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New Technologies Help Clinicians Spend More Time with Patients

August 08, 2017

Recently, Yale Medicine has been investing in a number of technology initiatives designed to help physicians and other clinicians spend less time on administrative tasks and more time with patients.

If you work in a clinical setting, you may already be familiar with some of these technologies. Even if you do not work in a clinical environment, it’s important to know the basics about these initiatives, as they affect all Yale Medicine clinicians and ultimately, all of our patients.

Here are brief descriptions of the new technology initiatives:

Mobile Heartbeat

Mobile Heartbeat is a technology platform and mobile app that enables all members of the care team to communicate more efficiently and securely, through HIPAA-compliant texting, voice messaging and patient-specific alerts. The ability to text sensitive information securely makes it quicker and easier for providers to coordinate patient care, and minimizes interruptions from phone calls and time spent locating other clinicians. Nearly 1,100 providers across 16 departments are now equipped with Mobile Heartbeat following a phased rollout in May and June.

Voice Recognition Technology

M*Modal Fluency Direct Update is a next-generation, all-in-one speech recognition solution that enables physicians to conversationally create, review, edit and sign clinical notes directly within Epic. During the rollout, which began in late 2016, the technology was activated for 300 Yale Medicine physicians in eight departments. Four additional departments have expressed interest in using the voice recognition technology.

Tap & Go

Tap & Go eliminates the need for repetitive typing of a user’s username and password to sign in. After a single sign-in within a 24-hour period, a quick badge swipe creates the log-in and navigates to the active chart. A phased rollout is beginning with New Haven sites this summer.

Virtual Scribe

Virtual Scribe provides synchronous, off -site scribing services including note creation and documentation, chart navigation, and pending of orders. Yale Medicine will pilot Virtual Scribe at 10 sites this summer and fall, including Urology, ENT or Plastic Surgery, HVC, YIMA, and Neurology. Assuming favorable results, phased rollout will begin in winter 2017.

Connecticut Prescription Monitoring Program

Yale Medicine is working to integrate our Epic EMR with the Connecticut Prescription Monitoring Program, which requires physicians and pharmacies to submit data regarding prescriptions of controlled substances. This project will create significant efficiencies for our doctors and safety enhancements for our patients. Launch planned for fall 2017.

See an illustration showing the schedule for rolling out the new technology initiatives for clinicians.

Submitted by Mark Santore on August 02, 2017