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Marc Schneeberger Pane, PhD

Assistant Professor in Cellular and Molecular Physiology

Contact Information

Marc Schneeberger Pane, PhD

Mailing Address

  • Cellular & Molecular Physiology

    333 Cedar Street, B-Wing, E Level

    New Haven, Connecticut 06510

    United States

Research Summary

The Schneeberger Pané Laboratory is interested in the neurobiology of homeostasis. In particular we are interested in understanding how structural-molecular-functional crosstalk exists between the neuronal vascular and immune systems in the brain to permit behaviour and as a result life. We are taking an unbiased approach trying to understand first at the whole mount level how shifts in homeostasis shift the different systems to transition from physiology to pathophysiology. By doing so, we aim at deciphering the adaptive processes that the neurovascular unit engages with to counteract the initial shift. Uncovering the molecular mechanisms responsible for such transitions and how to override them might result into new effective therapeutics for complex disorders.

Hence, the outstanding questions of research span in the intersection between the fields of neurobiology, metabolism, behaviour and genetics. First, how is energy homeostasis (both energy intake and expenditure) regulated centrally? Second, which neural circuits are essential for energy homeostasis to happen?

The long-term goal of the laboratory is to understand how homeostatically driven neurovascular impairments can shape centrally mediated behaviours and underlie complex disorders such as obesity, Alzheimer's disease, anorexia nervosa, Parkinson's disease, etc.


Research Interests

Cardiovascular Diseases; Nervous System Diseases; Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases

Research Image

Selected Publications