Clinically Driven Algorithms Identify Patients with Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia at Risk of Significant Cytopenia Requiring Treatment
Kiwan A, Kewan T, Bravo-Perez C, Visconte V, Gurnari C, Durmaz A, Siddon A, Halene S, Sethi T, Maciejewski J, Foss F. Clinically Driven Algorithms Identify Patients with Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia at Risk of Significant Cytopenia Requiring Treatment. Blood 2024, 144: 4436. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-209344.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchT-cell rearrangementArea under the curveGranular lymphocytic leukemiaMonoclonal gammopathyUnivariate analysisRheumatoid arthritisMyelodysplastic syndromeClonal hematopoiesisMedian ageLymphocytic leukemiaFactors associated with anemiaAbsence of CD4Associated with cytopeniaHistory of rheumatoid arthritisAssociated with neutropeniaExpression of CD5Presence of splenomegalyTreatment requirementsAssociated with anemiaMultivariate logistic regression modelPrimary etiological factorMultivariate regressionPersonalized treatment strategiesUnivariate logistic regressionAssociated with treatment
Duvelisib, an oral dual PI3K‐δ,γ inhibitor, shows clinical and pharmacodynamic activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and small lymphocytic lymphoma in a phase 1 study
O'Brien S, Patel M, Kahl BS, Horwitz SM, Foss FM, Porcu P, Jones J, Burger J, Jain N, Allen K, Faia K, Douglas M, Stern HM, Sweeney J, Kelly P, Kelly V, Flinn I. Duvelisib, an oral dual PI3K‐δ,γ inhibitor, shows clinical and pharmacodynamic activity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and small lymphocytic lymphoma in a phase 1 study. American Journal Of Hematology 2018, 93: 1318-1326. PMID: 30094870, PMCID: PMC8260004, DOI: 10.1002/ajh.25243.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic lymphocytic leukemiaPhase 1 studyTN patientsRR patientsLymphocytic lymphomaLymphocytic leukemiaRefractory chronic lymphocytic leukemiaMedian response durationAdvanced hematologic malignanciesPhase 3 studyOverall response rateCLL/SLLSmall lymphocytic lymphomaPatient's diarrheaExpansion cohortTransaminase elevationHematologic malignanciesPharmacodynamic activityResponse durationPatientsResponse rateΓ inhibitorDuvelisibDual inhibitorLymphoma
Cytokine polymorphisms in Th1/Th2 pathway genes, body mass index, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Chen Y, Zheng T, Lan Q, Foss F, Kim C, Chen X, Dai M, Li Y, Holford T, Leaderer B, Boyle P, Chanock SJ, Rothman N, Zhang Y. Cytokine polymorphisms in Th1/Th2 pathway genes, body mass index, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood 2010, 117: 585-590. PMID: 20952689, PMCID: PMC3031482, DOI: 10.1182/blood-2010-07-295097.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexNon-Hodgkin lymphomaAG/GGB-cell lymphomaMass indexCommon B-cell lymphoma subtypesSmall lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemiaRisk of NHLMarginal zone B-cell lymphomaCT/TT genotypesB-cell lymphoma subtypesT-cell lymphomaCase-control studyCT/TTChronic lymphocytic leukemiaNHL overallConnecticut womenNHL riskLymphocytic leukemiaLymphoma subtypesTh2 cytokine genesFollicular lymphomaTT genotypeSignificant interactionLymphoma
Clinical Experience With Denileukin Diftitox (ONTAK)
Foss F. Clinical Experience With Denileukin Diftitox (ONTAK). Seminars In Oncology 2006, 33: 11-16. PMID: 16516670, DOI: 10.1053/j.seminoncol.2005.12.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIL-2 receptorCutaneous T-cell lymphomaT-cell lymphomaDenileukin diftitoxIntermediate affinity IL-2 receptorsHuman IL-2 receptorChronic lymphocytic leukemiaActivated T lymphocytesDiphtheria toxinClinical profileHodgkin's lymphomaHematologic disordersT lymphocytesLymphocytic leukemiaB cellsClinical experienceB lymphocytesLymphomaCytocidal actionNumber of leukemiasDiftitoxHigh affinity formCellular protein synthesisReceptorsLymphocytes