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Past News



* Tufeng Chen, our lab alumni, has been appointed as an Associate Chief Physician in the Dept of Gastrointestinal Surgery at The Third affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, China. Congratulations! (October 2013).

* An invited review article, "Pathophysiology of portal hypertension" was accepted (Clinics Digestive Diseases. 2013)

* Yasuko has been appointed as a visiting/adjunct professor at the University of Tokushima, Japan (12/16/13)

*Jin-Kyu's first commentary was posted on F1000 Prime (12/23/13),

*Ms. Yan Li, a visiting MD/PhD student to Yale from San Yatsen University Guangzhou China, visited our lab. She delivered a gift from another MD/PhD student Mansheng Zhu in San Yatsen University. Thank you Mansheng! (12/17/13)
Yan Li

*Prof. Hiromi Abe, Hiroshima University, Japan, visited our lab (12/7/13)

*Chao's first commentary was posted on F1000 Prime (12/5/2013),


*Yasuko hosted the Section's research seminar (Dr. Ben Stanger - U of Pennsylvania) (11/26/13).

*Dr. Sonia Bergaya, from the INSERM Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France, visited our lab (11/13/13)
Sonia website


* Dr. Atsushi Nanashima, our collaborator and from the University of Nagasaki, visited our lab (10/31/13).

* Jin-Kyu Park joined our lab as a postdoc associate (10/28/13). Welcome Jin-Kyu!

* Chao Dong, a scholarship awardee from the Chinese Scholarship Council and a MD/PhD candidate, joined our lab (10/11/13). Welcome Chao!


* Yasuko was invited to the 17th International Symposium on Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid in Osaka Japan (9/23-25/13).
17th ISCHS-2

* Yasuko gave a talk at Kobe University (9/30/13)


A paper from our collaborator Dr. William Sessa's group has been accepted by Journal of Cell Science! The paper entitles "eNOS derived nitric oxide regulates endothelial barrier function via VE cadherin and Rho GTPases". (8/16/13)


A nice article written by a visiting student Shang-Jui (see below). Thanks Shang-Jui!

Our collaborator's paper was accepted by FASEB J. Congratulations Chuhan and Arijeet! (read more..)


*Yasuko gave a talk at Liver Research Center Seminar, Elbert Einstein College of Medicine (6/26/13).

* Yasuko organized Single Topic Conference with Drs. Vijay Shah (Mayo, left) and Don Rockey (Medical College of South Carolina right). The Henry M. and Lillian Stratton Basic Research Single Topic Conference, Portal Hypertension and Vascular Biology of the Liver, Emory Conference Center, Atlanta, GA (June 7-8, 2013)

*Dahai, lab alumni and currently a graduate student at the U of British Columbia Canada, received Canadian Diabetes Association Doctoral Award. congratulations Dahai!
Dahai Canda mod

*SiYuan Guo, a visiting scholar, joined our lab.


* Yasuko & Chuhan published a review paper in Clinical & Molecular Hepatology, entitled "The lymphatic vascular system in liver diseases: its role in ascites formation" (read more).

*Yasuko gave talks in Japan (Please go to the "Seminar/Symposium" section).

*A collaborative paper with Dr. Askenase (Yale) has been accepted by Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (


*Yasuko gave a talk at the University of Arkansas, Dev of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (4/3/13).
Arkansas 4-3-13_360p


*Yasuko hosted the Section's research seminar (Dr. Vijay Shah - Mayo Clinic) (3/12/13).
Vijay 1


*Yasuko hosted the Section's research seminar (Dr. George Michalopoulos - U of Pittsburgh) (2/26/13).
Yasuko Boyer Michalopoulos



*Another paper "Reticulon 4B (Nogo-B) facilitates hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration" has just accepted for publication in Hepatology. Congratulations Lili & Keitaro! (11/28/12)

*Ketaro's paper "Absence of Nogo-B (Reticulon 4B) facilitates hepatic stellate cell apoptosis and diminishes hepatic fibrosis in mice" was just accepted by The American Journal of Pathology. Congratulations! (11/26/2012)

* Lab alumni, Jean (Hui-Chun Huang, National Yang-Ming U, Taiwan), visited our lab. She was on the way to attend the AASLD meeting in Boston (11/7/2012). Nina, Jean and Nita (from the left of the photo).


* Lab alumni, Pam (Panjamaporn Sangwung) , received "Recknagel Symposium Best Academic Record 2011-2012 Award" at Case Western Reserve University. She also passed her qualifying exams and officially became a PhD candidate there. Congratulations Pam! (10/5/2012)


* Shang-Jui (Sam)'s last day in my lab. He gave an excellent progress report talk to the lab members. We all miss you. (8/15/2012)


* Yasuko attended the FASEB Summer Conference for "Liver Biology: Fundamental Mechanisms & Translational Applications", in Snowmass, CO (7/29- 8/3/2012)

* Prof. Takahisa Murata, a collaborator from the University of Tokyo, visited with his family (7/23/2012)

* Panjamaporn (Pam), our lab alumni, visitied (7/6/2012)

* Keitaro's parents visited (7/3/2012)

* Yasuko was promoted to Associate Professor (7/1/2012)


* Shang-Jui (Sam), a summer medical student from the National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan, joined our lab and will stay until Sept 10th (6/29/2012)

* Yasuko received the Samuel D. Kushlan Junior Faculty Award for Excellence in Clinical Research (6/21/2012)

* Professor Yana Wang's visit. She is Tufeng's mentor at Zhongshan School of Medicine, China (6/21/2012)


* Welcome Ziwen & Tufeng! (4/16/2012)

* Dr. Kaneki (Harvard) gave a talk at our Section (Host: Iwakiri) (3/27/2012)



* AASLD meeting at San Francisco. Pam's abstract was selected for ALF Travel Award. Congratulations Pam!