Early-life factors associated with neurobehavioral outcomes in preterm infants during NICU hospitalization
Zhao T, Griffith T, Zhang Y, Li H, Hussain N, Lester B, Cong X. Early-life factors associated with neurobehavioral outcomes in preterm infants during NICU hospitalization. Pediatric Research 2022, 92: 1695-1704. PMID: 35338349, PMCID: PMC9509490, DOI: 10.1038/s41390-022-02021-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal Infant Stressor ScalePreterm infantsNeurobehavioral outcomesBreastmilk intakeGestational ageNICU hospitalizationMaternal breastmilkAssociated with increasing GADay of NICU hospitalizationWeeks post-menstrual ageNICU Network Neurobehavioral ScalePoorer quality of movementOlder gestational agePost-menstrual ageMethodsA prospective cohort studyNISS scoresInfant neurobehavioral outcomesProspective cohort studyDays of lifeConclusionsPreterm infantsGA infantsYounger GAPain/stressNeurobehavioral ScalePretermA Descriptive Survey Study of Patient Needs and Preferences for Cancer Pain Self-Management Support.
Anderson A, Starkweather A, Cong X, Xu W, Judge M, Schulman-Green D, Zhang Y, Salner A, Dornelas E. A Descriptive Survey Study of Patient Needs and Preferences for Cancer Pain Self-Management Support. Oncology Nursing Forum 2022, 49: 46-57. PMID: 34914676, DOI: 10.1188/22.onf.46-57.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSelf-management supportPain intensityCancer carePatient needsPredictors of pain intensityVARIABLES">ACross-sectional survey studyBrief Pain Inventory-Short FormDescriptive survey studyAverage pain intensityCare transitionsCancer ScaleHome settingPain outcomesCancer painDichotomous questionsCareCancer CenterSurvey studyPainHospitalHomeOptimal outcomesParticipantsNeeds
Self-Efficacy Survey Study of Pain Self-Management in Patients with Cancer
Anderson A, Starkweather A, Cong X, Kim K, Schulman-Green D, Judge M, Xu W, Zhang Y. Self-Efficacy Survey Study of Pain Self-Management in Patients with Cancer. Pain Management Nursing 2021, 23: 486-493. PMID: 34794885, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2021.10.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPain self-efficacyCancer pain severitySelf-efficacyPain severitySelf-management supportPain self-managementImprove pain outcomesProportion of patientsEnhance self-efficacyCross-sectional surveyPain severity levelsPerceptions of self-efficacyQuality of lifeTreatment related characteristicsPain prevalenceCancer outpatientsSelf-managementPain outcomesPain managementUnmet needsLower satisfactionCancer diagnosisCancer painCorrelation statistical analysisPainPilot Study of Absolute Telomere Lengths in Preterm Infants
Casavant S, Li H, Reese B, Chen M, Cong X. Pilot Study of Absolute Telomere Lengths in Preterm Infants. Nursing Research 2021, 70: 481-486. PMID: 34173371, PMCID: PMC8563375, DOI: 10.1097/nnr.0000000000000535.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsSample of preterm infantsAbsolute telomere lengthIncreased risk of neurodevelopmental disordersTelomere lengthAssociated with epigenetic alterationsRisk of neurodevelopmental disordersAssociated with painIntensive care unitPreterm infant samplesTime of dischargeBorn pretermInfant demographicsStudy of adultsAntibiotic usePretermPolymerase chain reactionPilot studyQuantitative polymerase chain reactionIncreased riskPainful proceduresShorter telomere lengthCare unitEpigenetic alterationsOver-The-Counter Analgesics: A Meta-Synthesis of Pain Self-Management in Adolescents
Kiza A, Manworren R, Cong X, Starkweather A, Kelley P. Over-The-Counter Analgesics: A Meta-Synthesis of Pain Self-Management in Adolescents. Pain Management Nursing 2021, 22: 439-445. PMID: 34127393, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2021.04.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOTC analgesic useMeta-synthesisOTC analgesicsPain self-managementQualitative meta-ethnographyInclusion/exclusion criteriaAnalgesic useMeta-ethnographyConsumption prevalenceSelf-managementProQuest DissertationsMeta-ethnographic analysisOTC medicationsPain managementQualitative studyAdolescent useSelf-medicationTreat painAnxiety controlThesis databaseAdolescentsThemesAnxietyInclusion/exclusionPain
Using electrodermal activity to validate multilevel pain stimulation in healthy volunteers evoked by thermal grills
Posada-Quintero H, Kong Y, Nguyen K, Tran C, Beardslee L, Chen L, Guo T, Cong X, Feng B, Chon K. Using electrodermal activity to validate multilevel pain stimulation in healthy volunteers evoked by thermal grills. AJP Regulatory Integrative And Comparative Physiology 2020, 319: r366-r375. PMID: 32726157, PMCID: PMC7509251, DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00102.2020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVisual analog scaleThermal grillTg stimulationSelf-report pain scalesStimulation levelsLevel of painPain assessment researchAnalog scalePain scalePain studiesHealthy volunteersInduce painPainful stimulationPainCooperative patientGold standardWarm stimuliStimulationPotential harmStimuliSubjectsPhysiological measuresPatientsLevels
Neonatal Pain Perceptions and Current Practice
Perry M, Tan Z, Chen J, Weidig T, Xu W, Cong X. Neonatal Pain Perceptions and Current Practice. Critical Care Nursing Clinics Of North America 2018, 30: 549-561. PMID: 30447813, PMCID: PMC6570422, DOI: 10.1016/j.cnc.2018.07.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal painHypersensitivity to painful stimuliAssessment of neonatal painEfficacy of analgesiaPoorly treated painImmature nervous systemPain perceptionPainful stimuliPharmacological treatmentNeonatesPainPainful proceduresLong-term consequencesNervous systemNonpharmacological treatmentsNonpharmacological interventionsTreatmentNegative long-term consequencesAnalgesia
Skin-to-skin care is an effective and safe intervention to reduce procedural pain in neonates
Cong X. Skin-to-skin care is an effective and safe intervention to reduce procedural pain in neonates. Evidence-Based Nursing 2017, 20: 113. PMID: 28739607, DOI: 10.1136/eb-2017-102684.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe impact of cumulative pain/stress on neurobehavioral development of preterm infants in the NICU
Cong X, Wu J, Vittner D, Xu W, Hussain N, Galvin S, Fitzsimons M, McGrath J, Henderson W. The impact of cumulative pain/stress on neurobehavioral development of preterm infants in the NICU. Early Human Development 2017, 108: 9-16. PMID: 28343092, PMCID: PMC5444300, DOI: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2017.03.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsNeurobehavioral outcomesNeurobehavioral development of preterm infantsOutcomes of preterm infantsDevelopment of preterm infantsSkin-to-skin holdingVulnerable preterm infantsIntensive care unitProspective exploratory studyInfant developmental outcomesNeurodevelopmental outcomesAltered neurodevelopmentNeurobehavioral developmentCare unitNeuroprotective strategiesInfantsAssociated with habituationAcute eventPretermEarly lifeOutcomesNeurodevelopmentDevelopmental outcomesCumulative time
Early Life Experience and Gut Microbiome
Cong X, Henderson W, Graf J, McGrath J. Early Life Experience and Gut Microbiome. Advances In Neonatal Care 2015, 15: 314-323. PMID: 26240939, PMCID: PMC4583334, DOI: 10.1097/anc.0000000000000191.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGut microbiomeHigh-risk infantsStressful early life experiencesCentral nervous systemSignaling systemPreterm infantsIntestinal innate immunityPain responseBrain-gut-microbiota axisNeonatal careEarly life experiencesNeuroimmune systemMicrobial speciesNervous systemInnate immunityRegulation mechanismInfantsGutMicrobiomeTargeted interventionsRegulationModulating stressPretermState-of-the-science reviewComplex mechanismsHeel stick test for obtaining blood samples in neonates: both swaddling and heel warming may help, but heel warming appears to provide greater pain reduction
Cong X. Heel stick test for obtaining blood samples in neonates: both swaddling and heel warming may help, but heel warming appears to provide greater pain reduction. Evidence-Based Nursing 2015, 18: 118. PMID: 25883132, DOI: 10.1136/eb-2014-102048.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMaternal and Paternal Knowledge and Perceptions Regarding Infant Pain in the NICU
Vazquez V, Cong X, DeJong A. Maternal and Paternal Knowledge and Perceptions Regarding Infant Pain in the NICU. Neonatal Network The Journal Of Neonatal Nursing 2015, 34: 337-344. PMID: 26803015, DOI: 10.1891/0730-0832.34.6.337.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInfant painInfant pain managementPain managementInfant corrected ageSelf-efficacyCorrected ageParental knowledgeInvestigate parental knowledgeModerate to high self-efficacyResearcher-developed questionnairePainPainful proceduresHigher self-efficacyNICUPerceptions of self-efficacyInfantsParents' perceptionsAdequate knowledgeAgePaternal knowledgeSatisfactionParents
Neonatal Nurses’ Perceptions of Pain Management: Survey of the United States and China
Cong X, McGrath J, Delaney C, Chen H, Liang S, Vazquez V, Keating L, Chang K, Dejong A. Neonatal Nurses’ Perceptions of Pain Management: Survey of the United States and China. Pain Management Nursing 2014, 15: 834-844. PMID: 24508269, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2013.10.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNurses' perceptionsChinese nursesAmerican nursesNeonatal nursesBarriers to effective pain managementSide effects of pain medicationsPain managementPerception of pain managementEffects of nonpharmacological interventionsPain medicationEffects of pain medicationsCross-sectional survey studyEffective pain managementPain assessment toolsNeonatal nurses' perceptionsLack of timeResearch-based protocolsNeonatal painAdequate education/trainingNurses' responsesPain toolsUnited StatesKnowledge deficitsNursesNonpharmacological interventions
Pain Assessment and Measurement in Neonates
Cong X, McGrath J, Cusson R, Zhang D. Pain Assessment and Measurement in Neonates. Advances In Neonatal Care 2013, 13: 379-395. PMID: 24300956, DOI: 10.1097/anc.0b013e3182a41452.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Effects of Skin-to-Skin Contact on Autonomic Pain Responses in Preterm Infants
Cong X, Cusson R, Walsh S, Hussain N, Ludington-Hoe S, Zhang D. Effects of Skin-to-Skin Contact on Autonomic Pain Responses in Preterm Infants. Journal Of Pain 2012, 13: 636-645. PMID: 22595172, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2012.02.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutonomic pain responsesIncubator carePreterm infantsHeel stickLow frequency powerHigh frequency powerPain responseSpectral power analysis of heart rate variabilityEffect of skin-to-skin contactNeonatal intensive care unitSkin-to-skin contactLF/HF ratioHeart rateEffective pain interventionIntensive care unitAnalysis of heart rate variabilityKC conditionsBeat-to-beat heart rateRandomized crossover trialSpectral power analysisAffected infantsKangaroo carePretermPain interventionsCrossover trial
Kangaroo Care and Behavioral and Physiologic Pain Responses in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Twins: A Case Study
Cong X, Cusson R, Hussain N, Zhang D, Kelly S. Kangaroo Care and Behavioral and Physiologic Pain Responses in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Twins: A Case Study. Pain Management Nursing 2011, 13: 127-138. PMID: 22929600, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2010.10.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreterm Infant Pain ProfilePhysiological pain responsesHeel stickPain responseKangaroo careInfant BVery-low-birth-weightPainful proceduresGestational age twinsIncidence of apneaLF/HF ratioSympathetic-parasympathetic balanceHeart rate variability indicesPreterm infantsIncubator careLow-frequency powerPain ProfilePain scoresHigh-frequency powerCrying timeBradycardia episodesBaseline levelsInfantsPretermIC conditions
Randomized Crossover Trial of Kangaroo Care to Reduce Biobehavioral Pain Responses in Preterm Infants: A Pilot Study
Cong X, Ludington-Hoe S, Walsh S. Randomized Crossover Trial of Kangaroo Care to Reduce Biobehavioral Pain Responses in Preterm Infants: A Pilot Study. Biological Research For Nursing 2010, 13: 204-216. PMID: 21196428, DOI: 10.1177/1099800410385839.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPremature Infant Pain ProfileKangaroo careHeel stickPreterm infantsIncubator carePain responseSerum cortisolPremature Infant Pain Profile scoresSkin-to-skin contactBlunt pain responseHeel stick procedureBiobehavioral responsesRandomized crossover trialPIPP scoresPain ProfileHeel warmingMother-infant dyadsCrossover trialKC effectsPretermSalivary cortisolInfantsSerumTime pointsCortisol
Kangaroo Care (Skin Contact) Reduces Crying Response to Pain in Preterm Neonates: Pilot Results
Kostandy R, Ludington-Hoe S, Cong X, Abouelfettoh A, Bronson C, Stankus A, Jarrell J. Kangaroo Care (Skin Contact) Reduces Crying Response to Pain in Preterm Neonates: Pilot Results. Pain Management Nursing 2008, 9: 55-65. PMID: 18513662, PMCID: PMC2647362, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2007.11.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHeel stickCrying timeResponse to painKangaroo carePreterm infantsInfant physiologic stabilityStable preterm infantsMinimal cryingPreterm neonatesRepeated-measures analysis of varianceHeel warmingInfants 2Reduce painRepeated-measures analysisCrying responsePretermPainInfantsReduce cryingSkin contactPhysiological stabilityAnalysis of variancePilot studySubject characteristicsSkin