98 The Crosstalk between Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants with Pain/Stress in the NICU
Zhao T, Chang X, Biswas S, Balsbaugh J, Liddle J, Chen M, Matson A, Cong X. 98 The Crosstalk between Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants with Pain/Stress in the NICU. Journal Of Clinical And Translational Science 2024, 8: 27-27. PMCID: PMC11023861, DOI: 10.1017/cts.2024.96.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNICU Network Neurobehavioral ScalePreterm premature rupture of membranesPost-menstrual agePreterm infantsNeurodevelopmental outcomesNeurobehavioral outcomesAssociated with neurobehavioral outcomesNNNS summary scoresPremature rupture of membranesWeeks post-menstrual ageAssociated with neurodevelopmental outcomesPreterm premature ruptureRupture of membranesAssociated with protein levelsProspective cohort studyMitochondrial dysfunctionNICU hospitalizationNeurobehavioral ScaleClinical characteristicsPretermEpithelial barrierCohort studyReceptor binding activityNICUInfants
The Impact of Early Life Experiences and Gut Microbiota on Neurobehavioral Development in Preterm Infants: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
Chen J, Li H, Zhao T, Chen K, Chen M, Sun Z, Xu W, Maas K, Lester B, Cong X. The Impact of Early Life Experiences and Gut Microbiota on Neurobehavioral Development in Preterm Infants: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. Microorganisms 2023, 11: 814. PMID: 36985387, PMCID: PMC10056840, DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms11030814.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeonatal intensive care unitNeonatal neurobehavioral scaleNeonatal intensive care unit hospitalizationOperational taxonomic unitsPreterm infantsPost-menstrual ageNeurobehavioral developmentGut microbiotaNeonatal intensive care unit admissionWeeks of post-menstrual ageFifty-five infantsDaily stool samplesIntensive care unitLongitudinal cohort studyImpact of early life experiencesNeurobehavioral ScalePretermPostnatal dayClinical featuresCohort studyEarly life experiencesStool samplesCare unitNeurobehavioral outcomesInfants
Associations of Mitochondrial Function, Stress, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Early Life: A Systematic Review
Zhao T, Alder N, Starkweather A, Chen M, Matson A, Xu W, Balsbaugh J, Cong X. Associations of Mitochondrial Function, Stress, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Early Life: A Systematic Review. Developmental Neuroscience 2022, 44: 438-454. PMID: 35995037, PMCID: PMC9928905, DOI: 10.1159/000526491.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeurodevelopmental outcomesPreterm infantsEarly life stressPostnatal stressSystematic reviewInfluence neurodevelopmental outcomesMitochondrial function/dysfunctionEarly lifeAssociated with stress exposurePreferred Reporting ItemsFull-termPrimary research articlesBIOSIS databasesInfluence of biological sexLife stressLack of longitudinal dataInfant stressInfantsReporting ItemsPretermInvasive samplingOutcomesStress exposureBehavioral changesFunction/dysfunction
Log-contrast regression with functional compositional predictors: Linking preterm infants’ gut microbiome trajectories to neurobehavioral outcome
Sun Z, Xu W, Cong X, Li G, Chen K. Log-contrast regression with functional compositional predictors: Linking preterm infants’ gut microbiome trajectories to neurobehavioral outcome. The Annals Of Applied Statistics 2020, 14: 1535-1556. PMID: 34163544, PMCID: PMC8218926, DOI: 10.1214/20-aoas1357.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsNeurobehavioral outcomesPreterm infant studyWeeks of post-menstrual ageVery preterm neonatesPost-menstrual ageIntensive care unitInfant studiesMicrobiome markersIdentified microbiome markersStressful early life experiencesBrain-gut axisPreterm neonatesPostnatal ageInfant fecal samplesPretermInfant neurodevelopmentInfant's first monthCare unitPostnatal stagesInfantsGut microbiome compositionEstimated time dynamicsFirst month
Breastfeeding experiences and perspectives on support among Chinese mothers separated from their hospitalized preterm infants: a qualitative study
Yang Y, Brandon D, Lu H, Cong X. Breastfeeding experiences and perspectives on support among Chinese mothers separated from their hospitalized preterm infants: a qualitative study. International Breastfeeding Journal 2019, 14: 45. PMID: 31695726, PMCID: PMC6824106, DOI: 10.1186/s13006-019-0242-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsHospitalized preterm infantsMothers of preterm infantsMaternal-infant separationHigh-risk infantsExpressed breast milkIntensive care unitBreastfeeding experienceMother-infant attachmentCare unitBreast milkInfantsBreastfeedingMilk supplyPretermDescriptive studyMothersConclusionsThe studyMethodsA qualitative descriptive studyChinese mothersHealth professional supportNeonatesDifficulties mothersBabiesOxytocin and early parent-infant interactions: A systematic review
Scatliffe N, Casavant S, Vittner D, Cong X. Oxytocin and early parent-infant interactions: A systematic review. International Journal Of Nursing Sciences 2019, 6: 445-453. PMID: 31728399, PMCID: PMC6838998, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnss.2019.09.009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSkin-to-skin contactMaternal oxytocin levelsParent-infant contactMother-infantOxytocin levelsElectronic databasesSystematic reviewInclusion criteriaMother-infant contactSystematic searchMaternal-InfantFather-infant interactionsSocial factorsHigher oxytocin levelsReview studiesOxytocinergic mechanismsEarly contactSocial relationshipsInfant interactionsOxytocin releaseOxytocinMothersParentsInfantsInfancy periodAllostatic Load and Biomarkers of Stress in the Preterm Infant: An Integrative Review
Casavant S, Cong X, Fitch R, Moore J, Rosenkrantz T, Starkweather A. Allostatic Load and Biomarkers of Stress in the Preterm Infant: An Integrative Review. Biological Research For Nursing 2019, 21: 210-223. PMID: 30654634, DOI: 10.1177/1099800418824415.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsLong-term outcome measuresMarkers of oxidative stressIntensive care unitBorn pretermNociceptive inputNonnoxious stimuliBrain-gut-microbiome axisPretermPainful proceduresCare unitHuman studiesInclusion criteriaLife-saving careTherapeutic interventionsInfantsOutcome measuresEarly detectionTime pointsBiomarkersActivation of stress responsesCortisol levelsOxidative stressSystematic search
Increase in Oxytocin From Skin-to-Skin Contact Enhances Development of Parent–Infant Relationship
Vittner D, McGrath J, Robinson J, Lawhon G, Cusson R, Eisenfeld L, Walsh S, Young E, Cong X. Increase in Oxytocin From Skin-to-Skin Contact Enhances Development of Parent–Infant Relationship. Biological Research For Nursing 2017, 20: 54-62. PMID: 29017336, DOI: 10.1177/1099800417735633.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSkin-to-skin contactNeonatal intensive care unitStable preterm infantsOT levelsSkin-to-skinParent-infant contactIntensive care unitRandomized crossover studySC levelsPreterm infantsHigher OT levelsCrossover studyOT releaseParental OTParental anxiety scoresDay 1Care unitSalivary cortisolPre-SSCInfant stressInfantsPost-SSCParent-infant interactionOxytocinSaliva samplesThe impact of cumulative pain/stress on neurobehavioral development of preterm infants in the NICU
Cong X, Wu J, Vittner D, Xu W, Hussain N, Galvin S, Fitzsimons M, McGrath J, Henderson W. The impact of cumulative pain/stress on neurobehavioral development of preterm infants in the NICU. Early Human Development 2017, 108: 9-16. PMID: 28343092, PMCID: PMC5444300, DOI: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2017.03.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsNeurobehavioral outcomesNeurobehavioral development of preterm infantsOutcomes of preterm infantsDevelopment of preterm infantsSkin-to-skin holdingVulnerable preterm infantsIntensive care unitProspective exploratory studyInfant developmental outcomesNeurodevelopmental outcomesAltered neurodevelopmentNeurobehavioral developmentCare unitNeuroprotective strategiesInfantsAssociated with habituationAcute eventPretermEarly lifeOutcomesNeurodevelopmentDevelopmental outcomesCumulative timeUNPACKING THE BURDEN OF CARE FOR INFANTS IN THE NICU
D'Agata A, Sanders M, Grasso D, Young E, Cong X, Mcgrath J. UNPACKING THE BURDEN OF CARE FOR INFANTS IN THE NICU. Infant Mental Health Journal 2017, 38: 306-317. PMID: 28236329, DOI: 10.1002/imhj.21636.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitNeonatal intensive care unit infantsLong-term outcomesIntensive care unitNewborn periodPainful medical proceduresCare unitNeuroprotective strategiesInfantsPreverbal stage of developmentClinical articlesEarly lifeInfant experienceMedical proceduresAdverse childhood eventsMedical traumaStages of development
Development of Accumulated Pain/Stressor Scale (APSS) in NICUs: A National Survey
Xu W, Walsh S, Cong X. Development of Accumulated Pain/Stressor Scale (APSS) in NICUs: A National Survey. Pain Management Nursing 2016, 17: 354-362. PMID: 27756592, PMCID: PMC5609453, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2016.08.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitNeonatal intensive care unit infantsPerception of pain severityHigh-risk neonatesIntensive care unitPain severityInfant neurodevelopmentCare unitInfantsPain/stressAcuityAcuity levelsNeonatal nursesNurses' perceptionsSeverityNeonatesPainNursing membershipNeurodevelopmentProcedureNursesInfant Medical Trauma in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (IMTN)
D'Agata A, Young E, Cong X, Grasso D, McGrath J. Infant Medical Trauma in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (IMTN). Advances In Neonatal Care 2016, 16: 289-297. PMID: 27391564, DOI: 10.1097/anc.0000000000000309.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitIntensive care unitMedical traumaCare unitAt-risk infantsLong-term healthUnique stress experienceEarly life adverse experiencesAllostatic loadInfantsLifesaving measuresNICU experienceEmotional outcomesDistressing eventsAdverse experiencesTraumaStressful experiencesPotential outcomesRiskCaregiversEarly developmentNeonatesDirect-breastfeeding in the neonatal intensive care unit and breastfeeding duration for premature infants
Briere C, McGrath J, Cong X, Brownell E, Cusson R. Direct-breastfeeding in the neonatal intensive care unit and breastfeeding duration for premature infants. Applied Nursing Research 2016, 32: 47-51. PMID: 27969051, DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2016.04.004.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Early Life Experience and Gut Microbiome
Cong X, Henderson W, Graf J, McGrath J. Early Life Experience and Gut Microbiome. Advances In Neonatal Care 2015, 15: 314-323. PMID: 26240939, PMCID: PMC4583334, DOI: 10.1097/anc.0000000000000191.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGut microbiomeHigh-risk infantsStressful early life experiencesCentral nervous systemSignaling systemPreterm infantsIntestinal innate immunityPain responseBrain-gut-microbiota axisNeonatal careEarly life experiencesNeuroimmune systemMicrobial speciesNervous systemInnate immunityRegulation mechanismInfantsGutMicrobiomeTargeted interventionsRegulationModulating stressPretermState-of-the-science reviewComplex mechanismsEffect of Maternal Body Mass Index on Infant Breastfeeding Behaviors and Exclusive Direct Breastfeeding
Lucas R, Judge M, Sajdlowska J, Cong X, McGrath J, Brandon D. Effect of Maternal Body Mass Index on Infant Breastfeeding Behaviors and Exclusive Direct Breastfeeding. Journal Of Obstetric Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing 2015, 44: 772-783. PMID: 26402851, DOI: 10.1111/1552-6909.12755.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMaternal body mass indexEffect of maternal body mass indexBody mass indexInfant breastfeeding behaviorMother-infant dyadsGestational ageMass indexBreastfeeding mother-infant dyadsBreastfeeding behaviorLate preterm infantsInfant gestational ageFull-term infantsTime pointsMonths of lifeNo significant increaseBreastfeeding outcomesInfantsBreastfeedingSignificant increaseBreastfeeding differencesBreastfeeding objectivesWeeksAgeMothersGestationParental oxytocin responses during skin-to-skin contact in pre-term infants
Cong X, Ludington-Hoe S, Hussain N, Cusson R, Walsh S, Vazquez V, Briere C, Vittner D. Parental oxytocin responses during skin-to-skin contact in pre-term infants. Early Human Development 2015, 91: 401-406. PMID: 25988992, DOI: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2015.04.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPre-term infantsSkin-to-skin contactMaternal skin-to-skin contactAdverse consequences of prematurityDay 1Day 2Consequences of prematurityCross-over studyPost-partum periodMaternal oxytocinOxytocin responseOxytocin mechanismsAnxiety responsesMaternal cortisolOxytocin releaseReduce adverse consequencesOxytocin levelsPost-SSCInfantsOxytocinNeurobiological mechanismsStudy protocolMother-father dyadsReduce stressAnxiety levelsDirect-Breastfeeding Premature Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Briere C, McGrath J, Cong X, Brownell E, Cusson R. Direct-Breastfeeding Premature Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Journal Of Human Lactation 2015, 31: 386-392. PMID: 25900843, DOI: 10.1177/0890334415581798.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitDirect breastfeedingOral feedingBreastfeeding goalsInfants born <Weeks gestational ageRetrospective chart reviewPrenatal care providersIntensive care unitHuman milkGestational agePremature deliveryPremature infantsChart reviewLogistic regression modelsCare unitShorter lengthHigh riskInfantsBreastfeedingNon-HispanicChi-squareBreastMothersCare providersMaternal and Paternal Knowledge and Perceptions Regarding Infant Pain in the NICU
Vazquez V, Cong X, DeJong A. Maternal and Paternal Knowledge and Perceptions Regarding Infant Pain in the NICU. Neonatal Network The Journal Of Neonatal Nursing 2015, 34: 337-344. PMID: 26803015, DOI: 10.1891/0730-0832.34.6.337.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInfant painInfant pain managementPain managementInfant corrected ageSelf-efficacyCorrected ageParental knowledgeInvestigate parental knowledgeModerate to high self-efficacyResearcher-developed questionnairePainPainful proceduresHigher self-efficacyNICUPerceptions of self-efficacyInfantsParents' perceptionsAdequate knowledgeAgePaternal knowledgeSatisfactionParents
An Integrative Review of Factors that Influence Breastfeeding Duration for Premature Infants after NICU Hospitalization
Briere C, McGrath J, Cong X, Cusson R. An Integrative Review of Factors that Influence Breastfeeding Duration for Premature Infants after NICU Hospitalization. Journal Of Obstetric Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing 2014, 43: 272-281. PMID: 24689979, DOI: 10.1111/1552-6909.12297.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitNeonatal intensive care unit dischargePremature infantsHigh-risk mothersBreastfeeding durationAssociated with breastfeeding durationKangaroo mother careBreast milk supplyNICU professionalsIntensive care unitMaternal breastfeeding knowledgePreterm infantsFactors affecting durationMaternal characteristicsCare unitMother careExclusion criteriaInclusion criteriaInfantsPrenatal educationBreastfeedingLactate challengeElectronic databasesElectronic databases of CINAHLBreastfeeding knowledgeState of the Science
Briere C, McGrath J, Cong X, Cusson R. State of the Science. The Journal Of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 2014, 28: 51-58. PMID: 24476652, DOI: 10.1097/jpn.0000000000000011.Peer-Reviewed Original Research