Predictors of Venous Thromboembolism Following Geriatric Distal Femur Fracture Fixation: Are These Patients at Higher Risk Compared With Hip Fracture Patients?
Seddio A, Vasudevan R, Gouzoulis M, Jabbouri S, Grauer J, Fram B. Predictors of Venous Thromboembolism Following Geriatric Distal Femur Fracture Fixation: Are These Patients at Higher Risk Compared With Hip Fracture Patients? JAAOS Global Research And Reviews 2025, 9: e24.00246. PMID: 39823200, PMCID: PMC11745856, DOI: 10.5435/jaaosglobal-d-24-00246.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOdds of venous thromboembolismDirect oral anticoagulantsVenous thromboembolismHeightened oddsHFx patientsIncreased odds of VTEPredictors of venous thromboembolismRisk factors of venous thromboembolismIncidence of venous thromboembolismRate of venous thromboembolismAssociated with considerable morbidityAssociated with reduced oddsFactors of venous thromboembolismEffective therapeutic optionIndependent risk factorClinical risk factorsHip fracture patientsRetrospective cohort studyFemur fracture fixationCoagulopathy disordersOral anticoagulantsElixhauser Comorbidity IndexSurgical managementActive cancerDistal femur fracture fixation
Do Transtibial Amputations Outperform Amputations of the Hind- and Midfoot Following Severe Limb Trauma?
Fram B, Bosse M, Odum S, Reider L, Gary J, Gordon W, Teague D, Alkhoury D, MacKenzie E, Seymour R, Karunakar M. Do Transtibial Amputations Outperform Amputations of the Hind- and Midfoot Following Severe Limb Trauma? Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 2024, 106: 776-781. PMID: 38512987, DOI: 10.2106/jbjs.23.00878.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsShort Musculoskeletal Function AssessmentTranstibial amputationDistal amputationMidfoot amputationSevere lower-extremity injuriesLower-extremity injuriesLower-limb injuriesMusculoskeletal Function AssessmentPatient-reported outcomesMonths post-injuryBrief Pain IndexSevere limb traumaDescription of levels of evidenceTranstibial amputeesLevel of evidenceFoot traumaSMFA scoresAmputation revisionTherapeutic Level IIIYears of ageBother indexMidfootAmputation healingAverage SMFA scoreEmotional status
Finding Your Job in Orthopaedic Trauma: A Survey Revealing the Cold Hard Facts
Davis M, Ishmael C, Fram B, Light J, Obremskey W, Cannada L. Finding Your Job in Orthopaedic Trauma: A Survey Revealing the Cold Hard Facts. Journal Of Orthopaedic Trauma 2023, 38: e120-e125. PMID: 38117574, DOI: 10.1097/bot.0000000000002744.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Fracture-Associated Microbiome and Persistent Nonunion: Next-Generation Sequencing Reveals New Findings
Goswami K, Tipton C, Clarkson S, Chang G, Tan TL, Fram B, Chisari E, Sobol K, Natoli RM, Conway JD, Altman GT, Parvizi J, Krieg JC. Fracture-Associated Microbiome and Persistent Nonunion: Next-Generation Sequencing Reveals New Findings. Journal Of Orthopaedic Trauma 2022, 36: s40-s46. PMID: 35061650, DOI: 10.1097/bot.0000000000002305.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPersistent nonunionLong bone nonunionOpen surgical interventionProspective multicenter studySignificant risk factorsAcute fracturesDevastating complicationIntraoperative specimensMulticenter studySurgical interventionFracture nonunionNonunion diagnosisRisk factorsNGS detectionNonunionUseful adjunctFracture healingClinical specimensPatientsClinical implicationsLevel IIMore casesNGS diagnosticsControl casesBacterial profilesOpioid Knowledge and Prescribing Preferences of Orthopaedic Surgery Residents Before and After an Educational Intervention.
Acharya PP, Fram B, Hoffman RA, Cruz D, Ilyas AM. Opioid Knowledge and Prescribing Preferences of Orthopaedic Surgery Residents Before and After an Educational Intervention. Journal Of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 2022, 31: 30-33. PMID: 35377305, DOI: 10.3113/jsoa.2022.0030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommon orthopaedic proceduresOpioid knowledgeOpioid epidemicOrthopedic proceduresEducational interventionPain management therapiesUrban academic institutionOrthopaedic surgery residentsOpioid consumptionMultimodal analgesiaHigh prescribersOpioid pillsPrescribing preferencesPrescribing practicesPrescribing strategiesPrescribing habitsObjective improvementManagement therapyOrthopaedic surgeonsOpioid crisisEducational sessionsPrescribing trainingSurgery residentsOrthopaedic residentsResident confidence
Short-Term Complications and Outcomes of the Cadence Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Fram B, Corr DO, Rogero RG, Pedowitz DI, Tsai J. Short-Term Complications and Outcomes of the Cadence Total Ankle Arthroplasty. Foot & Ankle International 2021, 43: 371-377. PMID: 34549617, DOI: 10.1177/10711007211043853.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal ankle arthroplastyAnkle arthroplastyVisual analog scale pain ratingsAnkle Ability Measure (FAAM) ActivitiesAverage coronal alignmentSF-12 MentalSF-12 PCSVAS pain scoresAmerican Orthopaedic FootPeri-implant osteolysisPhysical component summaryBody mass indexTotal ankle replacementCoronal plane alignmentTotal Ankle SystemGood postoperative ROMMean score changesFAAM-ADLFAAM-SportsEarly complicationsOrthopaedic FootPain scoresSports subscalePostoperative rangePostoperative ROMEffects of Upper Extremity Elevation on Intra-Cast Pressure and Digital Perfusion in a Fiberglass Short-Arm Cast Model.
Fram BR, Martin DP, Wang WL, Byrne K, Rogalski BL, Park AG, Ilyas AM. Effects of Upper Extremity Elevation on Intra-Cast Pressure and Digital Perfusion in a Fiberglass Short-Arm Cast Model. Orthopedics 2021, 44: e487-e492. PMID: 34292830, DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20210618-05.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexSkin surface pressureDigital arterial pressureArterial pressureMass indexDigital artery pressureUpper extremity elevationEffect sizeDigital systolic pressureExtremity elevationArtery pressureDigital perfusionSystolic pressureUpper extremityArm elevationWrist circumferenceLarge effect sizesLinear regression analysisForearm circumferenceSignificant associationFiberglass castNeutral positionSmall effect sizesRegression analysisArm positionImmediate Weight-Bearing and Range of Motion After Internal Fixation of Selected Malleolar Fractures: A Retrospective Controlled Study
Fram BR, Rogero RG, Chang G, Krieg JC, Raikin SM. Immediate Weight-Bearing and Range of Motion After Internal Fixation of Selected Malleolar Fractures: A Retrospective Controlled Study. Journal Of Orthopaedic Trauma 2021, 35: 308-314. PMID: 33177430, DOI: 10.1097/bot.0000000000002003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpen reduction internal fixationLoss of reductionMalleolar fracturesRange of motionTrauma centerInternal fixationSyndesmosis fixationPosterior malleolusAnkle open reduction internal fixationPrimary open reduction internal fixationLevel 1 urban trauma centerRetrospective case-control studyLevel 1 trauma centerFuture prospective randomized studiesCharleston Comorbidity IndexProspective Randomized StudyImmediate weight bearingReduction internal fixationBody mass indexMalleolar ankle fracturesOrthopedic specialty hospitalTherapeutic Level IIIUrban trauma centerCase-control studyNonoperative complications
Single-Incision 4-Compartment Fasciotomy of the Lower Leg: Safe, Effective, and Advantageous.
Chang G, Fram B, Krieg JC. Single-Incision 4-Compartment Fasciotomy of the Lower Leg: Safe, Effective, and Advantageous. Orthopedics 2020, 43: e225-e230. PMID: 32271928, DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20200404-03.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute compartment syndromeSingle-incision techniqueSkin closureInstances of malunionIntraoperative neurovascular injuryTibial fracture nonunionSingle-incision approachOptimal surgical approachMajority of surgeonsCompartment syndromeComplication rateWound breakdownSingle surgeonNeurovascular injuryRetrospective studySuperficial infectionSurgical approachFracture nonunionPrimary closureSecondary intentionSingle incisionVertical mattress suturesLower LegPatientsFasciotomyOn Emerging Technology: What to Know When Your Patient Has a Microchip in His Hand
Fram BR, Rivlin M, Beredjiklian PK. On Emerging Technology: What to Know When Your Patient Has a Microchip in His Hand. The Journal Of Hand Surgery 2020, 45: 645-649. PMID: 32164995, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2020.01.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOptimal Position of the Suture Button Suspensionplasty (TightRope) for Thumb Basal Joint Arthritis
Hozack BA, Fram B, Ilyas AM, Rivlin M, Liss FE, Jones CM. Optimal Position of the Suture Button Suspensionplasty (TightRope) for Thumb Basal Joint Arthritis. Hand 2020, 17: 79-84. PMID: 32108521, PMCID: PMC8721792, DOI: 10.1177/1558944720906551.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe Optimal Position for Arthrodesis of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joints of the Border Digits
Fram BR, Seigerman DA, Cross DE, Rivlin M, Lutsky K, Bateman MG, Watkins C, Beredjiklian PK. The Optimal Position for Arthrodesis of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joints of the Border Digits. The Journal Of Hand Surgery 2020, 45: 656.e1-656.e8. PMID: 31924433, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2019.11.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsJebsen Hand Function TestPIP joint arthrodesisProximal interphalangeal jointsLittle fingerIndex fingerInterphalangeal jointJoint arthrodesisHand Function TestSignificant differencesFunction testsKey pinchTripod pinchBorder digitsCustom orthosesArthrodesisDominant handBaseline timeGood functionFlexionVolunteersOrthosesRing fingerArthrodesesBaselineSame finger
Periprosthetic Humeral Fractures in Shoulder Arthroplasty.
Fram B, Elder A, Namdari S. Periprosthetic Humeral Fractures in Shoulder Arthroplasty. JBJS Reviews 2019, 7: e6. PMID: 31770152, DOI: 10.2106/jbjs.rvw.19.00017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeriprosthetic humeral fracturesHumeral fracturesPostoperative fracturesCerclage wiringRevision arthroplastyPress-fit humeral componentIntraoperative humeral fracturesMedical comorbidity indexHumeral bone lossHumeral shaft fracturesRotator cuff statusLong-stem componentArea of osteolysisAvailable bone stockStrut allograftComorbidity indexNonoperative treatmentPosttraumatic arthritisCuff statusIntraoperative fractureShaft fracturesTuberosity fracturesBone lossFemale sexRetractor placementCoronal Shear Fractures of the Distal Humerus: A Review of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes
Fram BR, Seigerman DA, Ilyas AM. Coronal Shear Fractures of the Distal Humerus: A Review of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes. Hand 2019, 16: 577-585. PMID: 31625402, PMCID: PMC8461205, DOI: 10.1177/1558944719878817.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCapitellum fracturesDistal humerusLateral collateral ligament injuryIntra-articular natureCollateral ligament injuriesReduction internal fixationReview of diagnosisCoronal shear fracturesRadial head fracturesArticular natureUncommon fractureLigament injuryElbow arthroplastyHead fracturesInternal fixationOperative optionsBody of evidenceFragment excisionInjuryHigh rateHumerusFuture studiesFracturesComprehensive literature reviewLiterature reviewClinical Outcomes and Complications of Peroneal Tendon Sheath Ultrasound-Guided Corticosteroid Injection
Fram BR, Rogero R, Fuchs D, Shakked RJ, Raikin SM, Pedowitz DI. Clinical Outcomes and Complications of Peroneal Tendon Sheath Ultrasound-Guided Corticosteroid Injection. Foot & Ankle International 2019, 40: 888-894. PMID: 31068007, DOI: 10.1177/1071100719847629.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCorticosteroid injectionBody mass indexMagnetic resonance imagingPain reliefPrior surgeryPeroneal tendonsClinical outcomesCompensation statusPeroneal tendinopathyNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsWorkers' compensation statusDuration of symptomsPeroneal tendon tearsMedical record dataAnti-inflammatory drugsNumber of injectionsNonoperative modalitiesNerve irritationNonoperative treatmentUnderlying diagnosisNonoperative managementPatient ageCase seriesIntraoperative findingsMass index
Surgical transposition for chronic instability of the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon
Fram B, Wall LB, Gelberman RH, Goldfarb CA. Surgical transposition for chronic instability of the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon. Journal Of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 2018, 43: 925-930. PMID: 29742949, DOI: 10.1177/1753193418773036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtensor carpi ulnaris tendonCarpi ulnaris tendonDorsal transpositionTendon instabilityPROMIS Pain Interference scoresPain interference scoresEffective surgical optionPre-injury levelUpper extremity scorePost-surgical patientsPatients' overall satisfactionAvailable outcome dataHigh-level athletesSurgical transpositionSymptom resolutionSurgical treatmentSurgical optionsExtremity scoreOutcome dataChronic instabilityInterference scoresPatientsLevel athletesTendonSurgery
The 50 Most-Cited Articles in Meniscal Allograft Transplantation Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
Chaudhry ZS, Fram B, Henn RF, Sherman SL, Hammoud S. The 50 Most-Cited Articles in Meniscal Allograft Transplantation Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Cartilage 2017, 10: 196-204. PMID: 29291274, PMCID: PMC6425545, DOI: 10.1177/1947603517749922.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Outcomes After Involved-field Radiation Therapy (IFRT) With or Without Rituximab in Patients With Early-stage Low-grade Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) Staged With CT and PET
Lukens JN, Nasta SD, Fram B, Glatstein E, Plastaras JP. Outcomes After Involved-field Radiation Therapy (IFRT) With or Without Rituximab in Patients With Early-stage Low-grade Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) Staged With CT and PET. American Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2014, 37: 35-40. PMID: 22992623, DOI: 10.1097/coc.0b013e31826106c9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAntibodies, Monoclonal, Murine-DerivedAntineoplastic AgentsConfounding Factors, EpidemiologicDisease-Free SurvivalFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansLymphoma, Non-HodgkinMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm GradingNeoplasm StagingPositron-Emission TomographyRadiotherapy, Computer-AssistedRetrospective StudiesRituximabTomography, X-Ray ComputedTreatment OutcomeConceptsInvolved field radiation therapyProgression-free survivalNon-Hodgkin lymphomaLow-grade non-Hodgkin lymphomaPositron emission tomographyIndolent non-Hodgkin lymphomaComputed tomographyWeekly dosesRadiation therapyFavorable progression-free survivalImproved progression-free survivalOverall progression-free survivalReceipt of rituximabRituximab-treated patientsUse of rituximabPFS ratesMore patientsProspective studyHistorical controlsRetrospective analysisRituximabPatientsStage IIEmission tomographySignificant differences