Professor of Psychiatry and of Psychology; Director, Program for Obesity, Weight and Eating Research (POWER) at Yale, Psychiatry
Bariatric Studies
Concerns about your eating or weight after bariatric surgery?
If you are 18 to 70 years old and concerned about weight or eating after bariatric surgery or bariatric revision, you may be eligible to participate in a free and confidential treatment study. Participants will receive up to $350 - $375 compensation.
If interested in our treatment studies, please fill out our confidential initial interest survey to be contacted by somebody from our study team. If you have any questions, please email or call (203) 816-5623.
Current Studies: Enrollment Open
- Using a SMART Design to Examine Pharmacological and Behavioral Treatments to Treat Loss-of-Control Eating and Improve Weight Outcomes after Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
- Behavioral and Pharmacological Treatments to Enhance Weight Outcomes after Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
Meet Our Principal Investigators
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Program for Obesity Weight and Eating Research (POWER), Psychiatry
Completed Studies:
- A Behavioral Treatment with Sequenced Adjunctive Pharmacotherapy for Weight Regain
- Psychosocial and Obesity Related Outcomes among Diverse Bariatric Surgery Patients
- Treatment of Loss-of-Control Eating after Bariatric Surgery
- Randomized Clinical Trial Testing Two Scalable Internet-Based Weight Loss Treatments Following Bariatric Surgery
- Body Contouring Following Bariatric Surgery: Effects on Obesity-Related Functional and Psychosocial Impairment
Regional and National Collaborations:
Yale Bariatric/Gastrointestinal Surgery Program
New York University Bellevue Hospital Bariatric Program and Langone Medical Center
- Psychosocial and Obesity-Related Outcomes among Latinx Adults undergoing Bariatric Surgery
- Determining Mechanisms and Predictors of Health, Weight, and Metabolic Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: A Longitudinal Study
St. Vincent Bariatrics
- Weight Attitudes and Behavioral Functioning among Bariatric Surgery Patients: Long Term Follow-Up
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University
- Obesity and Addiction: Can a Complication of Surgery Help Us Understand the Connection?
- Changes in Alcohol Use after Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery: Predictors and Mechanisms