“They're scared that somebody's gonna judge them”: Female African American youth in Foster Care's perspectives on sexual and reproductive health communication with caregivers
Ross C, Smith J, Gawel M, Walters T, Song Y, Cong X, Shook N. “They're scared that somebody's gonna judge them”: Female African American youth in Foster Care's perspectives on sexual and reproductive health communication with caregivers. Journal Of Pediatric Nursing 2023, 75: 8-15. PMID: 38091927, DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2023.11.024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSexual and reproductive healthSexual and reproductive health informationHealthcare providersCare perspectiveSRH communicationYouths' sexual and reproductive healthSexual and reproductive health communicationAccurate SRH informationSexual and reproductive health topicsSexual and reproductive health knowledgeFemale African American adolescentsAdverse childhood experiencesReproductive health communicationSemi-structured interviewsTrauma-informed approachBiological parentsCare dependencyTranscribed interviewsClinical encountersCommunication interventionsCaregiversQualitative studySRH informationHealth communicationPurposive samplingWork-health balance of cancer survivors returning to work: A meta-ethnography
Wu W, Yackel H, Salner A, Chen M, Judge M, Cong X, Xu W. Work-health balance of cancer survivors returning to work: A meta-ethnography. European Journal Of Oncology Nursing 2023, 68: 102482. PMID: 38070450, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejon.2023.102482.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCancer survivorsMeta-ethnographyHealthcare providersCritical Appraisal Skills Program checklistExperiences of cancer survivorsReturn-to-work processAppraisal Skills Program checklistCancer survivors' experiencesCancer-related concernsQuality of survivorshipWork-health balanceWorking-age adultsRTW processTailored supportWorkplace accommodationsSurvivors' experiencesComprehensive literature searchHealthcare supportCancer casesQualitative studyRTWEmpower survivorsWell-beingLiterature searchSurvivors
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Romisher R, Hill D, Cong X. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Advances In Neonatal Care 2018, 18: e3-e11. PMID: 29360671, DOI: 10.1097/anc.0000000000000462.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal abstinence syndromeAdvanced practice nursesCross-sectional survey studyRates of neonatal abstinence syndromeSurvey studyResearcher-developed questionnaireSpecific educational programsOpen-ended questionsNurses' attitudesNurse leadersPractice nursesLikert-scale questionsNursing conferencesHealthcare providersEffects of neonatal abstinence syndromeNon-HispanicNursesNeonatal nursesCareEducation programsCare of infantsPractice trendsNew England areaSurvey questionnaireQuestionnaire
Management of childhood diarrhea by healthcare professionals in low income countries: An integrative review
Diallo A, Cong X, Henderson W, McGrath J. Management of childhood diarrhea by healthcare professionals in low income countries: An integrative review. International Journal Of Nursing Studies 2016, 66: 82-92. PMID: 28043020, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.08.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsManagement of childhood diarrhoeaHealthcare professionalsLow-income countriesChildhood diarrheaBehaviour of healthcare professionalsReporting of Observational StudiesInfluence prescription behavioursHealthcare professionals' managementObservational studyCombination of research designsOral rehydration solutionCross sectional studyYear of study publicationHealthcare providersPrimary caregiversIntegrative reviewAdequate careWorld Health OrganizationChild mortalityCase-controlRehydration solutionIncome countriesHealthcareSectional studyAdequate knowledge