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Addictive Behaviors | Mental Health & Behavioral Research | Pain Control | Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium, Phase Pilot

Postoperative Dexamethasone on Post-Cesarean Pain

What is the purpose of this trial?

For this study, the researchers are most interested in an option that would be able to be administered consistently (same time/same way): that labor nurses could give and without requiring the patient to have had an epidural placement. Further, Gabapentin, clonidine and ketamine are associated with CNS effects like sedation or confusion that could make health care providers less likely to be comfortable giving these women additional oxycodone due to possible worsened sedation or respiratory depression. Lastly, the researchers wanted to give a drug that both obstetricians and pediatricians were comfortable with from extensive use in our maternal population. Thus, a single administration IV dexamethasone was chosen for this study. Dexamethasone has been used as an adjunct for post-operative pain management in many types of surgeries. Although no large randomized trials exist, several small trials suggest an analgesic and opioid sparing effect of dexamethasone post-operatively for both pregnant and non-pregnanat patients; however these studies excluded patients on MAT

  • Trial with
    Women's Health Research at Yale
  • Ages
    18 years and older
  • Gender
    Female only

Contact Information

For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact Victoria Wesevich

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  • Last Updated
  • Study HIC