Y-Chromosome FISH Protocols
- Basic FISH Protocol - Frozen
Unless noted otherwise, all incubations take place at room temperature 1. Equilibrate frozen sections to RT 2. Wash in 2xSSC, incubate two times, 3 min each incubation (2x3min) 3. Incubate in 0.2 M HCL for 10 min at room temperature 4. Wash in 2xSSC 2x3min 5. Incubate in 1M NaSCN for 20 min at 75-80°C 6. Wash in 2xSSC 2x3min 7. Water rinse 8. Ethanol dehydrate (70%, 95%, 100%), 1 min each 9. Air-dry slides 10. Hybridization: pre-heat probe to 75°C, vortex to mix a. Add 10-12 µl preannealed probe to slides and cover with a small coverslip (18mmx18mm). b. Seal with rubber cement - must be certain that edges of coverslip are sealed completely (can't use too much!) c. Incubate @ 75°C for 5 min. d. Incubate @ 37°C overnight in moist chamber 11. Carefully remove rubber cement and coverslip, wash in 2xSSC 2 min 12. Wash with 0.4x SSC/0.3%NP40 at 55 C for 3 min. 13. Wash 2xSSC 2 min 14. Block: incubate in 4xSSC/3%BSA/0.1%Tween20 for 30 min at 37°C 15. Detection: dilute anti DIG-rhodamine (Roche cat# 1 207 750) 1:20 in 4xSSC/1%BSA/0.1%Tween20 and incubate at 37°C for 45 min. 16. Wash well with 2xSSC 17. Rinse slides in water 18. Air-dry slides in the dark 19. Add a drop of vectashield mounting medium with DAPI (Vector cat# H-1200), coverslip and view. - Basic FISH Protocol - Paraffin
Unless noted otherwise, all incubations take place at room temperature1. Heat tissues to 60°C for 10 mins 2. Deparaffinize and rehydrate tissue sections through series of xylenes and ethanol incubations a. Xylenes or alternative (Citrisolve, Histoclear) incubate 2 times, 5 min each incubation (2 x 5 min) b. 100% ethanol, 5 min c. 95% ethanol, 5 min d. 70% ethanol, 5 min 3. Rinse the slides once in dH20 4. Wash with PBS for 5 mins 5. Antigen retrieval: Preheat BD retrievagen A solution (BD Pharmigen cat# 550524) in coplin jar in steamer. Add slides to coplin jar and incubate for 10-20 min in steamer then let stand at room temperature for 20 min. 6. Wash 2xSSC 2x3min 7. Incubate in 0.2 M HCL for 12 min at room temperature 8. Wash in 2xSSC 2x3min 9. Incubate in 1M NaSCN for 20 min at 75-80°C 10. Wash in 2xSSC 2x3min 11. Water rinse 12. Ethanol dehydrate (70%, 95%, 100%), 1 min each 13. Air-dry slides 14. Hybridization: pre-heat probe to 75°C, vortex to mix a. Add 10-12µl preannealed probe to slides and cover with a small coverslip (18mmx18mm). b. Seal with rubber cement - must be certain that edges of coverslip are sealed completely (can't use too much!) c. Incubate @ 75°C for 5 min. d. Incubate @ 37°C overnight in moist chamber 15. Carefully remove rubber cement and coverslip, wash in 2xSSC 2 min 16. Wash with 0.4x SSC/0.3%NP40 at 55°C for 3 min. 17. Wash 2xSSC 2 min 18. Block: incubate in 4xSSC/3%BSA/0.1%Tween20 for 30 min at 37°C 19. Detection: dilute anti DIG-rhodamine (Roche cat# 1 207 750) 1:20 in 4xSSC/1%BSA/0.1%Tween20 and incubate at 37°C for 45 min. 20. Wash well with 2xSSC 21. Rinse slides in water 22. Air-dry slides in the dark 23. Add a drop of vectashield mounting medium with DAPI (Vector cat# H-1200), coverslip and view. - FISH Solutions
Blocking SolutionFor 100 mls:
3g BSA - end conc. 3% BSA
20mls 20x SSC - end conc. 4x SSC
100µl Tween20 - 0.1% Tween in 100mls
H2O up to 100 mlsDetection Solution
For 100 mls:
1g BSA - end conc. 1% BSA
4xSSC/0.1% Tween up to 100 mlsHybridization Mixture
For 20 mls:
8 mls 50% Dextran Sulfate - end conc. 20% Dextran Sulfate
4 mls 20x SSC - end conc. 4x SSC
8 mls H2O- Preparing Y-Chromosome Probe
Generate Y chromosome template DNA
If you are starting with an aliquot of 2-4 µl template DNA, amplify the DNA several (2-3)
times by DOP-PCR to generate Y chromosome template. This will be your Y chromosome
template stock. Then each time you make probe use DNA from this stock for another batch
(8 reaction) DOP-PCR and subsequent labeling. Do not repeatedly amplify DOP-PCR as this
can bias the oligos generated by selecting for a subpopulation of oligos that amplify
particularly well.
We usually generate Y probe in bulk by making a master mix for 10 PCR reactions.
We then make 8 DOP-PCR reactions, have one no DNA control and 1 excess reaction
for pipetting error. This bulk reaction gives us 1.6 mls of Y probe, roughly enough
to stain 160 slides.DOP-PCR (degenerate oligonucleo primed-polymerase chain reaction) PCR reaction, 50 µl total volume
1 reaction 10 reactions ADD: Water 40.3 µl 403 µl 10x PCR buffer 5 µl 50 µl 10 mM dNTP 1.2 µl 12 µl 100 µM 6AI primer 1 µl 10 µl Taq stock 5U/ µl 0.5 µl 5 µl (Roche cat# 1 435 094) Take out 48 µl for no DNA control, place in a labeled 0.2ml tube
1 reaction 9 reactions ADD: Mouse Y chromosome DNA 2 µl 18 µl Pipette 50 µl into 8 tubes
where N is an equal concentration of all nucleotidesCycle conditions PCR cycle denaturing annealing extension 1-2 cycles 45sec/94°C 45sec/15°C 12min/37°C 5 cycles 40sec/94°C 45sec/37°C 4min/66°C 24 cycles 40sec/94°C 45sec/54°C 4min/66°C For bulk DOP-PCR, pipet all the reactions together after cycling. Then run 5 µl pooled
DOP-PCR reaction and 5 µl no-DNA control on a 2% agarose gel alongside a 100 bp marker.
The DOP-PCR reaction produces a smear that runs from approximately 300 to 2.5 kb.
Next ethanol precipitate the pooled DOP-PCR DNA overnight by adding 1/10 the volume of
3M NaOAc, vortexing and then adding 2.5x the volume 100% ethanol and leaving at -20°C ON.
The next day centrifuge the solution at 14,000 rpm for 30 min to pellet the DNA. Next wash
the pellet in 70% ethanol and air-dry. Resuspend the pellet in the starting volume of distilled
water (50 µl per PCR reaction, 400 µl for 8 reactions pooled).Making the Y probe DIG-Nick Translation
The next step involves digesting the Y chromosome template DNA (DOP-PCR reaction)
into smaller pieces and labeling these pieces with digoxigenin. This is done using the DIG-Nick
translation kit (ROCHE cat# 1745876). Take out 5-20 µl of newly resuspended DOP-PCR
and set aside.1 reaction 8 reactions ADD: Y Chromosome Template (DOP-PCR) approx 50 µl approx 400 µl DIG-Nick Kit mix 12.5 µl 100 µl This is now your DIG-Nick reaction solution. Incubate at 15 °C for 90 min to 2 hrs. Put the
reaction on ice and run the reaction on a 2% agarose gel alongside the 5 µl of DOP-PCR
you set aside earlier and some 100bp marker. You expect to see smear of fragments ranging
from 150-500 bp. If this is the case, stop the reaction. If the smear still contains larger sized
fragments, return the reaction to 15°C and check again on a 2% agarose gel every 10-20 min
until the reaction contains the appropriate fragment sizes.
To stop the reaction:
1 reaction 8 reactions ADD: DIG-Nick reaction 62.5 µl 500 µl 0.5M EDTA 4 µl 32 µl and incubate at 65°C for 10 min.
Ethanol precipitation with carrier and blocker DNA
Aliquot the DIG-Nick reaction by placing 100 µl of it into several 1.5 ml eppendorfs. Scale up
or down as necessary.ADD: DIG-Nick reaction 100µl Sonicated Salmon sperm 10mg/ml
(Stratagene cat#21190)60µl Cot-1 DNA 1mg/ml
(Invitrogen cat#18440-016)100 µl 3 M NaOAC (then vortex) 26 µl 100% ethanol 800 µl Vortex again and leave ON at –20°C. Centrifuge at 14,000 rpm for 30 min to pellet the DNA.
Next wash the pellet in 70% ethanol and air-dry. Resuspend the pellet in 100 µl formamide DI
(deionized). Make sure the pellet is completely resuspended by heating the solution to 42°C
for 10 min or higher if necessary. Then add an equal volume of hybridization buffer and store
the probe at -20°C.
Hybridization Buffer
For 20 mls:
8 mls 50% Dextran Sulfate - end conc. 20% Dextran Sulfate
4 mls 20x SSC - end conc. 4x SSC
8 mls H2O- Protocol for preparation of slides with bone marrow or peripheral blood for fluorescence in situ hybridization
- Take about 100 ul blood from mouse into heparanized tube
- Dilute blood in 5 ml PBS in a 15 ml conical.
- Spin tubes for 7 min at 1000 rpm
- Remove supernatant
- Gently resuspend cells in remaining volume by flicking tube with finger
- Slowly and gently resuspend the cells in 5 mls of 0.075 M KCl, 37oC.
- Incubate 5 minutes at 37oC to allow cells to swell
- Centrifuge 1000 rpm x 7 minutes
- Remove KCl leaving a few drops of the solution and resuspend by tapping with finger
- Dropwise with constant mixing, add 5 mls cold freshly prepared fixative (3:1 Methanol:Glacial Acetic Acid)
- Vortex for 30 seconds at lowest speed setting
- Incubate on ice for 30 minutes
- Centrifuge and remove supernatant
- Add 5 mls fresh ice-cold fixative
- Perform steps 13 and 14 two more times (3 washes total after 30 min incubation)
- The final volume of fixative will depend on the cell pellet, and spreads on the slide will need to be checked for cell density
- Drop 10-20 ul of cell suspension on a clean microscope slide (high quality precleaned slides, soak in 100% EtOH overnight, wash with distilled H2O and wipe clean with lint free paper towel), drop from height of about 6 inches
- Dehydrate the slides through an EtOH series (70%, 90%, and 100% - 5 minutes each), and air dry.
- Store slides in box covered with parafilm at -20C
- Take about 100 ul blood from mouse into heparanized tube
Immunohistochemistry Protocols
- BRD-U Immunohistochemistry on Mouse - Paraffin
Antibody - Dako mouse monoclonal clone Bu20, cat# M0744
- Heat tissues to 60°C for 10 mins
- Deparaffinize and rehydrate tissue sections through series of xylenes and ethanol incubations
- Xylenes or alternative (Citrisolve, Histoclear) incubate 2 times, 5 min each incubation (2 x 5 min)
- 100% ethanol, 5 min
- 95% ethanol, 5 min
- 70% ethanol, 5 min
- Rinse the slides once in dH20
- Wash with PBS for 5 mins
Antigen retrieval: Preheat BD retrievagen A solution (BD Pharmigen cat# 550524) in coplin jar in steamer. Add slides to coplin jar and incubate for 10 min in steamer then let stand at room temperature for 20 min.
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Antigen retrieval: warm Proteinase K (200µg/ml ) solution to 37°C. Incubate slides for 1 min at RT with proteinase K solution.
Block: Quench endogenous peroxidase using 3% H202 in methanol for 20 mins @RT
Block: incubate in PBS/5% BSA for 15 min at RT.
Primary antibody: Dilute anti-BRDU mouse monoclonal 1:100 in PBS/2.5% goat serum,/0.05% Tween20 overnight at 4°C.
- Wash in PBS 3 x 5 min
Block: biotin block using Vector kit (cat# SP-2001)
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Secondary antibody: dilute anti-mouse biotin (Molecular Probes B-2763) 1:100 in PBS and incubate for 1HR at room temperature
- Make ABC solution (Vector Vectactain ABC Elite PK-6100)
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
- Incubate in ABC solution for 20 min at room temperature
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Develop: use DAB or other peroxidase substrate
- Heat tissues to 60°C for 10 mins
- CD45 GFP CK immunofluorescence on mouse paraffin sections
GFP Antibody - Clontech mouse monoclonal, clone JL-8 cat# 8371-2
Prepare MOM solutions according to manufacturers instructions- Vector MOM Peroxidase kit (cat# PK-2200) or MOM basic kit (cat# BMK-2202). All incubations take place at room temperature unless indicated.
- Heat tissues to 60°C for 10 mins
- Deparaffinize and rehydrate tissue sections through series of xylenes and ethanol incubations
- Xylenes or alternative (Citrisolve, Histoclear) incubate 2 times, 5 min each incubation (2 x 5 min)
- 100% ethanol, 5 min
- 95% ethanol, 5 min
- 70% ethanol, 5 min
- Xylenes or alternative (Citrisolve, Histoclear) incubate 2 times, 5 min each incubation (2 x 5 min)
- Rinse the slides once in dH20
- Wash with PBS for 5 mins
Antigen Retrieval: Preheat BD retrievagen A solution (BD Pharmigen cat# 550524) in coplin jar in steamer. Add slides to coplin jar and incubate for 20 min in steamer then let stand at room temperature for 30 min.
- Wash with PBS 2 x 5 min
Block: Incubate slides in PBS/3% BSA/0.05%Tween20 for 30 min at 37°C.
- Wash in PBS 2 x 5 min
Primary Antibody: Dilute anti-CD45 1:20 (Santa Cruz cat# sc-18846) or isotype in MOM diluent, incubate for 1 HR at RT
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Secondary Antibody: anti-rat-alexa 647 (Mol Probes) 1:100 in PBS and incubate for 1 HR at RT
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Block: biotin block using Vector kit (cat# SP-2001)
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
- Block: MOM block, 30 min at 37°C
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
- Diluent, tip off
Primary Antibody: Dilute anti-GFP 1:250 or isotype in MOM diluent and incubate for 1HR at RT
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Secondary Antibody: Incubate in MOM biotinylated reagent for 10 min at RT
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Tertiary Antibody: Dilute Streptavidin-alexa 488 (Mol Probes) 1:500 in PBS/1%BSA and incubate for 30 min at 37°C
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Antigen Retrieval: 0.5% 1x trypsin (Gibco cat#16438, 0.25% trypsin, 1mM EDTA) preheated to 37°C, incubate 30-35 seconds
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Primary Antibody: Dilute anti-pankeratin (DAKO cat#Z0622) 1:500 in MOM diluent incubate ON at 4°C
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Secondary Antibody: Dilute anti-rabbit-alexa 568 (Mol Probes) 1:100 in PBS/1%BSA and incubate for 30 min at 37°C
- Wash and view
- Heat tissues to 60°C for 10 mins
- GFP Immunohistochemistry on Mouse - Paraffin
GFP Antibody- Molecular probes rabbit polyclonal, cat# A11122
*Note: works best on lung, variable on other tissues- Heat tissues to 60°C for 10 mins
- Deparaffinize and rehydrate tissue sections through series of xylenes and ethanol incubations
- Xylenes or alternative (Citrisolve, Histoclear) incubate 2 times, 5 min each incubation (2 x 5 min)
- 100% ethanol, 5 min
- 5% ethanol, 5 min
- 70% ethanol, 5 min
- Xylenes or alternative (Citrisolve, Histoclear) incubate 2 times, 5 min each incubation (2 x 5 min)
- Rinse the slides once in dH20
- Wash with PBS for 5 mins
Block: Quench endogenous peroxidase using 3% H202 in methanol for 20 mins @RT
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Block: incubate in PBS/1%BSA for 20 mins at 37°C
- Wash PBS 2 x 5 min
Primary Antibody: dilute anti-GFP (Mol Probes cat# A11122) or isotype control 1:100 in PBS/1%BSA, incubate 1 hour at 37°C
- Wash PBS 3 x 5 min
Secondary Antibody: dilute anti-rabbit HRP (Dako cat#PO448) 1:100 in PBS/1%BSA and incubate for 30 min at 37°C
- Wash PBS 5 x 5 min
Develop: use DAB or other peroxidase substrate