Protocol description for a randomized controlled trial of fMRI neurofeedback for tics in adolescents with Tourette Syndrome
Awasthi J, Harris-Starling C, Kalvin C, Pittman B, Park H, Bloch M, Fernandez T, Sukhodolsky D, Hampson M. Protocol description for a randomized controlled trial of fMRI neurofeedback for tics in adolescents with Tourette Syndrome. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging 2023, 336: 111692. PMID: 37673711, PMCID: PMC10722977, DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2023.111692.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTourette syndromeFunctional magnetic resonance imagingStudy protocolChronic tic disorderSupplementary motor areaLower functional connectivityMagnetic resonance imagingResearch study protocolLarge trialsClinical trialsTic disordersMotor areaBrain areasControl groupResonance imagingBrain regionsNew trialsFunctional connectivityNeurofeedback interventionFMRI neurofeedbackNF protocolTrialsNF studiesSyndromeIntervention
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Neurofeedback Training in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease (P3.075)
Tinaz S, Nalamada K, Sezgin M, Vives-Rodriguez A, Para K, Scheinost D, Louis E, Hampson M. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Neurofeedback Training in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease (P3.075). Neurology 2018, 90 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.90.15_supplement.p3.075.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFunctional magnetic resonance imagingMagnetic resonance imagingParkinson's diseaseResonance imagingNeurofeedback trainingDiseasePatients
A single session of exercise increases connectivity in sensorimotor-related brain networks: a resting-state fMRI study in young healthy adults
Rajab AS, Crane DE, Middleton LE, Robertson AD, Hampson M, MacIntosh BJ. A single session of exercise increases connectivity in sensorimotor-related brain networks: a resting-state fMRI study in young healthy adults. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience 2014, 8: 625. PMID: 25177284, PMCID: PMC4132485, DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00625.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchResting-state networksYoung healthy adultsFunctional connectivityD effect sizesHealthy adultsSingle sessionModerate-intensity aerobic exerciseLong-term physical activityResting-state functional magnetic resonance imagingResting-state fMRI studyExercise control groupSession effectsIntensity aerobic exerciseSecondary somatosensory areaTerm physical activityFunctional magnetic resonance imagingMagnetic resonance imagingBrain functional connectivityCohen's d effect sizesExercise findingsAcute exerciseTest-retest reliabilityAerobic exerciseBrain effectsAcute effects
Time course of regional brain activity accompanying auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia
Hoffman RE, Pittman B, Constable RT, Bhagwagar Z, Hampson M. Time course of regional brain activity accompanying auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia. The British Journal Of Psychiatry 2011, 198: 277-283. PMID: 21972276, PMCID: PMC3065772, DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.110.086835.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInferior frontal gyrusAuditory verbal hallucinationsFrontal gyrusVerbal hallucinationsRegional brain activityTemporal regionsHallucination eventsBrain activityRight inferior frontal gyrusFunctional magnetic resonance imagingRight temporal activityRight posterior temporal regionPosterior temporal regionsEffects of motorNon-hallucinating patientsRight temporal regionHallucinations groupLeft temporal regionMagnetic resonance imagingTime courseCorollary dischargeGyrusVerbal imagesRegional activitySchizoaffective disorder
Functional connectivity between ventral prefrontal cortex and amygdala at low frequency in the resting state in bipolar disorder
Chepenik LG, Raffo M, Hampson M, Lacadie C, Wang F, Jones MM, Pittman B, Skudlarski P, Blumberg HP. Functional connectivity between ventral prefrontal cortex and amygdala at low frequency in the resting state in bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Research 2010, 182: 207-210. PMID: 20493671, PMCID: PMC2914819, DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2010.04.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVentral prefrontal cortexBipolar disorderFunctional connectivityPrefrontal cortexState functional magnetic resonance imagingRight ventral prefrontal cortexFunctional magnetic resonance imagingMagnetic resonance imagingWhole-brain analysisTrait abnormalityResonance imagingVentral striatumHealthy participantsAmygdalaCortexDisordersNegative correlationLow frequencyDysfunctionStriatumAbnormalities
Alterations in neural connectivity in preterm children at school age
Gozzo Y, Vohr B, Lacadie C, Hampson M, Katz KH, Maller-Kesselman J, Schneider KC, Peterson BS, Rajeevan N, Makuch RW, Constable RT, Ment LR. Alterations in neural connectivity in preterm children at school age. NeuroImage 2009, 48: 458-463. PMID: 19560547, PMCID: PMC2775072, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.06.046.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional magnetic resonance imagingLanguage tasksWernicke's areaLanguage processingPeabody Individual Achievement TestRight inferior frontal gyrusPT childrenAuditory language functionsAuditory language taskCortical language regionsSchool ageInferior frontal gyrusReading comprehension testWechsler Intelligence ScalePeabody Picture VocabularyInferior parietal lobulePT subjectsSchool-aged childrenChildren-IIIComprehension testFrontal gyrusIntelligence ScalePicture VocabularyWISC-IIILanguage regions
Probing the Pathophysiology of Auditory/Verbal Hallucinations by Combining Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Hoffman RE, Hampson M, Wu K, Anderson AW, Gore JC, Buchanan RJ, Constable RT, Hawkins KA, Sahay N, Krystal JH. Probing the Pathophysiology of Auditory/Verbal Hallucinations by Combining Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Cerebral Cortex 2007, 17: 2733-2743. PMID: 17298962, PMCID: PMC2634833, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhl183.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRepetitive transcranial magnetic stimulationTranscranial magnetic stimulationFunctional magnetic resonance imagingMagnetic resonance imagingMagnetic stimulationSham stimulationTemporoparietal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulationAuditory/verbal hallucinationsResonance imagingWernicke's areaVerbal hallucinationsBOLD signal time coursesBroca's areaSchizophrenia spectrum disordersGreater rateInferior frontal regionsPatientsTemporoparietal areasSignal time courseCortical sitesPathophysiologySupramarginal gyrusHallucinationsRight homologueStimulation