About Us
The Yale-Drug use, Addiction, and HIV prevention Research Scholars program is a K12 sponsored fellowship that provides a comprehensive three-year, post-doctorate, interdisciplinary, mentored career development program.
The Yale-Drug use, Addiction, and HIV prevention Research Scholars program is a K12 sponsored fellowship that provides a comprehensive three-year, post-doctorate, interdisciplinary, mentored career development program. The aim of the program is to prepare investigators for careers focusing on improving medical outcomes for patients with, and at risk for drug misuse, addiction, and HIV, by integrating prevention and treatment in general medical settings including emergency departments and primary care, and HIV, adolescent, and women’s health clinics.
Scholars will earn the Master of Health Sciences degree which combines vigorous research methodology, statistics and design didactics with small group sessions and seminars on topics related to substance use, addiction, HIV, leadership, grant writing and responsible conduct of research. Candidates will complete a publishable mentored research project and prepare an application for their next career step.
The Yale-Drug use, Addiction, and HIV prevention Research Scholars program is a K12 sponsored fellowship that provides a comprehensive three-year, post-doctorate, interdisciplinary, mentored career development program.
Scholars will be accepted for a three-year period. Through coursework, practical experiences, interaction with renowned drug abuse and HIV prevention researchers, methodologists, statisticians and leaders in the field, the Yale-DAHRS program will prepare participants to work effectively across disciplines; think creatively about drug abuse, addiction and HIV prevention research, and generate ideas and test hypotheses.