Enrollment of Spanish-speaking Latinx adults in clinical trials: Five lessons learned from a randomized study in substance use treatment
Jaramillo Y, DeVito E, Silva M, Rojas Perez O, Benitez B, Frankforter T, Leon K, Paris M. Enrollment of Spanish-speaking Latinx adults in clinical trials: Five lessons learned from a randomized study in substance use treatment. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2023, 253: 111016. PMID: 37952354, PMCID: PMC10842233, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.111016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRandomized clinical trialsClinical trialsLatinx individualsClinical trial participantsSubstance use treatmentRandomized studySubstance use concernsTrial participantsClinical researchUse treatmentSubstance useTrialsLatinx adultsTreatmentLatinx participantsUse concernsParticipantsRecruitment sitesUnited StatesAnti-Immigration Policy and Mental Health: Risk of Distress and Trauma Among Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Recipients in the United States
Garcini LM, Rodríguez M, Mercado A, Silva M, Cadenas G, Galvan T, Paris M. Anti-Immigration Policy and Mental Health: Risk of Distress and Trauma Among Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Recipients in the United States. Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice And Policy 2023, 15: 1067-1075. PMID: 35482682, PMCID: PMC9867934, DOI: 10.1037/tra0001228.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchContingency management with stepped care for unhealthy alcohol use among individuals with HIV: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Edelman E, Dziura J, Deng Y, DePhilippis D, Fucito L, Ferguson T, Bedimo R, Brown S, Marconi V, Goetz M, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Simberkoff M, Molina P, Weintrob A, Maisto S, Paris M, Justice A, Bryant K, Fiellin D. Contingency management with stepped care for unhealthy alcohol use among individuals with HIV: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2023, 131: 107242. PMID: 37230168, PMCID: PMC10460633, DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2023.107242.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUnhealthy alcohol useLong-term abstinenceAlcohol useContingency managementAlcohol consumptionFormal alcohol treatmentShort-term abstinenceMotivational enhancement therapyGOV IDENTIFIERSecondary outcomesWeek 24Primary outcomeWeek 12Preliminary efficacyTreatment trialsPhysician managementEfficacy trialsMedical conditionsAlcohol treatmentExploratory outcomesEnhancement therapyAbstinenceTrialsCareHealthy activitiesPromoting alcohol treatment engagement post-hospitalization with brief intervention, medications and CBT4CBT: protocol for a randomized clinical trial in a diverse patient population
Edelman E, Rojas-Perez O, Nich C, Corvino J, Frankforter T, Gordon D, Jordan A, Paris, Jr M, Weimer M, Yates B, Williams E, Kiluk B. Promoting alcohol treatment engagement post-hospitalization with brief intervention, medications and CBT4CBT: protocol for a randomized clinical trial in a diverse patient population. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2023, 18: 55. PMID: 37726823, PMCID: PMC10510167, DOI: 10.1186/s13722-023-00407-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-hospital dischargeCognitive behavioral therapySelf-reported alcohol useBrief Negotiation InterviewUse disordersAlcohol use outcomesComputer-based trainingDays post-hospital dischargeAlcohol use disorderBehavioral therapyInitiation of medicationHealth care utilizationHealth promotion advocatesTreatment engagementUse outcomesAlcohol useSecondary outcomesHospitalized patientsPrimary outcomeCare utilizationClinical trialsAcademic hospitalExploratory outcomesAUDProcess evaluation
Learning Collaboratives: a Strategy for Quality Improvement and Implementation in Behavioral Health
Gotham H, Paris M, Hoge M. Learning Collaboratives: a Strategy for Quality Improvement and Implementation in Behavioral Health. The Journal Of Behavioral Health Services & Research 2022, 50: 263-278. PMID: 36539679, PMCID: PMC9935679, DOI: 10.1007/s11414-022-09826-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchContingency management and pre-exposure prophylaxis adherence support services (CoMPASS): A hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation study to promote HIV risk reduction among people who inject drugs
Sung M, Viera A, Esserman D, Tong G, Davidson D, Aiudi S, Bailey G, Buchanan A, Buchelli M, Jenkins M, John B, Kolakowski J, Lame A, Murphy S, Porter E, Simone L, Paris M, Rash C, Edelman E. Contingency management and pre-exposure prophylaxis adherence support services (CoMPASS): A hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation study to promote HIV risk reduction among people who inject drugs. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2022, 125: 107037. PMID: 36460267, PMCID: PMC9918697, DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2022.107037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdherence support servicesHIV risk reductionPrEP adherenceContingency managementHybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation trialHIV pre-exposure prophylaxisEffectiveness-implementation studyPre-exposure prophylaxisEffectiveness-implementation trialOpioid use disorderStrengths-based case managementRisk reductionSupport servicesCommunity-based programsPrEP initiationPrimary outcomeWeek 12Clinical trialsHIV preventionUse disordersCM sessionsCase managementBlood spotsPWIDStudy designReligiosity and Spirituality in Latinx Individuals with Substance Use Disorders: Association with Treatment Outcomes in a Randomized Clinical Trial
Jaramillo Y, DeVito EE, Frankforter T, Silva MA, Añez LM, Kiluk BD, Carroll KM, Paris M. Religiosity and Spirituality in Latinx Individuals with Substance Use Disorders: Association with Treatment Outcomes in a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal Of Religion And Health 2022, 61: 4139-4154. PMID: 35305222, PMCID: PMC9482997, DOI: 10.1007/s10943-022-01544-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive behavioral therapy treatmentWeb-based cognitive behavioral therapySubstance useCognitive behavioral therapyBehavioral therapy treatmentLatinx adultsMeasures of abstinenceSpanish-language versionSubstance use disordersTreatment outcomesBehavioral therapyBehavior QuestionnaireLatinx individualsProtective factorsAbstinence outcomesUse disordersReligiosity scoresLatinx populationsSix-month followClinical trialsReligiosityRandomized clinical trialsAdditional researchReligious backgroundAdultsEmergency Department Use by Children and Youth with Mental Health Conditions: A Health Equity Agenda
Hoge MA, Vanderploeg J, Paris M, Lang JM, Olezeski C. Emergency Department Use by Children and Youth with Mental Health Conditions: A Health Equity Agenda. Community Mental Health Journal 2022, 58: 1225-1239. PMID: 35038073, PMCID: PMC8762987, DOI: 10.1007/s10597-022-00937-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health conditionsEmergency departmentHealth conditionsEmergency department useReferral of childrenBehavioral health professionalsED visitsED useDepartment useHealth equity agendaEvidence-based assessmentHealth professionalsForm of careHealth inequitiesHealth equityMental healthHealthcare qualityWhite childrenSuch childrenChildrenReferralAfrican AmericansFact sheetsCompelling evidenceLatinx childrenLessons Learned From Undocumented Latinx Immigrants: How to Build Resilience and Overcome Distress in the Face of Adversity
Garcini LM, Cadenas G, Rodríguez M, Mercado A, Campos L, Abraham C, Silva M, Paris M. Lessons Learned From Undocumented Latinx Immigrants: How to Build Resilience and Overcome Distress in the Face of Adversity. Psychological Services 2022, 19: 62-71. PMID: 34807667, PMCID: PMC8989674, DOI: 10.1037/ser0000603.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUndocumented immigrantsUndocumented Latinx immigrantsUndocumented communitiesStrength-based interventionsLatinx immigrantsFace of adversityDepth interviewsSociopolitical climateCultural prideKey informantsChronic uncertaintyCultural understandingImmigrantsHealth service providersQualitative dataUncertain futureFocus groupsLatinxUnited StatesService providersChronic adversityPrimary strategyResilienceResearch expertiseAdditional facets
‘Remain In Mexico’: Stories Of Trauma And Abuse
Mercado A, Garcini L, Venta A, Paris M. ‘Remain In Mexico’: Stories Of Trauma And Abuse. Health Affairs 2021, 40: 1170-1173. PMID: 34228517, PMCID: PMC8796864, DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2020.02331.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Telehealth treatment engagement with Latinx populations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Silva MA, Perez OFR, Añez LM, Paris M. Telehealth treatment engagement with Latinx populations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet Psychiatry 2020, 8: 176-178. PMID: 33038976, PMCID: PMC7544483, DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(20)30419-3.Peer-Reviewed Original Research12 Months later: Motivational interviewing plus nutrition psychoeducation for weight loss in primary care
Barnes RD, Ivezaj V, Martino S, Pittman BP, Paris M, Grilo CM. 12 Months later: Motivational interviewing plus nutrition psychoeducation for weight loss in primary care. Eating And Weight Disorders - Studies On Anorexia, Bulimia And Obesity 2020, 26: 2077-2081. PMID: 32894453, PMCID: PMC7936980, DOI: 10.1007/s40519-020-00994-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-term outcomesPrimary careNutrition psychoeducationBlood pressureWeight lossMedical assistantsClinical trial registration numberPrevious RCT findingsDiastolic blood pressureSystolic blood pressureOverweight/obesityTRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBERWeight loss interventionWeight loss effectsMore weight lossAverage BMITreatment cessationWaist circumferenceUncontrolled trialsRCT findingsHeart ratePsychoeducation interventionMethodsThirty-oneRegistration numberDepression symptomsA Tale of Two Crises: The Compounded Effect of COVID-19 and Anti-Immigration Policy in the United States
Garcini LM, Rodríguez M, Mercado A, Paris M. A Tale of Two Crises: The Compounded Effect of COVID-19 and Anti-Immigration Policy in the United States. Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice And Policy 2020, 12: s230-s232. PMID: 32538655, PMCID: PMC7745670, DOI: 10.1037/tra0000775.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Changes in DSM criteria following a culturally-adapted computerized CBT for Spanish-speaking individuals with substance use disorders
Silva MA, Jaramillo Y, Paris M, Añez-Nava L, Frankforter TL, Kiluk BD. Changes in DSM criteria following a culturally-adapted computerized CBT for Spanish-speaking individuals with substance use disorders. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2019, 110: 42-48. PMID: 31952627, PMCID: PMC6981257, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2019.12.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersAddiction Severity IndexUse disordersDSM criteriaStructured Clinical InterviewDSM-IV substance dependenceMeaningful outcomesDiagnostic statusTimeline followback methodStatistical Manual criteriaCognitive behavioral therapy programBehavioral therapy programSubstance use outcomesProblem severityDSM-IV dependence criteriaPrimary outcomeUrine toxicologyLower problem severityClinical trialsTreatment periodMain trialOutpatient counselingClinical InterviewSecondary analysisDSM-IV
Culturally Adapted, Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Spanish-Speaking Individuals With Substance Use Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Paris M, Silva M, Añez-Nava L, Jaramillo Y, Kiluk BD, Gordon MA, Nich C, Frankforter T, Devore K, Ball SA, Carroll KM. Culturally Adapted, Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Spanish-Speaking Individuals With Substance Use Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial. American Journal Of Public Health 2018, 108: 1535-1542. PMID: 30252519, PMCID: PMC6187780, DOI: 10.2105/ajph.2018.304571.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersCognitive-behavioral treatmentUse disordersSubstance use outcomesClinical trialsWeb-based cognitive behavioral therapyCurrent substance use disorderUse outcomesRandomized clinical trialsStandard outpatient treatmentEvidence-based treatmentsCognitive behavioral therapyPrimary outcomeStandard treatmentOutpatient treatmentStandard outpatientTreatment completionHealth disparitiesBehavioral therapyBehavioral treatmentAddiction treatmentTreatment-seeking individualsGreater reductionTreatmentDisorders
Examining motivational interviewing plus nutrition psychoeducation for weight loss in primary care
Barnes RD, Ivezaj V, Martino S, Pittman BP, Paris M, Grilo CM. Examining motivational interviewing plus nutrition psychoeducation for weight loss in primary care. Journal Of Psychosomatic Research 2017, 104: 101-107. PMID: 29275778, PMCID: PMC5774024, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2017.11.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBinge-eating disorderNutrition psychoeducationMotivational interviewingUsual careAttention control conditionWeight lossPrimary careBasic nutrition informationOverweight/obesityModerate weight lossPsychological improvementPsychoeducationMore weight lossMixed model analysisMixed-model analysisPrognostic significanceTreatment completionScalable combinationCurrent studyPercentage weight lossParticipantsBed statusNutrition informationCareGreater improvement
Using the Cultural Formulation Interview to Build Culturally Sensitive Services
Díaz E, Añez LM, Silva M, Paris M, Davidson L. Using the Cultural Formulation Interview to Build Culturally Sensitive Services. Psychiatric Services 2016, 68: 112-114. PMID: 27799018, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201600440.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe effectiveness and cost of clinical supervision for motivational interviewing: A randomized controlled trial
Martino S, Paris M, Añez L, Nich C, Canning-Ball M, Hunkele K, Olmstead TA, Carroll KM. The effectiveness and cost of clinical supervision for motivational interviewing: A randomized controlled trial. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2016, 68: 11-23. PMID: 27431042, PMCID: PMC4955716, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2016.04.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOutpatient substance abuse programsSubstance abuse programsEvidence-based practiceHybrid type 2Substance abstinenceSubstance use differencesType 2CliniciansAbuse programsMotivational interviewingGreater increaseMI strategiesTrialsClinical supervisionMI performanceMIAClient retentionAbstinenceThe Connecticut Latino Behavioral Health System: A Culturally Informed Community–Academic Collaboration
Paris M, Silva MA, Diaz E, Bedregal LE, Cole RA, Añez-Nava LM. The Connecticut Latino Behavioral Health System: A Culturally Informed Community–Academic Collaboration. Psychological Services 2016, 13: 140-147. PMID: 27148948, DOI: 10.1037/ser0000065.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental healthCommunity health centersBehavioral health systemCommunity-academic collaborationHealth centersAddiction servicesSouth-central ConnecticutHealth systemBehavioral healthYale University DepartmentEthnic minority groupsConnecticut DepartmentSocial rehabilitationHealthMonolingual SpanishDepartmentSystemic strategiesOverarching priorityWorkforce development
Outcome expectations and associated treatment outcomes in motivational enhancement therapy delivered in English and Spanish
Serafini K, Decker S, Kiluk BD, Añez L, Paris M, Frankforter T, Carroll KM. Outcome expectations and associated treatment outcomes in motivational enhancement therapy delivered in English and Spanish. American Journal On Addictions 2015, 24: 732-739. PMID: 26541501, PMCID: PMC4885684, DOI: 10.1111/ajad.12301.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatients' outcome expectationsTreatment outcomesMotivational enhancement therapyEnhancement therapyUrine toxicology screenLikelihood of abstinenceSubstance use disordersSubstance use outcomesToxicology screenClinical trialsTreatment periodUse disordersOutcome expectationsSecondary analysisSubstance useAbstinenceUse outcomesOutcomesMetSTherapyTreatmentBaseline expectationsGreater percentageSame treatmentImportant predictor