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Daniel Cooperman, MD

Professor of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation

Contact Information

Daniel Cooperman, MD

Office Location

Mailing Address

  • Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation

    P.O. Box 208071

    New Haven, CT 06520-8071

    United States

Research Summary

Our research is clinical and translational. We use two resources for most projects. One is an osteological collection of over 3,000 human skeleton, housed in the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. It is the largest, well-documented osteological collection in the world. The second resource is a library of over 800,000 x-rays that were obtained in Cleveland between 1925 and 1950, demonstrating normal growth in children. This resource is sampled through a dedicated server at Case Western Reserve University.

Extensive Research Description

Current Clinical Research Studies-

-Skeletal Maturity Determination in children using x-rays of the foot and proximal humerus.

-Determining the ideal approach for measuring femoral anteversion intra-operatively.

-Predicting forearm fracture modeling and remodeling in children and adolescents.

-Characterizing Pelvic Incidence using an osteological collection.

-Determining the natural history of Trapezial Arthritis.

-Determining the risk of contralateral Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis following Unilateral Presentation.

Current Basic/Translational Science Studies-


Current Clinical Trials-


Current Grants-



Research Interests

Anatomy; Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena

Selected Publications