Sex Differences in Gut Microbial Development of Preterm Infant Twins in Early Life: A Longitudinal Analysis
Chen J, Li H, Hird S, Chen M, Xu W, Maas K, Cong X. Sex Differences in Gut Microbial Development of Preterm Infant Twins in Early Life: A Longitudinal Analysis. Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology 2021, 11: 671074. PMID: 34458157, PMCID: PMC8387566, DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.671074.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStatistical Analysis of Metagenomic ProfilesNeonatal intensive care unitGut microbiotaGut microbiomeFunction of gut microbiotaCharacteristics of gut microbiotaReconstruction of Unobserved StatesPhylogenetic Investigation of CommunitiesGut microbial developmentGut microbiota patternInfant gut microbiotaGut microbiota compositionGut microbiome diversityInvestigation of CommunitiesInfant gut microbiomePostnatal ageNeurobehavioral developmentMetagenomic functionsMixed-sex groupsPhylogenetic investigationMetagenomic profilesEnvironmental factorsMicrobiota compositionKEGG pathwaysMicrobiome diversity
Log-contrast regression with functional compositional predictors: Linking preterm infants’ gut microbiome trajectories to neurobehavioral outcome
Sun Z, Xu W, Cong X, Li G, Chen K. Log-contrast regression with functional compositional predictors: Linking preterm infants’ gut microbiome trajectories to neurobehavioral outcome. The Annals Of Applied Statistics 2020, 14: 1535-1556. PMID: 34163544, PMCID: PMC8218926, DOI: 10.1214/20-aoas1357.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsNeurobehavioral outcomesPreterm infant studyWeeks of post-menstrual ageVery preterm neonatesPost-menstrual ageIntensive care unitInfant studiesMicrobiome markersIdentified microbiome markersStressful early life experiencesBrain-gut axisPreterm neonatesPostnatal ageInfant fecal samplesPretermInfant neurodevelopmentInfant's first monthCare unitPostnatal stagesInfantsGut microbiome compositionEstimated time dynamicsFirst month
Kangaroo Care modifies preterm infant heart rate variability in response to heel stick pain: Pilot study
Cong X, Ludington-Hoe S, McCain G, Fu P. Kangaroo Care modifies preterm infant heart rate variability in response to heel stick pain: Pilot study. Early Human Development 2009, 85: 561-567. PMID: 19505775, PMCID: PMC2742959, DOI: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2009.05.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHeel stick painKangaroo careHeel stickPreterm infantsIncubator careHeart rate variabilityPainful proceduresNeonatal intensive care unitMother-infant skin-to-skin contactSkin-to-skin contactWeeks gestational ageInfant heart rate variabilityDays postnatal ageLF/HF ratioInfant behavioral stateResponse to painIntensive care unitHeart rate variability differencesEffects of KCResponses to painful proceduresRate variabilityGestational ageInfant painPostnatal ageHeel warming