Trajectories of Self-Reported Opioid Use Among Patients With HIV Engaged in Care: Results From a National Cohort Study.
Edelman EJ, Li Y, Barry D, Brennan Braden J, Crystal S, Kerns RD, Gaither JR, Gordon KS, Manhapra A, Merlin JS, Moore BA, Oldfield BJ, Park LS, Rentsch CT, Skanderson M, Williams EC, Justice AC, Tate JP, Becker WC, Marshall BDL. Trajectories of Self-Reported Opioid Use Among Patients With HIV Engaged in Care: Results From a National Cohort Study. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2020, 84: 26-36. PMID: 32267658, PMCID: PMC7147724, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0000000000002310.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid useOpioid use trajectoriesCohort studyPain interferenceSelf-reported opioid useVeterans Aging Cohort StudyVeterans Health Administration sitesInfrequent useOpioid use frequencyMarijuana useAging Cohort StudyNational cohort studyEvidence-based treatmentsGroup-based trajectory modelsProspective cohortBaseline factorsIllness severityMultivariable analysisBenzodiazepine medicationVA carePsychoactive medicationsPrescription painkillersPsychiatric symptomsHeroin useMultinomial logistic regression
High-dose prescribed opioids are associated with increased risk of heroin use among United States military veterans.
Banerjee G, Edelman EJ, Barry DT, Crystal S, Gordon KS, Gordon AJ, Gaither JR, Green TC, Kerns RD, Manhapra A, Moore BA, Fiellin DA, Marshall BDL. High-dose prescribed opioids are associated with increased risk of heroin use among United States military veterans. Pain 2019, 160: 2126-2135. PMID: 31145217, PMCID: PMC6699915, DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001606.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh-dose opioid prescriptionsOpioid prescriptionsHeroin useCohort studyPrior receiptHepatitis C virus (HCV) infection statusLong-term opioid prescriptionsPast-year heroin useVeterans Aging Cohort StudyHigh-dose opioidsOpioid-prescribing patternsProspective cohort studyAging Cohort StudyOpioid use disorderCurrent national guidelinesUnhealthy alcohol useUnited States veteransUnited States military veteransVirus infection statusPosttraumatic stress disorderOpioid receiptPrescribed opioidsPain interferenceCox regressionStates veterans
Project STEP: Implementing the Veterans Health Administration’s Stepped Care Model of Pain Management
Edmond SN, Moore BA, Dorflinger LM, Goulet JL, Becker WC, Heapy AA, Sellinger JJ, Lee AW, Levin FL, Ruser CB, Kerns RD. Project STEP: Implementing the Veterans Health Administration’s Stepped Care Model of Pain Management. Pain Medicine 2018, 19: s30-s37. PMID: 30203015, DOI: 10.1093/pm/pny094.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVA Connecticut Healthcare SystemPrimary care providersVeterans Health AdministrationPain careStepped care modelCare providersPain managementCare modelHealth care utilization dataMultimodal pain careNonopioid analgesic prescribingLong-term opioidsElectronic health record dataPain intensity ratingsHealth record dataClinical health psychologyNonpharmacological servicesAnalgesic prescribingOpioid prescribingPharmacological managementNonpharmacological approachesNonpharmacological treatmentsReferral practicesPhysical therapyCare practices
Multiple Sources of Prescription Payment and Risky Opioid Therapy Among Veterans
Becker WC, Fenton BT, Brandt CA, Doyle EL, Francis J, Goulet JL, Moore BA, Torrise V, Kerns RD, Kreiner PW. Multiple Sources of Prescription Payment and Risky Opioid Therapy Among Veterans. Medical Care 2017, 55: s33-s36. PMID: 28410338, DOI: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000000722.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid therapySource of paymentHigher oddsHigh-dose opioid therapyHigh-risk opioid prescribingMorphine equivalent daily dosePayment sourceOpioid analgesic prescriptionsPrescription monitoring programsEquivalent daily doseCross-sectional studyAnalgesic prescriptionOpioid prescribingBenzodiazepine therapyDaily doseUS veteransFiscal year 2014TherapyPrivate insuranceLogistic regressionRelated harmsPrescription paymentAnalytic sampleOpioidsOdds
Stepped care model of pain management and quality of pain care in long-term opioid therapy
Moore BA, Anderson D, Dorflinger L, Zlateva I, Lee A, Gilliam W, Tian T, Khatri K, Ruser CB, Kerns RD. Stepped care model of pain management and quality of pain care in long-term opioid therapy. The Journal Of Rehabilitation Research And Development 2016, 53: 137-146. PMID: 27006068, DOI: 10.1682/jrrd.2014.10.0254.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Evaluation of a Telementoring Intervention for Pain Management in the Veterans Health Administration
Frank JW, Carey EP, Fagan KM, Aron DC, Todd-Stenberg J, Moore BA, Kerns RD, Au DH, Ho PM, Kirsh SR. Evaluation of a Telementoring Intervention for Pain Management in the Veterans Health Administration. Pain Medicine 2015, 16: 1090-1100. PMID: 25716075, DOI: 10.1111/pme.12715.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrimary care providersChronic noncancer painVeterans Health AdministrationCare providersPatient panelMultivariable Cox proportional hazards modelsHealth AdministrationCox proportional hazards modelPain management competencyPhysical medicine servicesSpecialty pain clinicPain management educationPain management programProportional hazards modelSubstance use disordersNoncancer painNonopioid medicationsMedication initiationAnticonvulsant medicationPain clinicOpioid analgesicsPain managementChronic painPain careSpecialist consultationLong-term Prescription of Opioids and/or Benzodiazepines and Mortality Among HIV-Infected and Uninfected Patients
Weisberg DF, Gordon KS, Barry DT, Becker WC, Crystal S, Edelman EJ, Gaither J, Gordon AJ, Goulet J, Kerns RD, Moore BA, Tate J, Justice AC, Fiellin DA. Long-term Prescription of Opioids and/or Benzodiazepines and Mortality Among HIV-Infected and Uninfected Patients. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2015, 69: 223-233. PMID: 26009831, PMCID: PMC4446730, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0000000000000591.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-term opioidsMorphine equivalent daily doseOpioid receiptRisk of deathLong-term prescriptionUninfected patientsOpioid dosesAntiretroviral therapyHazard ratioDaily dosePropensity scoreHigher opioid dosesCause mortalityHIV statusAvailable patientsMortality riskOpioidsHIVPatientsProspective analysisMortalityBenzodiazepinesDosesDeathRisk
A Partnered Approach to Opioid Management, Guideline Concordant Care and the Stepped Care Model of Pain Management
Dorflinger L, Moore B, Goulet J, Becker W, Heapy AA, Sellinger JJ, Kerns RD. A Partnered Approach to Opioid Management, Guideline Concordant Care and the Stepped Care Model of Pain Management. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2014, 29: 870-876. PMID: 25355083, PMCID: PMC4239281, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-014-3019-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-term opioid therapyOpioid risk mitigation strategiesOpioid therapyGuideline-concordant careVeterans Health AdministrationPain managementStepped care modelOpioid managementChronic painPain carePrimary carePractice guidelinesCare modelHigh-dose opioidsKey ResultsThe proportionProportion of patientsNon-opioid analgesicsClinical practice guidelinesCommon presenting problemManagement of veteransPerformance improvement outcomesClinical research teamInteractive educational strategiesFour-year study periodConcordant care