Mammaglobin B is an independent prognostic marker in epithelial ovarian cancer and its expression is associated with reduced risk of disease recurrence
Tassi RA, Calza S, Ravaggi A, Bignotti E, Odicino FE, Tognon G, Donzelli C, Falchetti M, Rossi E, Todeschini P, Romani C, Bandiera E, Zanotti L, Pecorelli S, Santin AD. Mammaglobin B is an independent prognostic marker in epithelial ovarian cancer and its expression is associated with reduced risk of disease recurrence. BMC Cancer 2009, 9: 253. PMID: 19635143, PMCID: PMC2724548, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2407-9-253.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpithelial ovarian cancerOvarian cancerEOC patientsMammaglobin BFresh-frozen tissue biopsiesMultiple histological subtypesDisease-free survivalLong-term prognosisAdditional prognostic informationRisk of recurrenceIndependent prognostic markerIndependent prognostic valueProtein levelsUnivariate survival analysisCancer-related deathAggressive tumor behaviorNormal ovarian controlsPrimary surgeryClinicopathologic characteristicsDisease recurrencePrognostic factorsClinical outcomesClinicopathologic featuresDecreased riskHistological subtypes
Claudin-7 expression in human epithelial ovarian cancer
TASSI RA, BIGNOTTI E, FALCHETTI M, RAVANINI M, CALZA S, RAVAGGI A, BANDIERA E, FACCHETTI F, PECORELLI S, SANTIN AD. Claudin-7 expression in human epithelial ovarian cancer. International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer 2008, 18: 1262-1271. PMID: 18298564, DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1438.2008.01194.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpithelial ovarian carcinomaHistologic typeClaudin-7 expressionClaudin-7Ovarian carcinomaOvarian cancerPeritoneal cavityEOC cellsMetastatic epithelial ovarian carcinomaHuman epithelial ovarian cancerCLDN-7 expressionMain histologic typesEpithelial ovarian cancerProtein levelsGrade of differentiationReverse transcription-polymerase chain reactionTranscription-polymerase chain reactionTight junction proteinsNovel diagnostic markerEpithelium cell lineSingle neoplastic cellsHuman normal tissuesPleural effusionPathologic stageInflammatory cellsTrefoil factor 3: a novel serum marker identified by gene expression profiling in high-grade endometrial carcinomas
Bignotti E, Ravaggi A, Tassi RA, Calza S, Rossi E, Falchetti M, Romani C, Bandiera E, Odicino FE, Pecorelli S, Santin AD. Trefoil factor 3: a novel serum marker identified by gene expression profiling in high-grade endometrial carcinomas. British Journal Of Cancer 2008, 99: 768-773. PMID: 18682706, PMCID: PMC2528153, DOI: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6604546.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTrefoil factor 3Novel serum markerG3 EECSerum markersEndometrial carcinomaHigh-grade endometrial carcinomasEndometrial hyperplasia patientsEndometrioid endometrial carcinomaEndometrial hyperplasiaSerum levelsHyperplasia patientsHealthy patientsSerum concentrationsQuantitative real-time PCRHealthy controlsReal-time PCREndometrium biopsyTFF3 expressionPatientsTFF3 proteinEarly detectionGene expression profilingProtein levelsQRT-PCRExpression levelsMammaglobin B expression in human endometrial cancer
TASSI RA, BIGNOTTI E, FALCHETTI M, CALZA S, RAVAGGI A, ROSSI E, MARTINELLI F, BANDIERA E, PECORELLI S, SANTIN AD. Mammaglobin B expression in human endometrial cancer. International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer 2008, 18: 1090-1096. PMID: 18021217, DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1438.2007.01137.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReal-time polymerase chain reactionPolymerase chain reactionG3 casesNormal endometrial cellsHuman endometrial cancerFresh frozen biopsiesSignificant higher levelsParaffin-embedded tissuesEndometrial cancerG1 casesMammaglobin BNormal endometriumEndometrial tumorsEndometrial cellsOvarian cancerFrozen biopsyNovel molecular markersB expressionNEC controlsGene expression profilingImmunohistochemistryProtein expressionProtein levelsG2 casesChain reaction
Gene expression profile of ovarian serous papillary carcinomas: identification of metastasis-associated genes
Bignotti E, Tassi RA, Calza S, Ravaggi A, Bandiera E, Rossi E, Donzelli C, Pasinetti B, Pecorelli S, Santin AD. Gene expression profile of ovarian serous papillary carcinomas: identification of metastasis-associated genes. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2007, 196: 245.e1-245.e11. PMID: 17346539, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2006.10.874.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMetastasis-associated genesGene expressionOverexpression of CXCL12Gene expression profilesGene expression profilingMetastatic ovarian cancerNumber of invasionsHepsin geneHuman genesExpression profilingExpression profilesOligonucleotide microarraysQuantitative real-time polymerase chain reactionOvarian cancerGenesProbe setsPrimary ovarian serous carcinomaOvarian serous papillary carcinomaSerous papillary ovarian carcinomasProtein levelsSerous papillary carcinomaReal-time polymerase chain reactionOvarian serous carcinomaOspCPredictive genes
Differential gene expression profiles between tumor biopsies and short-term primary cultures of ovarian serous carcinomas: Identification of novel molecular biomarkers for early diagnosis and therapy
Bignotti E, Tassi RA, Calza S, Ravaggi A, Romani C, Rossi E, Falchetti M, Odicino FE, Pecorelli S, Santin AD. Differential gene expression profiles between tumor biopsies and short-term primary cultures of ovarian serous carcinomas: Identification of novel molecular biomarkers for early diagnosis and therapy. Gynecologic Oncology 2006, 103: 405-416. PMID: 16725184, DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2006.03.056.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBiomarkers, TumorBiopsyClaudin-3Claudin-4Cystadenocarcinoma, SerousEpithelial CellsFemaleGene Expression ProfilingHumansImmunohistochemistryKallikreinsMammaglobin AMembrane ProteinsMiddle AgedNeoplasm ProteinsOvarian NeoplasmsReverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain ReactionTumor Cells, CulturedUteroglobinConceptsGene expression profilesGene expression profilingExpression profilingExpression profilesGenetic fingerprintsDifferential gene expression profilesNovel molecular biomarkersGene expression productsOvarian serous papillary carcinomaGene expression dataHuman genesGene expressionMolecular biomarkersOligonucleotide microarraysExpression productsPrimary tumor cell culturesExpression dataQuantitative RT-PCREnterotoxin receptorGenesMicroarray dataKallikrein 6Ovarian serous carcinomaProtein levelsMammaglobin 2