Validation of a Rule-Based ICD-10-CM Algorithm to Detect Fall Injuries in Medicare Data
Ganz D, Esserman D, Latham N, Kane M, Min L, Gill T, Reuben D, Peduzzi P, Greene E. Validation of a Rule-Based ICD-10-CM Algorithm to Detect Fall Injuries in Medicare Data. The Journals Of Gerontology Series A 2024, 79: glae096. PMID: 38566617, PMCID: PMC11167485, DOI: 10.1093/gerona/glae096.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFee-for-serviceFall injuriesMedicare AdvantageMedicare dataTrial armsHealthcare systemDevelop Confidence in EldersArea under the receiver operating characteristic curveMedicare fee-for-serviceStratified resultsMedicareReduce injuriesMedical attentionObservational studyStrideReceiver operating characteristic curveCalendar monthMA dataInjuryData sourcesHealthcareArmReference standardTrialsWindow size
Costs of fall injuries in the STRIDE study: an economic evaluation of healthcare system heterogeneity and heterogeneity of treatment effect
Ganz D, Gill T, Reuben D, Bhasin S, Latham N, Peduzzi P, Greene E. Costs of fall injuries in the STRIDE study: an economic evaluation of healthcare system heterogeneity and heterogeneity of treatment effect. Cost Effectiveness And Resource Allocation 2023, 21: 49. PMID: 37533073, PMCID: PMC10399038, DOI: 10.1186/s12962-023-00459-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHealthcare systemFall injuriesSTRIDE studyHealthcare costsSTRIDE interventionCommunity-dwelling adults ageFall injury riskOvernight hospital stayTotal healthcare costsInjury prevention interventionsPrimary care practicesHealthcare system costsTreatment effectsSingle healthcare systemIndividual healthcare systemsHospital stayUsual careTreatment armsElders StudyMedical attentionPrevention interventionsCare practicesInjury riskAdult ageInjurySleep Duration is Associated with Clinically Silent Brain Injury in Middle-Aged Persons without Stroke (P1-13.004)
Clocchiatti-Tuozzo S, Rivier C, Renedo D, Torres-Lopez V, Payabvash S, Sheth K, Gill T, Falcone G. Sleep Duration is Associated with Clinically Silent Brain Injury in Middle-Aged Persons without Stroke (P1-13.004). Neurology 2023, 100 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000202523.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
ROAMM: A customizable and interactive smartwatch platform for patient-generated health data
Karnati Y, Zapata R, McConnell M, Reddy R, Regalla V, Thakkar A, Alpert J, Mendoza T, Rashidi P, Mardini M, Marsiske M, Gill T, Manini T, Ranka S. ROAMM: A customizable and interactive smartwatch platform for patient-generated health data. 2021, 150-158. DOI: 10.1145/3474124.3474144.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Functional Effects of Intervening Illnesses and Injuries After Hospitalization for Major Surgery in Community-living Older Persons
Gill TM, Han L, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Murphy TE, Becher RD. Functional Effects of Intervening Illnesses and Injuries After Hospitalization for Major Surgery in Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2020, 273: 834-841. PMID: 33074902, PMCID: PMC8370041, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000004438.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor surgeryED visitsRestricted activityFunctional statusFunctional declineOlder personsCommunity-living older personsAdjusted hazard ratioAdverse functional outcomesCommunity-living personsEmergency department visitsTraditional risk factorsCorresponding odds ratiosFunctional effectsIllness/injuryHazard ratioDepartment visitsFunctional recoveryFunctional outcomeRisk factorsOdds ratioHospitalizationSurgeryInjuryVisitsA Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Strategy to Prevent Serious Fall Injuries
Bhasin S, Gill TM, Reuben DB, Latham NK, Ganz DA, Greene EJ, Dziura J, Basaria S, Gurwitz JH, Dykes PC, McMahon S, Storer TW, Gazarian P, Miller ME, Travison TG, Esserman D, Carnie MB, Goehring L, Fagan M, Greenspan SL, Alexander N, Wiggins J, Ko F, Siu AL, Volpi E, Wu AW, Rich J, Waring SC, Wallace RB, Casteel C, Resnick NM, Magaziner J, Charpentier P, Lu C, Araujo K, Rajeevan H, Meng C, Allore H, Brawley BF, Eder R, McGloin JM, Skokos EA, Duncan PW, Baker D, Boult C, Correa-de-Araujo R, Peduzzi P. A Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Strategy to Prevent Serious Fall Injuries. New England Journal Of Medicine 2020, 383: 129-140. PMID: 32640131, PMCID: PMC7421468, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa2002183.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSerious fall injuriesFall injuriesIntervention groupControl groupUsual careMultifactorial interventionRate of hospitalizationPrimary care practicesCluster-randomized trialCommunity-dwelling adultsFirst-event analysisYears of ageHealth care systemRate of fallElectronic health recordsBaseline characteristicsPrimary outcomeRandomized trialsMean ageEfficacy trialsIndividualized planCare practicesInjuryMultifactorial strategyEvent rates
Ganz D, Siu A, Magaziner J, Travison T, Gill T, Latham N. STRIDE: ASCERTAINING SERIOUS FALL-RELATED INJURIES IN A PRAGMATIC TRIAL OF FALL PREVENTION. Innovation In Aging 2017, 1: 1008-1008. PMCID: PMC6184873, DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.3659.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSerious fall injuriesFall injuriesMedical attentionFalls/injuriesMonthly fall calendarsType of injuryFall calendarsPrimary outcomeClinical featuresPragmatic trialMedical recordsFall preventionInjurySerious fallsTelephone interviewsParticipants' reportsAscertainment biasParticipantsPatientsTrialsFallMonthsPreventionSTRIDE: SCREENING AND RECRUITING OLDER PATIENTS AT RISK FOR SERIOUS FALL INJURIES
Gill T, McGloin J, Charpentier P, Araujo K, Skokos E, Latham N, Shelton A, Lu C. STRIDE: SCREENING AND RECRUITING OLDER PATIENTS AT RISK FOR SERIOUS FALL INJURIES. Innovation In Aging 2017, 1: 1007-1007. PMCID: PMC6185546, DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.3657.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Change in Disability After Hospitalization or Restricted Activity in Older Persons
Gill TM, Allore HG, Gahbauer EA, Murphy TE. Change in Disability After Hospitalization or Restricted Activity in Older Persons. JAMA 2010, 304: 1919-1928. PMID: 21045098, PMCID: PMC3124926, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2010.1568.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHazard ratioPhysical frailtySevere disabilityOlder personsMild disabilityMultivariable hazard ratiosProspective cohort studyCommunity-living personsFall-related injuriesGreater New HavenState of disabilityLikelihood of recoveryCohort studyAbsolute riskFrail individualsHospitalizationDaily livingNonfrail individualsRestricted activityInjuryTelephone interviewsFrailtyIllnessMonthsDisability