Soraya Scuderi, PhD
Associate Research Scientist - Child Study CenterCards
Associate Research Scientist - Child Study Center
Soraya Scuderi is an Associate Research Scientist in the Vaccarino Lab - Yale University . She earned her BS and MS in Cellular and Molecular Biology and her PhD in Neuropharmacology from the University of Catania, Italy. She completed postdoctoral training at Yale Child Study Center where she started using iPSC derived organoid's technology to model brain development. The challenge of treating human brain disorders lies in the complexity of the nervous system formation. Scuderi's research focuses on understanding specification of brain regions and deciphering transcriptomic and molecular networks underlying those processes by using neural organoids. She is part of the Brain Initiative project “Engineering of organoid-based brain circuits" PIs Prof. F. Vaccarino and Prof. A. Levchenko.
Child Study Center
Associate Research ScientistPrimary
Other Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- PhD
- University of Catania, Neuropharmacology (2015)
- MSc
- University of Catania, Molecular Cellular Biology (2011)
- BS
- University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (2009)
Medical Research Interests
0000-0001-5126-2009- View Lab Website
Vaccarino Lab
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Research Interests
Flora Vaccarino, MD
Alexej Abyzov, PhD
Gianfilippo Coppola, PhD
Alexandre Jourdon, PhD
Adriana Cherskov
Angus Nairn, PhD
Early Neuronal Differentiation/patterning of the Human Pallium, Modeling by in Vitro Systems, and Disruption in Developmental Disorders
Scuderi S, Jourdon A, Vaccarino F. Early Neuronal Differentiation/patterning of the Human Pallium, Modeling by in Vitro Systems, and Disruption in Developmental Disorders. 2023, 423-442. DOI: 10.1002/9781119860914.ch20.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCentral nervous systemDorsal-anterior partHuman cortexCortical developmentInhibitory neuronsSingle-cell omicsAnimal modelsNervous systemCortical layersMammalian brainBrain regionsCortical formationPopulations of excitatoryTangential migrationAltered developmentCortical structuresAnterior partCortical patterningPrecursor cellsEarly neuronal differentiationIncoming afferentsCortexNeuronal differentiationNeuronsHuman specificityNeonatal loss of FGFR2 in astroglial cells affects locomotion, sociability, working memory, and glia-neuron interactions in mice
Stevens H, Scuderi S, Collica S, Tomasi S, Horvath T, Vaccarino F. Neonatal loss of FGFR2 in astroglial cells affects locomotion, sociability, working memory, and glia-neuron interactions in mice. Translational Psychiatry 2023, 13: 89. PMID: 36906620, PMCID: PMC10008554, DOI: 10.1038/s41398-023-02372-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsFibroblast growth factor receptor 2Anxiety-like behaviorAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderAstroglial cellsGrowth factor receptor 2Reduced anxiety-like behaviorGlia-neuron interactionsAstroglial cell functionEarly postnatal periodFactor receptor 2Early postnatal lossPostnatal mouse brainWeeks of ageDeficit hyperactivity disorderGlial cellsGlutamine synthetase expressionBehavioral deficitsPostnatal periodReceptor 2Floxed miceHGFAP-CreMouse brainNeonatal lossPostnatal astrogliaPostnatal loss
Cell-to-Cell Adhesion and Neurogenesis in Human Cortical Development: A Study Comparing 2D Monolayers with 3D Organoid Cultures
Scuderi S, Altobelli GG, Cimini V, Coppola G, Vaccarino FM. Cell-to-Cell Adhesion and Neurogenesis in Human Cortical Development: A Study Comparing 2D Monolayers with 3D Organoid Cultures. Stem Cell Reports 2021, 16: 264-280. PMID: 33513360, PMCID: PMC7878838, DOI: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2020.12.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords
Complex mosaic structural variations in human fetal brains
Sekar S, Tomasini L, Proukakis C, Bae T, Manlove L, Jang Y, Scuderi S, Zhou B, Kalyva M, Amiri A, Mariani J, Sedlazeck F, Urban AE, Vaccarino F, Abyzov A. Complex mosaic structural variations in human fetal brains. Genome Research 2020, 30: gr.262667.120. PMID: 33122304, PMCID: PMC7706730, DOI: 10.1101/gr.262667.120.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsSingle nucleotide variantsCopy number variantsStructural variantsMegabase-scale copy number variantsHuman fetal brainFunctional consequencesMobile element insertionsSimilar functional consequencesFetal brainMosaic single-nucleotide variantsAdult brain neuronsStructural variationsPotential functional consequencesKilobase scaleDNA eventsGenomic fragmentDifferent chromosomesElement insertionsClonal approachHuman brain cellsFetal human brainNucleotide variantsReplication errorsHuman brainNumber variantsPsychENCODE and beyond: transcriptomics and epigenomics of brain development and organoids
Jourdon A, Scuderi S, Capauto D, Abyzov A, Vaccarino FM. PsychENCODE and beyond: transcriptomics and epigenomics of brain development and organoids. Neuropsychopharmacology 2020, 46: 70-85. PMID: 32659782, PMCID: PMC7689467, DOI: 10.1038/s41386-020-0763-3.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsRecent single-cell technologiesGene regulatory networksSingle-cell technologiesMulti-omics investigationsPluripotent stem cellsTranscriptional dynamicsBrain developmentCell fateEpigenomic datasetsRegulatory networksElement activityNeural lineagesStem cellsBrain organoidsOrganoidsBiological modelsFetal brainPsychENCODEBrain biologyMajor questionsEpigenomicsFetal tissuesTranscriptomicsLineagesBiologyThe role of somatic mosaicism in brain disease
Jourdon A, Fasching L, Scuderi S, Abyzov A, Vaccarino FM. The role of somatic mosaicism in brain disease. Current Opinion In Genetics & Development 2020, 65: 84-90. PMID: 32622340, PMCID: PMC7749073, DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2020.05.002.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsCitationsAltmetricChapter 5 Induced pluripotent stem cells as models of human neurodevelopmental disorders
Jourdon A, Mariani J, Scuderi S, Amiri A, Wu F, Yuen E, Abyzov A, Vaccarino F. Chapter 5 Induced pluripotent stem cells as models of human neurodevelopmental disorders. 2020, 99-127. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-814409-1.00005-7.ChaptersCitationsConceptsPluripotent stem cellsStem cellsStudy of speciesHuman neurodevelopmental disordersEpigenome analysisGene regulationIPSC fieldGenomic variationGene expressionGenetic backgroundDisease modelingStudies of neurodevelopmentIPSCsExperimental approachNeurodevelopmental disordersTranscriptomeGenomeCellsCell phenotypingSpeciesExperimental design issuesPhenotypeRegulationExpressionPhenotyping
Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in organoids
Amiri A, Coppola G, Scuderi S, Wu F, Roychowdhury T, Liu F, Pochareddy S, Shin Y, Safi A, Song L, Zhu Y, Sousa AMM, Gerstein M, Crawford G, Sestan N, Abyzov A, Vaccarino F, Akbarian S, An J, Armoskus C, Ashley-Koch A, Beach T, Belmont J, Bendl J, Borrman T, Brown L, Brown M, Brown M, Brunetti T, Bryois J, Burke E, Camarena A, Carlyle B, Chae Y, Charney A, Chen C, Cheng L, Cherskov A, Choi J, Clarke D, Collado-Torres L, Dai R, De La Torre Ubieta L, DelValle D, Devillers O, Dracheva S, Emani P, Evgrafov O, Farnham P, Fitzgerald D, Flatow E, Francoeur N, Fullard J, Gandal M, Gao T, Garrett M, Geschwind D, Giase G, Girdhar K, Giusti-Rodriguez P, Goes F, Goodman T, Grennan K, Gu M, Gürsoy G, Hadjimichael E, Hahn C, Haroutunian V, Hauberg M, Hoffman G, Huey J, Hyde T, Ivanov N, Jacobov R, Jaffe A, Jiang Y, Jiang Y, Johnson G, Kassim B, Kefi A, Kim Y, Kitchen R, Kleiman J, Knowles J, Kozlenkov A, Li M, Li Z, Lipska B, Liu C, Liu S, Mangravite L, Mariani J, Mattei E, Miller D, Moore J, Nairn A, Navarro F, Park R, Peters M, Pinto D, Pochareddy S, Polioudakis D, Pratt H, Price A, Purcaro M, Ray M, Reddy T, Rhie S, Roussos P, Sanders S, Santpere G, Schreiner S, Sheppard B, Shi X, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Song L, Sousa A, Spitsyna V, State M, Sullivan P, Swarup V, Szatkiewicz J, Szekely A, Tao R, van Bakel H, Wang Y, Wang D, Warrell J, Webster M, Weissman S, Weng Z, Werling D, White K, Willsey J, Wiseman J, Witt H, Won H, Wray G, Xia Y, Xu M, Yang Y, Yang M, Zandi P, Zhang J, Zharovsky E. Transcriptome and epigenome landscape of human cortical development modeled in organoids. Science 2018, 362 PMID: 30545853, PMCID: PMC6426303, DOI: 10.1126/science.aat6720.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetric
Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor in diagnosis of malignant phyllodes tumor of the breast: a case report
Musumeci G, Trovato F, Szychlinska M, Scuderi S, Fidone F, Imbesi R, Castrogiovanni P. Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor in diagnosis of malignant phyllodes tumor of the breast: a case report. Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio Per Le Scienze Mediche 2016, 176 DOI: 10.23736/s0393-3660.16.03300-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEffects of Synthetic Anti-Inflammatory Sterol in CB3V-Induced Myocarditis: A Morphological Study on Heart Muscle Tissue
Castrogiovanni P, Trovato F, Szychlinska M, Loreto C, Giunta S, Scuderi S, Passanisi R, Fidone F, Fagone P, Imbesi R, Nicoletti F, Castorina S. Effects of Synthetic Anti-Inflammatory Sterol in CB3V-Induced Myocarditis: A Morphological Study on Heart Muscle Tissue. Journal Of Functional Morphology And Kinesiology 2016, 1: 69-89. DOI: 10.3390/jfmk1010069.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsConceptsCell-mediated immune eventsBALB/c miceBetter histological structureDex-treated micePathogenesis of myocarditisCoxsackie B3 virusGroup B coxsackievirusesHeart muscle tissueInflammatory infiltrationImmune eventsOral gavageAutoimmune diseasesCytokine expressionImmunohistochemical findingsC miceHistological signsComplete resolutionIntraperitoneal administrationInflammatory responseTherapeutic roleMyocarditisHE3286Immunohistochemical analysisB3 virusB coxsackieviruses
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
honor Yale Mentoring Award for postdoctoral scholars 2024
Yale University AwardOffice of the Provost and the Yale Postdoctoral AssociationDetails05/23/2024United Stateshonor Yale Child Study Center Pilot Research Award
Yale University AwardChild Study CenterDetails02/01/2021United States