activity Urology Clinical Operations Committee
2019 - Presentactivity Director of Urology Grand Rounds
Planning, organizing, and leading Urology Grand Rounds07/01/2018 - Presenthonor Faculty Award for Clinical Excellence
activity Project Lifesaver Fundraiser
honor Connecticut Magazine's Top Doctors
activity Understanding Prostate Health
Abstract/SynopsisPresentation given at the Hospital of St. Raphael
activity Effective Alternatives to BPH Medical Management
Abstract/SynopsisShoreline Health Center Talk
activity Sexual Health, What Men need to Know
Abstract/SynopsisShoreline Health Center Talk
activity Overactive Bladder (OAB)
Abstract/SynopsisPresentation given at the Fair Haven Clinic
activity Use of Alloderm for Closure of Intraoral Defects after Buccal Mucosal Harvest
Abstract/SynopsisPresentation given at the Ferdinand C. Valentine Meeting
activity Project Brotherhood, Prostate Cancer Screening
activity "Long-Term Follow-Up of Buccal Mucosal Grafts for Anterior Urethral Reconstruction"
Abstract/SynopsisPresentation given at the American Urologic Association Annual Meeting
activity "Losartan, An Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist, Decreases Apoptosis and Macrophage Infiltration in Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction in Rats"
Abstract/SynopsisPresentation given at the American Urologic Association Annual Meeting
activity South Park Inn Homeless Shelter, Medical Clinic Manager
activity Juvenile Justice Center, Health Educator
activity Surgical Scholars Program
activity International Health Medical Education Consortium (IHMEC)
honor Sigma Xi Research Honor Society
honor Phi Beta Kappa
honor President of Mortar Board Senior Honor Society