Doctors frequently rely on the electronic health record (EHR) when caring for patients. Oftentimes, EHR systems will include clinical decision support tools that offer recommendations and reminders for physicians determining how to manage diagnosis or treatment plans.
Edward J. Miller, MD, PhD and Parul Gandhi, MD, welcome eleven outstanding trainees.
Discoveries & Impact highlights select scientific discoveries across the Department of Internal Medicine...
Groundbreaking clinical research at ACC 23.
Late-Breaking Basic Science submissions for the AHA Scientific Sessions close August 23.
The virtual American College of Cardiology Scientific Session & Expo will be held in Washington, DC, April 2 – 4, 2022.
Preparations are underway for the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions on November 13-15.
Yale Cardiovascular Medicine faculty and fellows will present at the virtual American College of Cardiology's 70th Annual Scientific Session.
Fuery, Chung, Srikumar Win Teaching Awards