Palliative care referral criteria and application in pediatric illness care: A scoping review
Carney K, Goodrich G, Lao A, Tan Z, Kiza A, Cong X, Hinderer K. Palliative care referral criteria and application in pediatric illness care: A scoping review. Palliative Medicine 2023, 37: 692-706. PMID: 36971413, DOI: 10.1177/02692163231163258.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentChildHospice and Palliative Care NursingHumansPalliative CareProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesTerminal CareConceptsPalliative care needsPalliative care referralUnmet palliative care needsPediatric palliative care servicesPalliative care servicesCare needsCare referralReferral criteriaIllness careCare servicesScoping reviewImprove palliative care accessEnd-of-life careRates of service usePalliative care accessPalliative care teamAcute care needsEnd-of-lifePopulation-specific interventionsCare management needsContent analysis approachProspective cohort studyUnmet careCare teamCare access
Early-life factors associated with neurobehavioral outcomes in preterm infants during NICU hospitalization
Zhao T, Griffith T, Zhang Y, Li H, Hussain N, Lester B, Cong X. Early-life factors associated with neurobehavioral outcomes in preterm infants during NICU hospitalization. Pediatric Research 2022, 92: 1695-1704. PMID: 35338349, PMCID: PMC9509490, DOI: 10.1038/s41390-022-02021-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedHospitalizationHumansInfantInfant, NewbornInfant, PrematureIntensive Care Units, NeonatalPainProspective StudiesConceptsNeonatal Infant Stressor ScalePreterm infantsNeurobehavioral outcomesBreastmilk intakeGestational ageNICU hospitalizationMaternal breastmilkAssociated with increasing GADay of NICU hospitalizationWeeks post-menstrual ageNICU Network Neurobehavioral ScalePoorer quality of movementOlder gestational agePost-menstrual ageMethodsA prospective cohort studyNISS scoresInfant neurobehavioral outcomesProspective cohort studyDays of lifeConclusionsPreterm infantsGA infantsYounger GAPain/stressNeurobehavioral ScalePreterm
Multi-Omics Analysis on Neurodevelopment in Preterm Neonates
Casavant S, Chen J, Xu W, Lainwala S, Matson A, Chen M, Starkweather A, Maas K, Cong X. Multi-Omics Analysis on Neurodevelopment in Preterm Neonates. Nursing Research 2021, 70: 462-468. PMID: 34380978, PMCID: PMC8563389, DOI: 10.1097/nnr.0000000000000548.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreterm infantsIntensive care unitNecrotizing enterocolitisFeeding intoleranceNeurodevelopmental impairmentNeonatal intensive care unit periodAdverse outcomesHost genetic variationIntestinal microbiomePreterm infants born <Care unitNeonatal intensive care unitInfants born <Weeks gestational ageGut microbiomeIntensive care unit periodFollow-up visitRegulation of intestinal healthPreterm neonatesGestational agePotential adverse outcomesNeurodevelopmental outcomesPain sensitivityPretermMulti-omics analysis
Randomized Crossover Trial of Kangaroo Care to Reduce Biobehavioral Pain Responses in Preterm Infants: A Pilot Study
Cong X, Ludington-Hoe S, Walsh S. Randomized Crossover Trial of Kangaroo Care to Reduce Biobehavioral Pain Responses in Preterm Infants: A Pilot Study. Biological Research For Nursing 2010, 13: 204-216. PMID: 21196428, DOI: 10.1177/1099800410385839.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCross-Over StudiesFemaleHumansInfant BehaviorInfant, NewbornInfant, PrematureMalePainProspective StudiesTouchConceptsPremature Infant Pain ProfileKangaroo careHeel stickPreterm infantsIncubator carePain responseSerum cortisolPremature Infant Pain Profile scoresSkin-to-skin contactBlunt pain responseHeel stick procedureBiobehavioral responsesRandomized crossover trialPIPP scoresPain ProfileHeel warmingMother-infant dyadsCrossover trialKC effectsPretermSalivary cortisolInfantsSerumTime pointsCortisol