161: H19 lncRNA alters trophoblast cell migration and invasion through TGF-β signaling in placentas with fetal growth restriction
Zuckerwise L, Lu L, Men Y, Li J, Buhimschi C, Buhimschi I, Bukowski R, Guller S, Paidas M, Huang Y. 161: H19 lncRNA alters trophoblast cell migration and invasion through TGF-β signaling in placentas with fetal growth restriction. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2016, 214: s103-s104. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2015.10.197.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
H19 lncRNA alters DNA methylation genome wide by regulating S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase
Zhou J, Yang L, Zhong T, Mueller M, Men Y, Zhang N, Xie J, Giang K, Chung H, Sun X, Lu L, Carmichael GG, Taylor HS, Huang Y. H19 lncRNA alters DNA methylation genome wide by regulating S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. Nature Communications 2015, 6: 10221. PMID: 26687445, PMCID: PMC4703905, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10221.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsS-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolaseCellular componentsDNA methylation genomeGenome-wide methylation profilingOnly mammalian enzymeNumerous gene lociS-adenosylhomocysteineMode of regulationDiverse cellular componentsMethylation genomeMammalian developmentMethylation dynamicsIgf2-H19Mammalian enzymeRegulatory circuitsDNA methylationDependent methyltransferasesMethylation changesMethylation profilingPotent feedback inhibitorEpigenetic alterationsGene locusH19 lncRNAFeedback inhibitorS-adenosylmethionine
The Imprinted H19 LncRNA Antagonizes Let-7 MicroRNAs
Kallen AN, Zhou XB, Xu J, Qiao C, Ma J, Yan L, Lu L, Liu C, Yi JS, Zhang H, Min W, Bennett AM, Gregory RI, Ding Y, Huang Y. The Imprinted H19 LncRNA Antagonizes Let-7 MicroRNAs. Molecular Cell 2013, 52: 101-112. PMID: 24055342, PMCID: PMC3843377, DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2013.08.027.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsBinding SitesCell DifferentiationComputational BiologyDatabases, GeneticGene Expression ProfilingGene Expression RegulationGenomic ImprintingGenotypeHEK293 CellsHuman Umbilical Vein Endothelial CellsHumansMiceMicroRNAsMuscle DevelopmentMyoblasts, SkeletalPhenotypeRibonucleoproteinsRNA InterferenceRNA, Long NoncodingTime FactorsTransfectionConceptsLet-7 familyWide transcriptome analysisHuman genetic disordersNoncanonical binding siteLet-7 microRNALet-7 overexpressionGene functionH19 depletionTranscriptome analysisMuscle differentiationMolecular spongeUnexpected modeImportant regulatorAdult muscleH19 knockdownRecent implicationMiR-675Physiological significanceMicroRNAsH19Binding sitesGenetic disordersOverexpressionImportant roleFetal tissues