual minority women and transgender/nonbinary people: Study protocol for a mixed-method pilot trial
Scheer J, Behari K, Schwarz A, Cascalheira C, Helminen E, Pirog S, Jaipuriyar V, Sullivan T, Batchelder A, Jackson S. Expressive writing treatments to reduce PTSD symptom severity and negative alcohol-related outcomes among trauma-exposed sexual minority women and transgender/nonbinary people: Study protocol for a mixed-method pilot trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2023, 35: 101197. PMID: 37671246, PMCID: PMC10475481, DOI: 10.1016/j.conctc.2023.101197.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNegative alcohol-related outcomesAlcohol-related outcomesExpressive writing treatmentsPTSD symptom severitySexual minority womenTNB individualsWriting sessionsWriting treatmentPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomsSymptom severityWeb-based treatmentDisorder symptomsTNB peoplePilot trialEffective treatment approachNonbinary individualsCisgender peopleMinority womenMixed-methods pilotNonbinary peopleIndividualsTreatment approachesHeterosexual womenThree monthsTreatment outcomesEcological investigation of the co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and cannabis use among community women experiencing intimate partner violence
Newberger N, Forkus S, Thomas E, Goldstein S, Ferguson J, Sullivan T, Weiss N. Ecological investigation of the co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and cannabis use among community women experiencing intimate partner violence. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2023, 250: 110905. PMID: 37515827, PMCID: PMC10530157, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.110905.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPTSD symptom clustersPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomsSymptom clustersIntimate partner violenceCannabis useCommunity womenDisorder symptomsAcute effectsHazardous patternsPartner violencePTSD symptomsSymptomsWomenCannabisIntervention effortsDaysExternalizing behaviorsSurvey periodIntimate Partner Violence Survivors’ Daily Experiences of Social Disconnection, Substance Use, and Sex with Secondary Partners
Woerner J, Chiaramonte D, Clark D, Tennen H, Sullivan T. Intimate Partner Violence Survivors’ Daily Experiences of Social Disconnection, Substance Use, and Sex with Secondary Partners. Prevention Science 2023, 24: 1327-1339. PMID: 37243866, DOI: 10.1007/s11121-023-01546-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSexual intimate partner violenceIntimate partner violenceSubstance useSecondary partnersMultiple daily assessmentsMultilevel logistic regression modelsSexual risk behaviorsLogistic regression modelsDrug useRisk behaviorsSocial disconnectionSocial determinantsDaily assessmentEvent-level associationsSexWomenRegression modelsPartner violenceLongitudinal designIPV survivorsPerson predictorsIntensive longitudinal designSurvivorsMicro-Longitudinal Examination of Emotion Dysregulation and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms among Community Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence: Modeling Reciprocal Relationships Using Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling
Weiss N, Raudales A, Contractor A, Forkus S, Kiefer R, Brick L, Sullivan T. Micro-Longitudinal Examination of Emotion Dysregulation and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms among Community Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence: Modeling Reciprocal Relationships Using Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling. Journal Of Emotion And Psychopathology 2023, 1: 216-229. DOI: 10.55913/joep.v1i1.23.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPositive emotion dysregulationPosttraumatic stress disorderNegative emotion dysregulationEmotion dysregulationPTSD symptomsTreatment of PTSDPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomsDynamic structural equation modelingSignificant cross-lagged effectBetween-person levelMore PTSD symptomsIntimate partner violenceCross-lagged effectsSurvey three timesStructural equation modelingCommunity womenPositive emotionsDisorder symptomsPerson levelStress disorderReciprocal associationsCross-sectional designEquation modelingPartner violenceReciprocal relationshipEvaluation of Children after Caregiver Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Study of Barriers, Facilitators, and Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care
Tiyyagura G, Clayton N, Schaeffer P, Gawel M, Leventhal J, Hammel K, Jubanyik K, Crawley D, Frechette A, Lindberg D, Sullivan T, Asnes A. Evaluation of Children after Caregiver Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Study of Barriers, Facilitators, and Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care. The Journal Of Pediatrics 2023, 260: 113519. PMID: 37244576, PMCID: PMC10527175, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2023.113519.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntimate partner violenceCommunity advisory boardEmergency department cliniciansViolence-informed carePhysical abuseEvaluation of childrenIPV-exposed childrenPartner violenceChild abuse pediatriciansContext of IPVCaregiver needsRoutine evaluationLimited evidenceRisk of abuseChild physical abuseCaregiversIPV advocatesConstant comparative methodChildrenQualitative interviewsTraumaBenefits of evaluationCareAbuseQualitative studyCriminal Orders of Protection for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Future System Engagement, and Well-Being: Understanding the Importance of Prior Abusive Relationships
Woerner J, Sullivan T, Cattaneo L, Backes B, Bellucci B. Criminal Orders of Protection for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Future System Engagement, and Well-Being: Understanding the Importance of Prior Abusive Relationships. Victims & Offenders 2023, 19: 1084-1103. PMID: 39184826, PMCID: PMC11343177, DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2023.2211572.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntimate partner violenceAbusive relationshipsCriminal ordersPartner violenceCourt experienceVictim advocatesWomen's safetyCourt systemAbusive experiencesExperiences womenViolenceLess willingnessSystem engagementGreater depression symptomsWillingnessExperienceWomenMental healthAdvocatesChi-square analysisFuturePrimary focusDepression symptomsEngagementPTSD symptomsProbable PTSD, PTSD symptom severity, and comorbid PTSD and hazardous drinking among sexual minority women compared to heterosexual women: A meta-analysis
Scheer J, Helminen E, Cascalheira C, Jaipuriyar V, Shaw T, Zabelski S, Behari K, Pirog S, Batchelder A, Possemato K, Hughes T, Sullivan T. Probable PTSD, PTSD symptom severity, and comorbid PTSD and hazardous drinking among sexual minority women compared to heterosexual women: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review 2023, 102: 102283. PMID: 37150043, PMCID: PMC10205673, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpr.2023.102283.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProbable posttraumatic stress disorderPosttraumatic stress disorderHazardous drinkingSexual minority womenPTSD symptom severitySymptom severityPTSD riskComorbid posttraumatic stress disorderMinority womenHeterosexual womenEligible publicationsReference listsPeer-reviewed publicationsElectronic databasesPronounced riskGreater riskTrauma-related sequelaeStress disorderSystematic searchWomenDemographic characteristicsRiskGender diverse peopleRelevant papersSeverity