Predictors of Outcome for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation with a Reduced Intensity Pentostatin/TBI Conditioning Regimen in T-Cell Lymphomas: A Single Center Experience
Hamouche R, Foss F, Mirza S, Di M, Isufi I, Bar N, Gowda L, Perreault S, Roberts K, Seropian S, Sethi T. Predictors of Outcome for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation with a Reduced Intensity Pentostatin/TBI Conditioning Regimen in T-Cell Lymphomas: A Single Center Experience. Blood 2023, 142: 2172. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-189414.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchT-cell lymphomaTotal body irradiationAggressive T-cell lymphomaReduced intensity conditioning regimenHematopoietic stem cell transplantationRefractory T-cell lymphomaNodal T-cell lymphomasIntensity conditioning regimenPotential curative optionStem cell transplantationConditioning regimenAdult patientsCurative optionRetrospective reviewBody irradiationCell transplantationSingle agentPatientsRegimenPentostatinAlloSCTTransplantationLymphoma
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Tumor-Associated Macrophages: Clinical Translation
Aghighi M, Theruvath AJ, Pareek A, Pisani LL, Alford R, Muehe AM, Sethi TK, Holdsworth SJ, Hazard FK, Gratzinger D, Luna-Fineman S, Advani R, Spunt SL, Daldrup-Link HE. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Tumor-Associated Macrophages: Clinical Translation. Clinical Cancer Research 2018, 24: 4110-4118. PMID: 29764855, PMCID: PMC6125171, DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-18-0673.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBone sarcomasClinical trialsFerumoxytol-enhanced MRIImmune-targeted therapiesProspective clinical trialsYoung adult patientsDensity of CD68Biopsy/resectionClin Cancer ResTumor biopsy/resectionInstitutional review boardNoninvasive imaging techniquesPrecontrast scansTAM densityAdult patientsPilot patientsPediatric patientsPostcontrast MRIPostcontrast scansCancer immunotherapyMacrophage stainingTumor responseMRI 24Tumor groupMalignant tumors
Differences in outcome of patients with syncytial variant Hodgkin lymphoma compared with typical nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma
Sethi T, Nguyen V, Li S, Morgan D, Greer J, Reddy N. Differences in outcome of patients with syncytial variant Hodgkin lymphoma compared with typical nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma. Therapeutic Advances In Hematology 2016, 8: 13-20. PMID: 28042455, PMCID: PMC5167078, DOI: 10.1177/2040620716676256.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchProgression-free survivalNodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphomaSyncytial variantOverall survivalHodgkin's lymphomaSV patientsComplete responseSV groupShorter progression-free survivalMedian overall survivalOutcomes of patientsPoor-risk groupLower CR rateInstitutional review board approvalKaplan-Meier methodSmall case seriesLog-rank testClassical HL patientsReview board approvalAdvanced diseaseInduction regimenAdult patientsClinical characteristicsHL patientsAggressive course