Extended-Release 7-Day Injectable Buprenorphine for Patients With Minimal to Mild Opioid Withdrawal
D’Onofrio G, Herring A, Perrone J, Hawk K, Samuels E, Cowan E, Anderson E, McCormack R, Huntley K, Owens P, Martel S, Schactman M, Lofwall M, Walsh S, Dziura J, Fiellin D. Extended-Release 7-Day Injectable Buprenorphine for Patients With Minimal to Mild Opioid Withdrawal. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2420702. PMID: 38976265, PMCID: PMC11231806, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.20702.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsClinical Opiate Withdrawal ScaleExtended-release buprenorphineOpioid use disorderPrecipitated withdrawalOpioid withdrawalOpioid use disorder treatmentCow scoreClinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale scoreAdverse eventsNonrandomized trialsSevere opioid use disorderDays of opioid useOpiate Withdrawal ScaleModerate to severe opioid use disorderFormulation of buprenorphineOpioid use disorder careWithdrawal ScaleUse disorderAssociated with medicationsNonprescribed opioidsPain scoresExtended-releaseInjection painOpioid useAdult patients
Receipt of opioid use disorder treatments prior to fatal overdoses and comparison to no treatment in Connecticut, 2016–17
Heimer R, Black A, Lin H, Grau L, Fiellin D, Howell B, Hawk K, D'Onofrio G, Becker W. Receipt of opioid use disorder treatments prior to fatal overdoses and comparison to no treatment in Connecticut, 2016–17. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2023, 254: 111040. PMID: 38043226, PMCID: PMC10872282, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.111040.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnalgesics, OpioidBuprenorphineConnecticutDrug OverdoseHumansMethadoneOpiate OverdoseOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersRetrospective StudiesConceptsNon-medication treatmentsRelative riskOpioid overdose deathsIncidence rateMOUD treatmentOverdose deathsOpioid use disorder treatmentResults Incidence ratesRetrospective cohort studyDifferent treatment modalitiesPopulation-level effortsUse disorder treatmentFatal opioid poisoningsCohort studyOpioid poisoningTreatment modalitiesConclusion ExposurePoisoning deathsFatal overdosesTreatment exposureDisorder treatmentDeathTreatmentMethadoneRiskPerspectives on and experiences of emergency department–initiated buprenorphine among clinical pharmacists: A multi-site qualitative study
Justen M, Edelman E, Chawarski M, Coupet E, Cowan E, Lyons M, Owens P, Martel S, Richardson L, Rothman R, Whiteside L, O'Connor P, Zahn E, D'Onofrio G, Fiellin D, Hawk K. Perspectives on and experiences of emergency department–initiated buprenorphine among clinical pharmacists: A multi-site qualitative study. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2023, 155: 209058. PMID: 37149149, PMCID: PMC11654915, DOI: 10.1016/j.josat.2023.209058.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBuprenorphineEmergency Service, HospitalHumansOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersPharmacistsConceptsOpioid use disorderClinical pharmacistsED careEmergency department-initiated buprenorphineEffective OUD treatmentEffectiveness-implementation studyHealth Services frameworkFocus groups/interviewsMulti-site qualitative studyFuture implementation effortsOUD treatmentUrban EDGroups/interviewsEmergency departmentPromoting ActionUnique pharmacologyED staffBuprenorphinePharmacist participantsUse disordersED contextPharmacistsPractice changePharmacy resourcesSuccessful program implementationPerspectives of Clinicians and Staff at Community-Based Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Settings on Linkages With Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine Programs
Sue K, Chawarski M, Curry L, McNeil R, Coupet E, Schwartz R, Wilder C, Tsui J, Hawk K, D’Onofrio G, O’Connor P, Fiellin D, Edelman E. Perspectives of Clinicians and Staff at Community-Based Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Settings on Linkages With Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine Programs. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6: e2312718. PMID: 37163263, PMCID: PMC10173026, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.12718.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBuprenorphineEmergency Service, HospitalFemaleHealth ServicesHumansMiddle AgedOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersConceptsCommunity-based cliniciansOpioid use disorderEmergency departmentOUD treatmentMedication treatmentSubstance use disorders trainingUrban academic emergency departmentEffectiveness-implementation studyAcademic emergency departmentDisorder treatment settingsPerspectives of cliniciansCommunity-based treatmentCommunity-based treatment programsStaff perspectivesImplementation science frameworkBuprenorphine programTreatment cliniciansPeer navigatorsReferral sitesPromoting ActionMAIN OUTCOMEED staffBuprenorphineFocus groupsUse disordersImplementation Facilitation to Promote Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
D’Onofrio G, Edelman E, Hawk K, Chawarski M, Pantalon M, Owens P, Martel S, Rothman R, Saheed M, Schwartz R, Cowan E, Richardson L, Salsitz E, Lyons M, Freiermuth C, Wilder C, Whiteside L, Tsui J, Klein J, Coupet E, O’Connor P, Matthews A, Murphy S, Huntley K, Fiellin D. Implementation Facilitation to Promote Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6: e235439. PMID: 37017967, PMCID: PMC10077107, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.5439.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBuprenorphineEmergency Service, HospitalFemaleHumansMaleNaloxoneNarcotic AntagonistsOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersConceptsOpioid use disorderRate of patientsOUD treatmentImplementation facilitationED visitsObservational cohortED cliniciansX-waiverUse disordersEmergency Department-Initiated BuprenorphineUntreated opioid use disorderEvaluation periodHybrid type 3Provision of buprenorphineBaseline periodGrand roundsRates of EDPrimary outcomeWhite patientsAcademic EDBlack patientsED patientsEmergency departmentCommunity cliniciansMAIN OUTCOMERacial and ethnic disparities in emergency department–initiated buprenorphine across five health care systems
Holland W, Li F, Nath B, Jeffery M, Stevens M, Melnick E, Dziura J, Khidir H, Skains R, D'Onofrio G, Soares W. Racial and ethnic disparities in emergency department–initiated buprenorphine across five health care systems. Academic Emergency Medicine 2023, 30: 709-720. PMID: 36660800, PMCID: PMC10467357, DOI: 10.1111/acem.14668.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBuprenorphineDelivery of Health CareEmergency Service, HospitalHumansOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersConceptsOpioid use disorderCommunity emergency departmentsEmergency departmentDischarge diagnosisHealth care systemHispanic patientsBlack patientsHospital typeCare systemNon-Hispanic patientsOpioid overdose deathsClinical decision support systemOpioid withdrawalPrimary outcomeMedication treatmentBuprenorphine accessED treatmentTreatment accessOverdose deathsX-waiverBuprenorphinePatientsUse disordersEthnic disparitiesSecondary analysis
User centered clinical decision support to implement initiation of buprenorphine for opioid use disorder in the emergency department: EMBED pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial
Melnick ER, Nath B, Dziura JD, Casey MF, Jeffery MM, Paek H, Soares WE, Hoppe JA, Rajeevan H, Li F, Skains RM, Walter LA, Patel MD, Chari SV, Platts-Mills TF, Hess EP, D'Onofrio G. User centered clinical decision support to implement initiation of buprenorphine for opioid use disorder in the emergency department: EMBED pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. The BMJ 2022, 377: e069271. PMID: 35760423, PMCID: PMC9231533, DOI: 10.1136/bmj-2021-069271.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBuprenorphineDecision Support Systems, ClinicalEmergency Service, HospitalHumansNarcotic AntagonistsOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersConceptsOpioid use disorderUsual care armEmergency departmentUse disordersCare armPragmatic clusterClinical decision supportIntervention armRoutine emergency careSecondary implementation outcomesSeverity of withdrawalTertiary care centerClinical decision support toolInitiation of buprenorphineElectronic health record tasksElectronic health record workflowsRE-AIM frameworkElectronic health record platformsHealth record platformsClinical decision support systemElectronic health recordsVisit documentationTreatment of addictionUsual careAdult patientsModels for Implementing Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine With Referral for Ongoing Medication Treatment at Emergency Department Discharge in Diverse Academic Centers
Whiteside LK, D'Onofrio G, Fiellin DA, Edelman EJ, Richardson L, O'Connor P, Rothman RE, Cowan E, Lyons MS, Fockele CE, Saheed M, Freiermuth C, Punches BE, Guo C, Martel S, Owens PH, Coupet E, Hawk KF. Models for Implementing Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine With Referral for Ongoing Medication Treatment at Emergency Department Discharge in Diverse Academic Centers. Annals Of Emergency Medicine 2022, 80: 410-419. PMID: 35752520, PMCID: PMC9588652, DOI: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2022.05.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBuprenorphineEmergency Service, HospitalHumansNarcotic AntagonistsOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersPatient DischargeReferral and ConsultationConceptsOpioid use disorderUse disordersEmergency Department-Initiated BuprenorphineEmergency department dischargeEmergency department patientsElectronic medical record integrationAcademic medical centerBuprenorphine programDepartment patientsTreatment initiationMedication treatmentEmergency physiciansMedical CenterAmerican CollegeClinical practiceImplementation facilitationQuality improvement processBuprenorphineCommon facilitatorsRecord integrationPatientsReferralED cultureEducational disseminationDisorders
High-Dose Buprenorphine Induction in the Emergency Department for Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
Herring AA, Vosooghi AA, Luftig J, Anderson ES, Zhao X, Dziura J, Hawk KF, McCormack RP, Saxon A, D’Onofrio G. High-Dose Buprenorphine Induction in the Emergency Department for Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4: e2117128. PMID: 34264326, PMCID: PMC8283555, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.17128.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderEmergency departmentBuprenorphine inductionRespiratory depressionAdverse eventsUse disordersUntreated opioid use disorderSerious adverse eventsFurther prospective investigationLength of stayUrban emergency departmentSafety-net hospitalAdvanced practice practitionersElectronic health recordsUnique cliniciansSublingual buprenorphineBuprenorphine doseED visitsED encountersCase seriesED patientsED physiciansSupplemental oxygenMedian lengthUnique patientsImprove Access to Care for Opioid Use Disorder: A Call to Eliminate the X-Waiver Requirement Now
D'Onofrio G, Melnick ER, Hawk KF. Improve Access to Care for Opioid Use Disorder: A Call to Eliminate the X-Waiver Requirement Now. Annals Of Emergency Medicine 2021, 78: 220-222. PMID: 33966933, PMCID: PMC8324519, DOI: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2021.03.023.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Trends in the Use of Buprenorphine in US Emergency Departments, 2002-2017
Rhee TG, D’Onofrio G, Fiellin DA. Trends in the Use of Buprenorphine in US Emergency Departments, 2002-2017. JAMA Network Open 2020, 3: e2021209. PMID: 33079195, PMCID: PMC7576404, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.21209.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBuprenorphineCross-Sectional StudiesEmergency Service, HospitalFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedNarcotic AntagonistsOdds RatioOpiate Substitution TreatmentUnited StatesBarriers and Facilitators to Clinician Readiness to Provide Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine
Hawk KF, D’Onofrio G, Chawarski MC, O’Connor P, Cowan E, Lyons MS, Richardson L, Rothman RE, Whiteside LK, Owens PH, Martel SH, Coupet E, Pantalon M, Curry L, Fiellin DA, Edelman EJ. Barriers and Facilitators to Clinician Readiness to Provide Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine. JAMA Network Open 2020, 3: e204561. PMID: 32391893, PMCID: PMC7215257, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.4561.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderEmergency departmentAdvanced practice cliniciansED cliniciansClinicians' readinessOngoing treatmentTreatment of OUDEmergency Department-Initiated BuprenorphineUntreated opioid use disorderDrug Addiction Treatment ActDecrease opioid useVisual analog scaleHealth Services frameworkAcademic emergency departmentMixed-methods formative evaluationQuality of careSubset of participantsBuprenorphine initiationClinician typeOpioid useED patientsAnalog scaleOngoing careDepartmental protocolPractice clinicians
User-centred clinical decision support to implement emergency department-initiated buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: protocol for the pragmatic group randomised EMBED trial
Melnick ER, Jeffery MM, Dziura JD, Mao JA, Hess EP, Platts-Mills TF, Solad Y, Paek H, Martel S, Patel MD, Bankowski L, Lu C, Brandt C, D’Onofrio G. User-centred clinical decision support to implement emergency department-initiated buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: protocol for the pragmatic group randomised EMBED trial. BMJ Open 2019, 9: e028488. PMID: 31152039, PMCID: PMC6550013, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028488.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBuprenorphineCluster AnalysisDecision Support Systems, ClinicalEmergency Service, HospitalFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedMulticenter Studies as TopicNarcotic AntagonistsOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersPragmatic Clinical Trials as TopicRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicUnited StatesYoung AdultConceptsOpioid use disorderEmergency departmentSecondary outcomesUse disordersEmergency department-initiated buprenorphineWestern Institutional Review BoardData Safety Monitoring BoardIndependent study monitorsRates of cliniciansRoutine emergency careSafety monitoring boardInstitutional review boardClinical decision support systemClinician prescribingPragmatic clusterPatient characteristicsPeer-reviewed journalsClinical decision supportPrimary outcomeED cliniciansWithdrawal symptomsOngoing treatmentPatients' willingnessMonitoring boardBuprenorphineImplementation facilitation to promote emergency department-initiated buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: protocol for a hybrid type III effectiveness-implementation study (Project ED HEALTH)
D’Onofrio G, Edelman EJ, Hawk KF, Pantalon MV, Chawarski MC, Owens PH, Martel SH, VanVeldhuisen P, Oden N, Murphy SM, Huntley K, O’Connor P, Fiellin DA. Implementation facilitation to promote emergency department-initiated buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: protocol for a hybrid type III effectiveness-implementation study (Project ED HEALTH). Implementation Science 2019, 14: 48. PMID: 31064390, PMCID: PMC6505286, DOI: 10.1186/s13012-019-0891-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderEmergency departmentImplementation facilitationCost-effectiveness analysisUse disordersPatient engagementEmergency department-initiated buprenorphineEffectiveness-implementation studyEvaluation periodOpioid agonist treatmentSoft tissue infectionsInjection drug useGeneral medical conditionsHealth Services frameworkClinical Trials NetworkAcademic emergency departmentRate of provisionIF interventionOngoing medicationED visitsTissue infectionsED patientsFacilitated referralAgonist treatmentED providers
Cost‐effectiveness of emergency department‐initiated treatment for opioid dependence
Busch SH, Fiellin DA, Chawarski MC, Owens PH, Pantalon MV, Hawk K, Bernstein SL, O'Connor PG, D'Onofrio G. Cost‐effectiveness of emergency department‐initiated treatment for opioid dependence. Addiction 2017, 112: 2002-2010. PMID: 28815789, PMCID: PMC5657503, DOI: 10.1111/add.13900.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCost-effectiveness acceptability curvesOpioid dependenceCommunity-based treatmentBrief interventionAcceptability curvesPast weekHealth care system costsHealth care system perspectiveAddiction treatmentOpioid-dependent patientsPatient time costsHealth care useFormal addiction treatmentBuprenorphine treatmentUrban EDEmergency departmentPrimary carePatient engagementTreatment engagementPatientsReferralSecondary analysisBuprenorphineNumber of daysInterventionScreening, treatment initiation, and referral for substance use disorders
Bernstein SL, D’Onofrio G. Screening, treatment initiation, and referral for substance use disorders. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2017, 12: 18. PMID: 28780906, PMCID: PMC5545867, DOI: 10.1186/s13722-017-0083-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUnhealthy alcohol useTreatment initiationSubstance useAlcohol useEfficacy of SBIRTSelf-reported abstinenceInitiation of buprenorphineOpioid-dependent individualsEmergency department settingClinical care settingsSubstance use disordersIndex visitAcute careOutpatient settingPrimary careMedication managementDepartment settingLeading causeAdult smokersPreventable deathsUnhealthy drinkersCare settingsNegative studiesMost trialsUse disordersEmergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine for Opioid Dependence with Continuation in Primary Care: Outcomes During and After Intervention
D’Onofrio G, Chawarski MC, O’Connor P, Pantalon MV, Busch SH, Owens PH, Hawk K, Bernstein SL, Fiellin DA. Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine for Opioid Dependence with Continuation in Primary Care: Outcomes During and After Intervention. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2017, 32: 660-666. PMID: 28194688, PMCID: PMC5442013, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-017-3993-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIllicit opioid useOpioid usePrimary careHIV riskBrief interventionAddiction treatmentBuprenorphine groupEmergency Department-Initiated BuprenorphineCohort of patientsLong-term followLong-term outcomesFormal addiction treatmentSignificant differencesMain MeasuresSelfStudy entryUrine toxicologyBuprenorphine/Opioid dependenceED interventionsUrine resultsBuprenorphineTreatment engagementDrug useReferralPatients