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    Yale Psychiatry Residents' Association elects new officers

    July 20, 2017

    The Yale Psychiatry Residents' Association (PRA) has elected new officers and activity representatives for 2017/2018.

    Falisha Gilman and Erica Robinson are co-presidents of the association, which serves as a liaison between residents and faculty, and helps to cultivate an educational and fun working environment for trainees.

    Other officers for the next year are Eric Lin, secretary; and Bob Ross, treasurer.

    Graduate Education Committee representatives are Jose Flores (PGY-1 and 2), Myra Mathis (PGY-3), and Luming Li (PGY-4).

    Representatives to the Graduate Medical Education Committee are Will Rutland, Flavia DeSouza, Corey Williams, and Stanley Lyndon.

    Medical Student Education Committee representatives are Natalie Lastra and Joe Taylor.

    Social Co-Chairs are Joe Gallego and Nora Proops. Members of the Cinema and Psychiatry Committee are Nikhil Gupta, Nora Proops, Sarah Riley, Amanda Sun, and Corey Williams.

    Will Acosta, Aaron Alexander-Bloch, Daniel Barron, and Jessica Chaffkin are the Wine and Cheese Coordinators, and Joe Gallego, Stefanie Gillson, Lambert Lewis, and Celeste Lipkes comprise the Orientation Committee.

    Members of the Information Technology Committee are Eric Lin and Chris Sullivan.