Soheila Najafzadeh
Radiochemistry Technologist 3Cards
Contact Info
Radiochemistry Technologist 3
I was born in Iran-Tehran. I have a master degree of Chemistry from Sacred Heart University in Fairfield CT, and a Master degree of Molecular Cellular Biology from University of New Haven in West Haven CT. I worked three years at Bayer Pharmaceuticals in West Haven CT as an analytical chemist before coming to Yale Medical School. I have been working for 19 years in the department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, PET center chemistry department. I am involved in synthesis, radiolabeling, and purifying Radiopharmaceutical ligands for human and animal PET imaging used for applications in neuro and cancer imaging.
I am a compassionate laboratory technician trained to handle issues and remain level- headed. Reliable and a hard worker with great interpersonal and team collaboration skills. Expertise in cleaning, maintaining and setting up lab equipment. Skilled at using laboratory expertise and chemical knowledge to help and train professionals make accurate decisions and support the lab objectives. Manage equipment, supplies and chemicals efficiently to coordinate smooth laboratory operations.
I enjoy being among my family and great friends, gym, music, online searching, great movies and cooking. I am lucky to be a part of a state-of-art radiochemistry department and working with talented and dedicated personals.
Education & Training
- MS
- University of New Haven, Molecular and Cellular Biology (2006)
- MS
- Sacred Heart university, Chemistry (2003)
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Nabeel Nabulsi, PhD
Richard Carson, PhD
Mika Naganawa, PhD
Jean-Dominique Gallezot, PhD
Daniel Holden
Kelly Cosgrove, PhD
Clinical correlates of dopamine transporter availability in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies with [18F]FE-PE2I PET: independent validation with new insights
Honhar P, Sadabad F, Tinaz S, Gallezot J, Dias M, Naganawa M, Yang Y, Henry S, Hillmer A, Gao H, Najafzadeh S, Comley R, Nabulsi N, Huang Y, Finnema S, Carson R, Matuskey D. Clinical correlates of dopamine transporter availability in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies with [18F]FE-PE2I PET: independent validation with new insights. Brain Communications 2024, 6: fcae345. PMID: 39429243, PMCID: PMC11487911, DOI: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae345.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDAT availabilityMotor severitySubstantia nigraDopamine transporter availabilityClinical trials of Parkinson's diseaseParkinson's diseaseLongitudinal studyTracking longitudinal changesClinical correlatesVentral striatumTransporter availabilityNigrostriatal regionParkinson's disease patientsPutamenMotor severity scoresAssociated with increasesSubstantiaDATLongitudinal changesTremor scoreNegative associationNigraSubstantia nigra of Parkinson's disease patientsTremor severityPET biomarkersFirst-in-Human Study of 18F-SynVesT-2: An SV2A PET Imaging Probe with Fast Brain Kinetics and High Specific Binding
Drake L, Wu Y, Naganawa M, Asch R, Zheng C, Najafzadeh S, Pracitto R, Lindemann M, Li S, Ropchan J, Labaree D, Emery P, Dias M, Henry S, Nabulsi N, Matuskey D, Hillmer A, Gallezot J, Carson R, Cai Z, Huang Y. First-in-Human Study of 18F-SynVesT-2: An SV2A PET Imaging Probe with Fast Brain Kinetics and High Specific Binding. Journal Of Nuclear Medicine 2024, 65: jnumed.123.266470. PMID: 38360052, PMCID: PMC10924160, DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.123.266470.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFirst-in-human studyPlasma free fractionTime-activity curvesCentrum semiovaleNonhuman primate's resultsFirst-in-humanFree fractionNondisplaceable binding potentialRegional time-activity curvesLow nonspecific uptakeRegional distribution volumesHigh-resolution research tomograph scannerTest-retest reproducibilityCerebral blood flowSynaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2AHealthy volunteersArterial input functionNonspecific uptakePET imaging probeDistribution volumeSynapse densityIndividual MR imagesHighest specific bindingMR imagingPET imaging
Age, gender and body-mass-index relationships with in vivo CB1 receptor availability in healthy humans measured with [11C]OMAR PET
Radhakrishnan R, Worhunsky PD, Zheng MQ, Najafzadeh S, Gallezot JD, Planeta B, Henry S, Nabulsi N, Ranganathan M, Skosnik PD, Pittman B, Cyril D'Souza D, Carson RE, Huang Y, Potenza MN, Matuskey D. Age, gender and body-mass-index relationships with in vivo CB1 receptor availability in healthy humans measured with [11C]OMAR PET. NeuroImage 2022, 264: 119674. PMID: 36243269, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119674.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsFirst-in-human evaluation of 18F-BMS-986327 as a novel PET tracer to assess lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPA1) target engagement in the lung
Smith R, Donnelly D, Gallezot J, Lu Y, Murphy B, Cheng P, Kim J, Charles E, Du S, Holden D, Najafzadeh S, Gao H, Kapinos M, Ropchan J, Nabulsi N, Huang H, Fischer A, Carson R. First-in-human evaluation of 18F-BMS-986327 as a novel PET tracer to assess lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPA1) target engagement in the lung. 2022, 1164. DOI: 10.1183/13993003.congress-2022.1164.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSystemic inflammation enhances stimulant-induced striatal dopamine elevation in tobacco smokers
Zakiniaeiz Y, Hoye J, Ryan Petrulli J, LeVasseur B, Stanley G, Gao H, Najafzadeh S, Ropchan J, Nabulsi N, Huang Y, Chen MK, Matuskey D, Barron DS, Kelmendi B, Fulbright RK, Hampson M, Cosgrove KP, Morris ED. Systemic inflammation enhances stimulant-induced striatal dopamine elevation in tobacco smokers. Brain Behavior And Immunity 2022, 106: 262-269. PMID: 36058419, PMCID: PMC10097458, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2022.08.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsEffects of LPSDopamine elevationTobacco smokersHealthy controlsSystemic inflammationDopamine systemImmune-brain interactionReward-related brain regionsAdministration of placeboAdministration of LPSSmoking statusRepeated-measures ANOVAPathophysiology of addictionDrug dosingPlaceboIndependent cohortSmokersDrug reinforcementEffect size determinationImmune systemRandomized orderBrain regionsLPSMethylphenidatePBO conditionNicotine Patch Alters Patterns of Cigarette Smoking-Induced Dopamine Release: Patterns Relate to Biomarkers Associated With Treatment Response
Zakiniaeiz Y, Liu H, Gao H, Najafzadeh S, Ropchan J, Nabulsi N, Huang Y, Matuskey D, Chen MK, Cosgrove KP, Morris ED. Nicotine Patch Alters Patterns of Cigarette Smoking-Induced Dopamine Release: Patterns Relate to Biomarkers Associated With Treatment Response. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2022, 24: 1597-1606. PMID: 35100429, PMCID: PMC9575980, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntac026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsNicotine replacement therapyDopamine releasePlacebo patchDorsal striatumTobacco smokingReplacement therapyFirst-line pharmacological treatmentVentral striatumMajor public health burdenPositron emission tomography scanEmission tomography scanPublic health burdenNicotine dependence levelNicotine metabolism rateNicotinic acetylcholine receptorsCounter-balanced orderTobacco smokersCigarette smokingSmoking cessationDopamine terminalsPharmacological treatmentDependent smokersFast metabolizersSlow metabolizersNicotine acts
Imaging brain cortisol regulation in PTSD with a target for 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1
Bhatt S, Hillmer AT, Rusowicz A, Nabulsi N, Matuskey D, Angarita GA, Najafzadeh S, Kapinos M, Southwick SM, Krystal JH, Carson RE, Huang Y, Cosgrove KP. Imaging brain cortisol regulation in PTSD with a target for 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1. Journal Of Clinical Investigation 2021, 131: e150452. PMID: 34651587, PMCID: PMC8516462, DOI: 10.1172/jci150452.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderPositron emission tomographyVolume of distributionDehydrogenase type 1Trauma-exposed controlsPTSD groupTranslocator proteinType 1Veterans Affairs (VA) National CenterOverall PTSD severityBrain glucocorticoidBrain immuneMethodsSixteen individualsPeripheral cortisolMicroglial markersImmune suppressionTranslational Science AwardsCortisol levelsNIH National CenterTC groupCortisol regulationEmission tomographyStress disorderLower PTSD symptomsPTSD symptomsRecently Abstinent Smokers Exhibit Mood-Associated Dopamine Dysfunction in the Ventral Striatum Compared to Nonsmokers: A [11C]-(+)-PHNO PET Study
Calakos KC, Hillmer AT, Angarita GA, Baldassarri SR, Najafzadeh S, Emery PR, Matuskey D, Huang Y, Cosgrove KP. Recently Abstinent Smokers Exhibit Mood-Associated Dopamine Dysfunction in the Ventral Striatum Compared to Nonsmokers: A [11C]-(+)-PHNO PET Study. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2021, 24: 745-752. PMID: 34628508, PMCID: PMC8962719, DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntab208.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsSmoking cessationAbstinent smokersDopamine releaseVentral striatumPercent changeTobacco smokersDopamine dysfunctionDopamine functionPHNO scansPositron emission tomography brainHigher CES-D scoresAbstinent tobacco smokersEarly quit attemptsHuman tobacco smokersPHNO PET StudyStriatal dopamine dysfunctionEpidemiologic Studies Depression ScaleStriatal dopamine releaseChronic nicotine exposureCES-D scoresSmoking cessation attemptNegative mood symptomsReceptor agonist radioligandStriatal dopamine functionLong-term abstinencePET Imaging Estimates of Regional Acetylcholine Concentration Variation in Living Human Brain
Smart K, Naganawa M, Baldassarri SR, Nabulsi N, Ropchan J, Najafzadeh S, Gao H, Navarro A, Barth V, Esterlis I, Cosgrove KP, Huang Y, Carson RE, Hillmer AT. PET Imaging Estimates of Regional Acetylcholine Concentration Variation in Living Human Brain. Cerebral Cortex 2021, 31: 2787-2798. PMID: 33442731, PMCID: PMC8355478, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa387.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsACh concentrationHuman volunteersHigh ACh concentrationsMuscarinic antagonist scopolamineHealthy human volunteersHuman brainCholinergic receptorsNicotine challengeAntagonist scopolaminePreclinical studiesStriatal regionsPET scansEndogenous neurotransmittersNeuropsychiatric diseasesNonhuman primatesWhole-brain imagesDrug occupancyNicotinic ligandsClinical populationsBrainAcetylcholineDistinct functional rolesStriatumVolunteersFunctional roleAssessment of test-retest reproducibility of [18F]SynVesT-1, a novel radiotracer for PET imaging of synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A
Li S, Naganawa M, Pracitto R, Najafzadeh S, Holden D, Henry S, Matuskey D, Emery PR, Cai Z, Ropchan J, Nabulsi N, Carson RE, Huang Y. Assessment of test-retest reproducibility of [18F]SynVesT-1, a novel radiotracer for PET imaging of synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A. European Journal Of Nuclear Medicine And Molecular Imaging 2021, 48: 1327-1338. PMID: 33416954, DOI: 10.1007/s00259-020-05149-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsTest-retest reproducibilityTime-activity curvesBPND valuesNonhuman primatesAbsolute test-retest variabilitySynaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2AHigh brain uptakeNon-displaceable binding potentialExcellent test-retest reproducibilityGray matter areasHealthy human subjectsHigh uptakeTest-retest variabilityDynamic PET scanningTest-retest reliabilityBrain uptakeDistribution volume valuesCentrum semiovaleUrinary bladderOne-tissue compartment modelMaximum SUVPET scanningPET scansTracer uptakeBrain disorders
- December 09, 2020Source: Molecular Psychiatry
Preliminary in vivo evidence of lower hippocampal synaptic density in cannabis use disorder
- August 01, 2018Source: The Journal of Nuclear Medicine
PET Imaging of Beta Cell Mass Featured in Journal of Nuclear Medicine
- December 14, 2014
Study implicates serotonin receptor in cocaine dependence