Key Roles of CACNA1C/Cav1.2 and CALB1/Calbindin in Prefrontal Neurons Altered in Cognitive Disorders
Datta D, Yang S, Joyce M, Woo E, McCarroll S, Gonzalez-Burgos G, Perone I, Uchendu S, Ling E, Goldman M, Berretta S, Murray J, Morozov Y, Arellano J, Duque A, Rakic P, O’Dell R, van Dyck C, Lewis D, Wang M, Krienen F, Arnsten A. Key Roles of CACNA1C/Cav1.2 and CALB1/Calbindin in Prefrontal Neurons Altered in Cognitive Disorders. JAMA Psychiatry 2024, 81: 870-881. PMID: 38776078, PMCID: PMC11112502, DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.1112.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDorsolateral prefrontal cortexPrefrontal cortexLayer III pyramidal cellsWorking memoryCognitive disordersNeuronal firingPrimate dorsolateral prefrontal cortexPyramidal cellsSpatial working memoryWorking memory performanceRisk of mental disordersCalcium-related proteinsReduced neuronal firingL-type calcium channel Cav1.2GluN2B-NMDA receptorsL-type calcium channel activityPrefrontal neuronsL-type calcium channel blockerMemory performanceL-type calcium channelsMental disordersRisk of cognitive disordersCognitive behaviorProtein expressionAssociated with increased riskNanoscale imaging of pT217‐tau in aged rhesus macaque entorhinal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: Evidence of interneuronal trafficking and early‐stage neurodegeneration
Datta D, Perone I, Wijegunawardana D, Liang F, Morozov Y, Arellano J, Duque A, Xie Z, van Dyck C, Joyce M, Arnsten A. Nanoscale imaging of pT217‐tau in aged rhesus macaque entorhinal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: Evidence of interneuronal trafficking and early‐stage neurodegeneration. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2024, 20: 2843-2860. PMID: 38445818, PMCID: PMC11032534, DOI: 10.1002/alz.13737.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Localization of PDE4D, HCN1 channels, and mGluR3 in rhesus macaque entorhinal cortex may confer vulnerability in Alzheimer’s disease
Datta D, Perone I, Morozov Y, Arellano J, Duque A, Rakic P, van Dyck C, Arnsten A. Localization of PDE4D, HCN1 channels, and mGluR3 in rhesus macaque entorhinal cortex may confer vulnerability in Alzheimer’s disease. Cerebral Cortex 2023, 33: 11501-11516. PMID: 37874022, PMCID: PMC10724870, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhad382.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHCN1 channelsTau pathologyGlutamate synapsesEntorhinal cortexCalcium actionInternal calcium releaseEntorhinal cortex stellate cellsDorsolateral prefrontal cortexSusceptible neuronsInitial pathologySelective vulnerabilityEtiological factorsTau phosphorylationStellate cellsAlzheimer's diseaseSpecific neuronsCalcium releasePrefrontal cortexCortexSynapse strengthPathologyCalcium signalingCalbindinDiseaseNeuronsAnatomical characterization of pT217‐tau in aged rhesus macaque association cortices: Relevance for trans‐synaptic propagation in sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease
Datta D, Mentone S, Morozov Y, van Dyck C, Arnsten A. Anatomical characterization of pT217‐tau in aged rhesus macaque association cortices: Relevance for trans‐synaptic propagation in sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2023, 19 DOI: 10.1002/alz.075998.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTau pathologyEntorhinal cortexAlzheimer's diseaseRhesus macaquesBrain tau pathologyHigher brain circuitsHigher cortical circuitsPattern of neurodegenerationAged rhesus macaquesHuman Alzheimer's diseaseSporadic Alzheimer's diseaseTrans-synaptic propagationSoluble tau speciesSequence of tauDorsolateral prefrontal cortexAmyloid pathologyExtracellular spaceDendritic shaftsAdvanced neurodegenerationTau hyperphosphorylationInhibitory synapsesNeurofibrillary tanglesGlutamatergic synapsesSpine apparatusAD biomarkers557. Nanoscale Imaging of pT217-Tau in Aged Rhesus Macaque: Trans-Synaptic Propagation and Seeding of Tau Pathology in Entorhinal Cortex
Datta D, Mentone S, Morozov Y, van Dyck C, Arnsten A. 557. Nanoscale Imaging of pT217-Tau in Aged Rhesus Macaque: Trans-Synaptic Propagation and Seeding of Tau Pathology in Entorhinal Cortex. Biological Psychiatry 2023, 93: s319. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.02.797.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Nanoscale imaging of pT217‐tau in aged rhesus macaque: Trans‐synaptic propagation and seeding of tau pathology in entorhinal cortex
Datta D, Mentone S, Morozov Y, van Dyck C, Arnsten A. Nanoscale imaging of pT217‐tau in aged rhesus macaque: Trans‐synaptic propagation and seeding of tau pathology in entorhinal cortex. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2022, 18 DOI: 10.1002/alz.064956.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTau pathologyAlzheimer's diseaseEntorhinal cortexCerebrospinal fluidLayers IIRhesus macaquesBrain tau pathologyHigher brain circuitsHigher cortical circuitsPattern of neurodegenerationAged rhesus macaquesHuman Alzheimer's diseaseTrans-synaptic propagationSoluble tau speciesSequence of tauAmyloid pathologyExtracellular spaceDendritic shaftsTau hyperphosphorylationGlutamatergic synapsesInhibitory synapsesNeurofibrillary tanglesSpine apparatusAD biomarkersEarly biomarkersSubcellular localization of PDE4D and HCN1 in rhesus macaque entorhinal cortex layer II: Signature of vulnerability in Alzheimer’s disease
Datta D, Mentone S, Morozov Y, van Dyck C, Arnsten A. Subcellular localization of PDE4D and HCN1 in rhesus macaque entorhinal cortex layer II: Signature of vulnerability in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2022, 17 DOI: 10.1002/alz.054671.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEntorhinal cortex layer IICortex layer IILayers IIAlzheimer's diseaseTau pathologySmooth endoplasmic reticulumPostsynaptic compartmentsPrefrontal cortexLayer II cellsLayer II stellate cellsDisease courseAsymmetric synapsesGlutamatergic circuitsDendritic shaftsCalcium dysregulationGlutamatergic synapsesSpine apparatusExcitatory synapsesCalcium leakAD subjectsDendritic spinesStellate cellsAssociation cortexCalcium extrusionSynaptic strength
The calcium‐containing smooth endoplasmic reticulum is a focus of risk factors for early‐ and late‐onset Alzheimer’s disease
Datta D, Mentone S, Morozov Y, van Dyck C, Arnsten A. The calcium‐containing smooth endoplasmic reticulum is a focus of risk factors for early‐ and late‐onset Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2020, 16 DOI: 10.1002/alz.047651.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLate-onset Alzheimer's diseaseAlzheimer's diseaseSmooth endoplasmic reticulumAD pathologyCalcium dysregulationRisk factorsCalcium leakMonkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortexAutosomal dominant Alzheimer's diseaseNeurofibrillary tangle formationGenetic risk factorsMedial temporal lobeDorsolateral prefrontal cortexMonkey DLPFCAD neurodegenerationTangle formationAge-related pathologiesTemporal lobeAnimal modelsAssociation cortexPS2 mutationTherapeutic interventionsBrain regionsEtiological eventInternal calcium
Datta D, Morozov Y, Arellano J, van Dyck C, Arnsten A. P4‐143: LOSS OF PDE4D REGULATION OF CAMP‐PKA‐CALCIUM SIGNALING IN THE AGING ASSOCIATION CORTEX: INCREASING RISK FOR LOAD. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2019, 15: p1329-p1329. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2019.06.3804.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchF164. Ultrastructural Localization of Classical Complement Cascade Signaling Protein C1q in Rhesus Macaque Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
Datta D, Morozov Y, van Dyck C, Arnsten A. F164. Ultrastructural Localization of Classical Complement Cascade Signaling Protein C1q in Rhesus Macaque Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. Biological Psychiatry 2019, 85: s276-s277. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.03.701.Peer-Reviewed Original Research