A Mechanistic Model of Gut–Brain Axis Perturbation and High-Fat Diet Pathways to Gut Microbiome Homeostatic Disruption, Systemic Inflammation, and Type 2 Diabetes
Lew K, Starkweather A, Cong X, Judge M. A Mechanistic Model of Gut–Brain Axis Perturbation and High-Fat Diet Pathways to Gut Microbiome Homeostatic Disruption, Systemic Inflammation, and Type 2 Diabetes. Biological Research For Nursing 2019, 21: 384-399. PMID: 31113222, DOI: 10.1177/1099800419849109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGut-brain axisGut-brain axis pathwayHigh-fat dietDNA sequencing technologiesPro-inflammatory pathwaysMechanistic modelSequencing technologiesGut microbiomeHuman microbiomeHomeostatic disruptionProgression of T2DInsulin resistanceNonmodifiable risk factorsSystemic inflammationGutHigh-fatMicrobiomePathwayHomeostatic imbalanceMetabolic diseasesRisk factorsLow-grade systemic inflammationAmerican populationTranslocation of endotoxinWall permeability
FKBP5 genotype and early life stress exposure predict neurobehavioral outcomes for preterm infants
D'Agata A, Walsh S, Vittner D, Cong X, McGrath J, Young E. FKBP5 genotype and early life stress exposure predict neurobehavioral outcomes for preterm infants. Developmental Psychobiology 2017, 59: 410-418. PMID: 28247564, DOI: 10.1002/dev.21507.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitNeurobehavioral outcomesNeonatal intensive care unit stressNeonatal intensive care unit careFKBP5 genotypeIntensive care unitEarly life stress exposureStress response-associated genesGenetic susceptibility to stressInfant neurobehavioral developmentPreterm infantsImpact of genetic variationNeurodevelopmental impairmentResponse-associated genesLife stress exposureNeurobehavioral developmentCare unitEnvironmental risk factorsRisk factorsInfant problemsAssociated with neurobehavioral outcomesStatistical analysisPretermSusceptibility to stressStress exposure